[5e] Dread Metrol, The Mourning After. (Horror) (OOC)


Possibly a Idiot.
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Rogues Gallery

So, the Dread Metrol book recently dropped. It looks rather interesting. And I have been wanting to try out DMing a PBP.

System: D&D 5e.
Setting: A hybrid of Eberron and Ravenloft.
Looking for 4 to 6 players.

Official books and also the Dread Metrol book will be allowed.
Players will be starting at level 1, and can either be from Metrol or Eberron proper.

As a horror game, the book has the following warning attached:
Content Warning
Like many other domains of Ravenloft, Dread Metrol is a terrible place, a city caught in the horrors of endless war. This book and its accompanying adventure delve into dark, challenging topics—several of which player characters themselves may be subjected to.
The domain presented in this book emphasizes the genres of body horror and dark fantasy. It includes themes such as the following: non-consensual human and animal experimentation, abduction, surveillance by an authoritarian state, political propaganda and brainwashing, memory modification, harm and death of children and loved ones, mutilation, cannibalism, corpse-eating, ableism, and psychological trauma.

Another warning, you will be subjected to my grasp of grammar, which is a product of the US public school system.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
I cannot believe nobody reacted before me.

I'd love to join this! Don't have the book, and for the sake of avoiding spoilers I won't get it for a while, either. But yes, very much yes. :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I cannot believe nobody reacted before me.

I'd love to join this! Don't have the book, and for the sake of avoiding spoilers I won't get it for a while, either. But yes, very much yes. :)
Same here. The game got diluted throughout the years so some proper horrid happenings will help :)

How do we generate stats, are feats allowed, do we get custom built races from Tashas, can we be dragomarked?

Some basic ideas: rune-knight fighter, monk, celestial warlock (if there are 5+ players than hell be support/secondary healer, otherwise blaster/healer)


Possibly a Idiot.
Fair enough questions.

For clarification, I'm going to be running the adventure provided with the book, it covers levels 1-3.

I'm fond of point buy, but if you want to, you can roll for it instead.

You can be Dragonmarked, and you can use the Custom Origin rules and options if you like.

I don't want to say no to feats, but seeing as how the adventure ends before adventurers hit level 4, that would mean that only Variant Humans and Custom Lineages would be able to use them. (Unless this game really pops off and people decide to keep going)
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Um...I would advise to choose one attribute generation method. If you prefer point buy, say it is and that's that.

I would like to go on after 3rd, but that will be two or three years from now in pbp.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I’m pondering a half-elf sorcerer, possibly with the criminal background, inspired by this picture:


Anything to consider in regards to backstory or features in relation to the setting or story?


Possibly a Idiot.
Color me interested! :)

When do we start?
Lets give it a week, to see if we can gather one or three more people. You can begin planning out your characters in the meantime.

Anything to consider in regards to backstory or features in relation to the setting or story?
The main thing to consider is The Last War and The Mourning.

As a brief refresher, The Last War was a war of succession where the Five Nations (Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Thrane, and Karrnath) were fighting over who got to control the throne of the Kingdom of Galifar, and by extension most of the continent of Khorvaire. It lasted for just over 100 years, ending after a magical disaster called The Mourning literally wiped the nation of Cyre off the map. To this day, nobody knows what caused The Mourning, and there is no shortage of theories about it.

With their nation destroyed, what few Cyran refugees lived through the event fled into the neighboring lands. Some met with temporary shelter, some turned away at the borders, and some met with blades in hand. Nowadays, while Cyrans can be found nearly everywhere in Khorvaire, some were able to establish communities. Notably New Cyre in Breland, and Hope in Q'barra. Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn is the defacto leader of all Cyrans and would give anything to find out exactly what happened.

After The Mourning in 994YK, the Treaty of Thronehold was signed in 996YK, officially ending the war, freeing the Warforged, and recognizing the sovereignty of (most) newly forged nations. The last two years have been met with an uneasy cold-war-like peace, small skirmishes still abound, territory is still disputed, but none want to start up another full scale war lest their nation be destroyed next.

Every character from Khorvair has had their life shaped by these events, and nearly all of them (save for a sparse few newly forged Warforged) have lived most of their lives with The War being constant.

Also something to consider: Are you from Cyre (and especially Metrol) or Thrane? Cyrans, as you can tell, will have a special connection with this adventure. And Thrane had several armies in Cyre which were lost on the Day of Mourning.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Does that mean we start in Eberron like ‘normal’, as in: The Last War is over, the Mourning happened and we were not in Metrol when it happened?

Cool. I think my still-nameless half-elf will be Cyran. Still thinking about the details.

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