D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XIII: Warlock)

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Jedi Master
Archfey 26
Celestial 19
Fathomless 18
Fiend 23
Genie 25
Great Old One 7=1=8
Hexblade 24-2=22
Raven Queen 13
Undead 16


Archfey 27
Celestial 20
Fathomless 16+1=17 I know it's not the best but the concept is awesome.
Fiend 23-2=21 you're too obvious a patron, no way I'm letting you coast to victory.

Genie 25
Great Old One 8
Hexblade 20
Raven Queen 13
Undead 16

Voidrunner's Codex

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