[5e] Dread Metrol, The Mourning After. (Horror) (OOC)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Sure...but why would he? Ozzar is an honest copper - a bit disillusioned, but still generally honest. How would you bring him into the fold? :)
On the other hand, it is hard to see how he would fit in this scenario, so maybe it would be better if I added part about him thinking of going away...
That's a fair point. But obviously he knows that the Imp and Owl is a Boromar tavern, so perhaps he has been trying to get information from Mal before?

Or the other way around. Maladiel could've tried to get something from Ozzar, perhaps some dirt on someone, and got rebuked, and now they have a sort of understanding, both hoping to gain leverage on the other in the future?

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Or maybe they have an understanding - Mal slips something to Ozzar and in turn, Ozzar lets something slip to Mal, never something big enough to draw attention, but that helps both of them? Real-politic and all that


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Hm, I was seeing it differently in my mind, but it’s actually better this way. Tillington is not in the way of my casting.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Due to holidays, I don’t know how often (if at all) I can post in the next two weeks. I do intend to, but I have no idea if I can.

Feel free to NPC my characters if necessary for the story.

For the record, we aren't in the mists yet. This part isn't even in the adventure, it's just a flimsy pretext to get all of you together for talking about going on the adventure.
Can Ozzar break the door in such a way that it falls over the fire? :) You know, like in cartoons where the whole door falls inward?

Also, what kind of action is blowing a horn?


Possibly a Idiot.
Can Ozzar break the door in such a way that it falls over the fire? :) You know, like in cartoons where the whole door falls inward?

Also, what kind of action is blowing a horn?

Blowing a normal horn is just an object interaction.
Knocking down a large door would be difficult, but possible. DC 20. Athletics. You could also try hacking it down, but that would take a lot of time at AC 15 and 23 hp.

Oh, and for everyone else, don't forget to take your turns. Only Tillington would have been caught surprised by the attack, but Maladiel told him something was going down. Unless you wanted to do nothing for some reason.

Voidrunner's Codex

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