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D&D General 50th Anniversary- Are You Not Entertained?


Yeah it hasn’t been an explosive start, for sure. It’s hard to be excited for their celebration when so much appears to have pushed back release dates.

I don’t have any nostalgia, so all those old settings or whatever wouldn’t have done anything for me anyway.

It’s like the 5e rules; the intentions are good, but in the end we have to make it happen ourselves.

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I have to wonder if the corporate turbulence at Hasbro is impacting their ability to be in a celebratory mood.

I mean, with the 10 years of huge success of 5e, the game being more recognized than ever after 50 years, the mood from the company should be triumphant and maximalist. But the mood around the currently scheduled releases always comes across as tentative, like we're tiptoeing through a graveyard.
Exactly! Last year was so strange when it came to the releases, with 3-4 releases in such short notice that I couldn’t get excited about any of them. And now they keep saying “oh, this celebration isn’t so much about a bang, it is about a year and a half of carefully spaced releases…”

They've had more cool, interesting, and fun launch parties for adventure books in the 5e era than anything I've seen announced for the game's 50th anniversary.
Even if I wasn't particular interested in the product they were launching, they definitely had some cool launch events for their books pre-pandemic. I'm sure that played a part in them discontinuing that practice, but with them returning to conventions hopefully we get something cool later on this year to officially unveil the finished new core rulebooks.

Li Shenron

Yes, I decided to invoke Betteridge's Law ... because, to date, I am decidedly underwhelmed by the 50th Anniversary of D&D.

I share your feelings, unsurprisingly to those few who haven't put me in their ignore list yet and therefore can still read my rants about the whole half-editions thing.

A 50 years anniversary should be a big deal. There could be online celebrations, public events, re-prints of famous books (although 5e updates of them are actually a good thing IMO), special boxes with useful props, and maybe even small freebies on WotC websites. Instead, the whole anniversary is basically taken as an excuse for a facelift of character material to sell everyone another copy of the core books. Character material updates which, under the theoretical lens, might look like factual improvements, but won't really make a difference in the end. A whole new edition with different rules for everything would have at least created an additional option along all the previous editions, but 5e is just so good at its core that it would be too risky to throw it away.

It's not like 5e cannot be improved. It's just that both the sales managers at WotC and the fanbase is aligned in once again fixating on fiddling with the little bits of character builds, and not targeting the area where the game publications are eternally lacking: teaching players and DMs to make the game their own and make it shine, in whatever style they choose.

The only good thing on the 50th anniversary horizon, is that I'm getting unexpected requests from family, coworkers and friends to run more games for them. Apparently they've been missing past gaming times together, and reading that this year is the 50th is stirring up good memories. Of course most of them care nothing for the ruleset being used, and of course therefore we'll play either BECMI, 3.0 or pre-Tasha 5e.


Yeah, it's been pretty underwhelming.

We need a few release dates. We need some publications. We need an announcement for the big deal they are going to make of it at Gen Con (right? right!). We need Greyhawk/Blackmoor news. Excerpts/additional material for the Making book. The announcement of statue or memorial or something.

Give us something.

I can only imagine the mood has to be dark, thanks to the greater turmoil at Hasbro that really impacted WotC last year. In spite of D&D doing really well, they still had a chunk of their team laid off because Hasbro isn't selling toys like they used to. So WotC came into the 50th anniversary on a total downer, and on top of that the remaining folks saw their workload increase while those deadlines are looming. It sucks. Hasbro has handled the whole situation horribly - they started 2023 with the OGL fiasco and finished it by getting rid of key staff from one of their remaining cash cows, right on the eve of this important anniversary. And now we are seeing the effects.

As far as the slate of products, I would say I am interested. Entertained...that I can only judge by the products themselves when they come out.

Does it feel like a proper celebration of the 50th anniversary? Sure? A revised edition of the core rule books, the return of Vecna, return to Tsojcanth, another older adventures anthology, and a making of OD&D book that includes the original core rules all sound good and appropriate. If you look at 2014, the 40th anniversary, they released:
  • Dungeon Master's Guide - Dec 2014
  • The Rise of Tiamat - Nov 2014
  • Monster Manual - Sep 2014
  • Player's Handbook - Aug 2014
  • Hoard of Dragon Queen - Aug 2014
  • D&D Starter Set - July 2014
Go back ten years further and the 30th anniversary year had a slew of products, but none that felt particularly celebratory. Nor, other than Eberron's release, particularly noteworthy in the long history of D&D products.


More thoughts:

D&D is a piece of popular culture. It's historically important. Come on, Hasbro, recognize that this is a lot bigger than your corporate dividends, and making a big public deal out of D&D's 50th can only help the brand.

Treat D&D like it matters. Because it does. It matters a lot more than Hasbro.

Right now I wish Disney did own the IP. Because at least they would know how to hype it up.

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