5E: Fifth Edition Monster Variants Inspired by Fourth Edition Sources

Casimir Liber

Ok now where were we....posting a visual of spectral hyena for ease of alignment


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Ok now where were we....posting a visual of spectral hyena for ease of alignment

Looks fine mechanically apart from that it's missing a "ft." after "Darkvision 60" in Senses.

It's got more resistances and immunities than I'd have given it, but then I'm not the one designing it!

I think it's good to go once it has darkvision 60 ft. and a Description.

Casimir Liber

Ok you wanna do description or shall I?

"Spectral hyenas are the ghostly vestiges of past animal companions of gnoll tribes, lingering on the material plane to serve shamans. They appear as transparent bluish versions of their living selves."

-doesn't need to be long I guess


Ok you wanna do description or shall I?

"Spectral hyenas are the ghostly vestiges of past animal companions of gnoll tribes, lingering on the material plane to serve shamans. They appear as transparent bluish versions of their living selves."

-doesn't need to be long I guess

Hmm, that first sentence is a bit messy.


Spectral hyenas are the ghostly vestiges of a gnoll tribe's animal companions, who linger on the material plane to serve their shamans. They appear as transparent bluish versions of their living selves.​

Still seems a bit clumsy.

How about:

Ghostly vestiges of gnoll animal companions, spectral hyenas appear as bluish, transparent versions of their living selves. They linger on the material plane to serve gnoll shamans.​


Ok you wanna do description or shall I?

"Spectral hyenas are the ghostly vestiges of past animal companions of gnoll tribes, lingering on the material plane to serve shamans. They appear as transparent bluish versions of their living selves."

-doesn't need to be long I guess

Just remembered/noticed something else.

Didn't you originally make these Medium undead, chaotic evil rather than merely unaligned like a mundane hyena?

The 4E Monster Manual 3 original was Chaotic Evil in alignment, and the Hyena Spirit working draft is too:

Hyena Spirit
Medium undead, chaotic evil
Armor Class 1#
Hit Points # (#d8 + #)
Speed 50 ft.

Voidrunner's Codex

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