D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XIII: Warlock)


Archfey 21
Celestial 20
Fathomless 17 - 2 = 15
Fiend 23 + 1 = 24

Genie 22
Great Old One 11
Hexblade 19
Raven Queen 8
Undead 6

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Archfey 21
Celestial 20 + 1 = 21 Healer outside of the cleric class are great to open options for different party make ups that are still viable. And versatile too, not just a heal-bot
Fathomless 15
Fiend 24
Genie 22
Great Old One 11 - 2 = 9 Cthulhu is calling, go back to the RPG you belong
Hexblade 19
Raven Queen 8
Undead 6


Archfey 21
Celestial 21-2 = 19 - a healing option outside of the cleric and bard already won for Sorcerer. It doesn't need to win for Warlock too.
Fathomless 15
Fiend 24
Genie 22
Great Old One 9
Hexblade 19+1 = 20 - "Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou!"
Raven Queen 8
Undead 6

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Archfey 21
Celestial 19
Fathomless 15
Fiend 24
Genie 23
Great Old One 9
Archfey 21
Celestial 19
Fathomless 15
Fiend 24
Genie 22
Great Old One 9
Hexblade 16
Raven Queen 8
Undead 7

Due to the doubling up in the last post (#177) I am not sure where we are. But I am voting anyway.

Archfey 21
Celestial 19
Fathomless 15
Fiend 24
Genie 24
Great Old One 7

Hexblade 16
Raven Queen 8
Undead 7


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Archfey 21
Celestial 19-2=17 Like others have said, we've already got a Cleric-But-Not in the finals.
Fathomless 15
Fiend 24
Genie 24
Great Old One 7
Hexblade 16+1=17
Raven Queen 8
Undead 7

Voidrunner's Codex

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