HP: 18/18 AC: 14 (Leather) | Bardic Inspiration: 3/3 (1d6) |
| Spell Slots: 1st: [ ] [ ] [ ] | |
Pass Per: 13 Pass Inv: 12 Pass Ins: 11 | SPELL SVE DC: 13 | Arcana: 4 Deception;7 Disguise :5 | Cantrips Minor Illusion; Vicious Mockery | |
STATS: STR:8- DEX:16+3 CON:12+1 INT:14+2 WIS:12+1 CHA:16+3 | SAVES: STR:-1 DEX:+5 CON:+1 INT:+2 WIS:+1 CHA:+5 | Perform: 5 Persuasion:5 Perception:3 Sl of Hnd: 5 Stealth: 5 Thief Tool:5 | Known Spells 1st Animal Friendship Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Heroism, Sleep, |
"Oh yeah, sure, I have spells for fighting....or at least preventing people from fighting but... I don't know if they'd work on actual giants....humans, sure... And I think gargoyles are immune. I mean, I have some illusions...
I can still fight! But I'm not sure my sword will work against gargoyles so I don't know how well I could help Mr. Colt. You know, I kind of wish I had a cross-bow...."
To be fair, I'd be kind of screwed against giants and gargoyles even if I was playing a grown adult...