[5e] Dread Metrol, The Mourning After. (Horror) (OOC)

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Possibly a Idiot.

It seems like this game might be dying a slow death. Thinking about shelving it, at least for now. I know the holidays are coming up, and I doubt most people have time to get back into it.

I will say, it's been a pleasure.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

It seems like this game might be dying a slow death. Thinking about shelving it, at least for now. I know the holidays are coming up, and I doubt most people have time to get back into it.

I will say, it's been a pleasure.
Don't give up, simply Don't wait for everyone in each scene. Move the scenario forward and if someone later comments on something, use it if it doesn't break anything

Keep going, it just got interesting with that plant implant :p
And I always had a soft spot for The Mists - both Eberron and Ravenloft. And this is both!


Yeah, we should keep going, but just push things along. I think we've stalled long enough that none of us know what to do, if we ever did. I think we need a little railroading until we can grasp what we're up to, then we can start making our PC's decisions again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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