5E War of the Burning Sky [IC]


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Toby loosening his scarf and removing his hat, but shakes his head sadly "Sorry, I am not much for cities. Get me out in the woods and I might be of assistance but here I am fairly worthless on who to talk to or where to go." He then sinks down in his seat a bit with some embarrassment.

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Torrent laughed. "Well," she said, I'm sure you'll have cause to put those skills to the test before long."

She patted a large leather messenger bag she wore on her hip, which had both a waist strap and one over her shoulder. It rustled softly.


Kyrrie speaks up to Torrent quietly with an idea in his mind... "Is it errrr... At all possible that the city has a sewage or stormwater network? Maybe that could be an option? Not glamorous but er... It could do the job." With that, he licks his dry lips and poors himself a small drink as he looks netvously about the room.

Steve Gorak

Davaros shivered ever so slightly from disgust at the thought of going through sewers. The idea seemed very valid, although he didn't know much about the city. However, he needed to know what was expected of him before he agreed to inflict to himself such olfactory hardship.

"Tell me lady Torrent, does our mission require us to get out of the city? Can you tell us more why we were summoned here?" He had waited many days for information regarding the resistance, and the discussion up to now gave his curiosity no satisfaction.


Caleb cast a nervous glance towards the door and wiped a few beads of sweat that had appeared on his brow. His voice cracked slightly as he spoke, “I am afraid that I don't have much to add for ideas on how to escape the city, but I do think it is imperative that we do so quickly. If the sewers are a live option, I would be open to that. After all, who would willingly go through a sewer? It should be a quiet exit. The only other thought that I had is that the council has let some of the Ragesians in to try and placate them. If they were let in, they will probably be let out. It seems risky, but if we could disguise ourselves as part of their delegation or even replace them, we might be able to leave unmolested that way. All told though, I would much rather hike through a sewer than get close to the Scourge.”


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Toby chuckles and adds "Well unless the Ragesians recruit Halflings or children I don't think there is enough paint in the world to pass me off as one. I might be able to slip out of the city on my own. Maybe. Or you could pretend I am a prisoner."


The solemn priest regards Torrent quietly, listening to the others' opinions before choosing an opportunity to speak. "I'm not sure I understand why we need to leave the city. You called us here to discuss a mission, but you haven't told us anything about the goals of the mission. I think it is quite a lot to ask perfect strangers to risk exile, capture, or worse for a mission with no clear objective."

Kincaid seems to reflect on his words for a moment before continuing, "In addition, if we knew the purpose of the mission that might help give us ideas about the best way to approach it."


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"Sewers?" said Torrent, "Gate Pass has them, of course, but I can't say I know anything about them. I wouldn't know how to get in, and more importantly, I wouldn't know how to get out. This area has all kinds of rocky caverns... I think it's as likely they drain down into the earth rather than lead out of the city in any way.

"Rumor has it the idiots on the council are going to invite whatever inquisitors want to come into the city to try to appease them and stave off any attack, but it hasn't gotten quite that bad yet... I think the delegation that's already here is required to have pretty extensive papers. There's surely some halflings and gnomes in the nation, but I don't know if any of them are part of that group; they are a pretty small minority. And we don't want to get out on the Ragesia side, anyway.
"I don't want to reject anything outright. They're all ideas to think about."

She turned to the priest when he spoke. "I get the impression that some members of our group are keen to leave, regardless. I know I'd like to stand and fight... But formidable though I'm sure we all are, we're not about to turn the tide here by ourselves and this task may be the more important. Perhaps the defenders of Gate Pass will be successful, but we're going to start working on liberating the city--if it never falls, well, I suppose we were overcautious."

She raised an eyebrow. "Although I have to say, I think you're less likely to be captured by leaving the city than staying here. Although tonight, at least, should be more exciting.
"Right then. Our objective. I studied briefly at a magic academy to the south, called Lyceum. They're good people, and when word reached them about Ragesia's 'Scourge' they sent messages saying that anyone fleeing Ragesia can come to them. They want to help us, and the Resistance wants their help. We need to get a message to them.
"Normally, this'd be a simple job for a teleporting courier, but... that seems to not be an option. Something strange is interfering with planar magic. The last courier to arrive in Gate Pass didn't arrive alive--she showed up burnt to a crisp. So it has to go overland, and that's where we come in.
"We're actually meeting a spy from Lyceum tonight. He's a gnome called Rivereye Badgerface who works in Coalt--in Leska's palace as a servant. Of course, all of their servants have to submit to a spell, I think it's called something like a Geez or a Gees? It makes it so they can never speak or write about anything they overhear. So the only information he's actually able to pass is something already written down he manages to get his hands on.
"He's got something now. Something important and something that scares him, that he wants to pass on. The Resistance leaders think it's pretty vital that this intelligence gets to Lyceum. It's supposedly heavily encoded and probably very technically magical, so it'll do a lot more good there than here.

Torrent drained her glass. "So, the mission I'm recruiting for is to get our hands on that case, get it out of the city and away from the Scourge, and get it to the Lyceum. Worst case, you get out and we part ways a few days down the road. Best case, the group can all head to Lyceum together and start helping to gather an army to storm back here.
"The appointment with Rivereye is scheduled for one hour past midnight, so we've got to be prepared to act fast. Are you all in? Are you ready for this?"

Steve Gorak

Destiny is a strange consort, Davaros reflected. After all he left his homeland of Dessen only a few days ago, only to be led back to it. Perhaps the burning light wanted him to meet these companions; or perhaps he would find the path to his destiny along the way.

"I know how to get to Lyceum, but I have never been there myself. I pledge myself to you and this mission" he said, the last sentence solemnly, putting his right arm on his heart. He knew this likely implied olfactory violation getting out of the city. He also reflected that he would need to keep out of sight or perhaps disguise himself within the borders of Dessen, as he may be recognized. He put the matter aside for the moment, as many events could occur from now until then.


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Toby nods with some excitement "I've never been there but I've heard that the wizards there are good people. I'm in and pledge myself to getting you at least to Lyceum. I want to help so if the 'resistance' is there then that is where I think I should be."

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