5E: Converting AD&D Monsters to Fifth Edition

Casimir Liber

Got this so far...

Baalphegor appears as a young female humanoid with cinnamon-brown skin, ruby-red eyes and a forked tail. She has small leathery wings as well as human feet instead of hooves. She has a calm demeanour and musical persuasive voice, maintaining a calm and even tone. When angered, her eyes glow with flames and her usually musical voice becomes very harsh.

Consort of Mephistopheles.
Baalphegor is a high-ranking Duke of Hell, who supports and guides her spouse. Also close with Asmodeus, her ultimate aims are unclear.
(Baalphegor originally appeared in the article "The Nine Hells: Part II" by Ed Greenwood in Dragon 76)

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Got this so far...

Baalphegor appears as a young female humanoid with cinnamon-brown skin, ruby-red eyes and a forked tail. She has small leathery wings as well as human feet instead of hooves. She has a calm demeanour and musical persuasive voice, maintaining a calm and even tone. When angered, her eyes glow with flames and her usually musical voice becomes very harsh.

Consort of Mephistopheles.
Baalphegor is a high-ranking Duke of Hell, who supports and guides her spouse. Also close with Asmodeus, her ultimate aims are unclear.
(Baalphegor originally appeared in the article "The Nine Hells: Part II" by Ed Greenwood in Dragon 76)

Not sure the description needs to say her feet look humanoid and don't have hooves. Humanoids normally have human feet!

It does need to mention her forked tail though.


Baalphegor is a unique devil who appears as a young female human apart from her petite leathery wings, ruby red eyes, and a long slim tail tipped with a fork. Unlike many devils, Baalphegor does not have hoofed feet. She is extremely attractive, with sleek curves, cinnamon brown skin and a voice like musical honey. Baalphegor normally has a carefree demeanor with a gentle voice that is insidiously persuasive. If she becomes angry or belligerent, Baalphegor's eyes flash blinding fire and her words can cut like a whip.
Mistress of Mephistar. Baalphegor is a Princess of Hell and consort to Mephistopheles, the arch-devil who rules Caina, the 8th circle of Hell. She is a master politician and diplomat who developed many subtle and effective stratagems for the Nine Hells. Her spouse Mephistopheles and overlord Asmodeus each hold Baalphegor in high regard as one of their most valuable assets while she somehow manages to look devoted to both while remaining impartial. Her true desires or ambition may be a mystery even to those arch-devils.
 Baalphegor spends most of her time in Mephistar, the iron capital of Caina, helping Mephistopheles rule that icy realm. Mephistar has a staff of horned devil and spined devil who will eagerly answer calls for assistance from Baalphegor.
Thought about expanding the description of Mephistar a bit, but realized that was surplus to requirements.


I guess we can blame Ed Greenwood for superfluous statement about feet

(ditched purple sentence)


I'm fine leaving in the bit about her feet. We're publishing these digitally so an extra sentence won't increase the printing cost and Mr Greenwood seemed to think it necessary.

Did notice that the Enworld Baalphegor had an "its" that should be "her" in Legendary Actions as follows:

Baalphegor can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Baalphegor regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.​

It's been corrected.




Hold on a moment, let me triple check…

Huh, where's her Tail attack gone to?

The D&D Beyond version is completely missing the:

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) force damage plus 22 (4d10) poison damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, the target is slowed as if affected by a slow spell. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Also noticed a slight gender confusion in Teleport.

It's got a "to an unoccupied space he can see" that should be "she can see."

While we're at that, I'm tempted to add a teleport option to her Legendary Actions.


Diabolical Travel (Costs 2 Actions). Baalphegor uses Teleport.
What do you think?

I'd better reblued the Baalphegor Working Draft until that's sorted out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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