[5e_One Shot] Baptism by Fire


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
While Mardoc checked the baby, Amil took some books from his pack and started quickly flipping through them, comparing something between the two and finally settling on two pages in two books. He patiently waits for Mardoc to finish his examination and for parents to answer the questions.

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The healing from Amil strengthens the baby for a few moments. it's breathing a little better. The mother smiles and holds the boy so Mardoc can see him. At the question the woman shakes her head sadly. "He eats so little. I think it's hard for him to drink and breath, always coughing up most of the milk in his mouth."

Mardoc remembers a similar time when a young mastiff pup had nearly the same symptoms as these. The shaman had a little girl spoon fed the pup, noting it was hungry and greedily trying to drink more than it could fit in its mouth and thus coughing up more than it actually drank. The druid couldn't remember the name of the condition but did remember it had something to do with swelling in the throat. Slow and steady that was the key, a mouthful at a time letting the patient breath in-between bites.


"The lad may yet recover," Mardoc told the parents, "But ye must be patient. 'Tis a swelling of the throat. Make sure he gets a little fluid at a time and don't rush him."

he said, fumbling about in a pouch, "Take these and crush them into the lad's milk. Only a small bit will fill'im full. You may take one or two yourselves, if you are too busy watching after him t'cook."

He gave the mother ten goodberries blessed with the power to fill a grown man.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Let me try something." Amil consulted the books he opened once more.

He knelt down, making a quick drawing of an eye. He lit a candle so that from his perspective the flame of the candle made a pupil of the eye.
"Put the child down, please."
Unwrapping the child so he exposes its neck and chest, Amil cuts his thumb, just enough so he can use the welling blood to draw a line.
He quickly drew a stylized candle on the chest and a small eye on the neck above it with his own blood, red with golden glint.
"Hwe so sialscel sito oun scribe, Deneir, so flip si glyphs ward unm can ou cocktho unm um sooth ounn am co sem enmel im co ol, ca un sooth ca siamtlem, tith, flit ou flian."

As he finished the ritual, he drew another rune, one representing the child's name. Once completed, he immediately erased it, it is no good for it to be visible to all. But long enough for the gods to read it.

OOC: I'm not going to describe the effects, it's up to DM to decide if this is worth something :D Also, if more blood or wealth (as sacrifice) is needed, assume it is done

May the attention of The First Scribe, Deneir, The Lord of Glyphs ward your life and remember your One True Name so you can live as you are, to be true to yourself, healthy, wealthy and wise.


As the assimar begins to chat a golden halo surrounds his body, beathing the baby in a warm yellow glow.. The father holds the mother tightly as they watch on, eyes filled with tears. A small crowd starts to gather attracted by the light.

The mantra continues for a few minutes, and then as Amil wipes away the true name rune from the baby's forehead it appears to everyone that the golden glow passes from the warlock into the child. When the glow finally dies away, there comes a happy coo from the baby on the ground.

With a cry of joy the baby's mother scoops up the child and holds him high. Amil still sits on his knees on the ground visibly exhausted, by what transpired. "Oh, thank you! Thank you!" the women cries out happily, holding a healthy pink baby with bright blue eyes, and a happy grin. The crowd murmurs to each other about the miracle, nodding to themselves.

Notes: Gain one level of exhaustion and -20% XP
As you sit, still feeling the fatigue of channeling your patrons powers through yourself, you hear a voice meant only for you. "Well done my disciple, your sacrifice will not go unrewarded. Take up the tome for it is now blessed and will serve you well in the future. And know that as you grow in strength things like this will become easier for you."

[DM] Amil casts lesser restoration. [/DM]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Amil wearily gets up, clutching the book to his chest.
"Give him one of the berries Mardoc gave you. It will strengthen him and undo some of the missed meals. Don't force him to eat today. Give thanks to Deneir in Oghma's temple. Go in peace." He signs a blessing over the family and turns away.
He clambers upon his horse and turns it toward the exit. Apparently, he only now sees the crowd.
"What now?! Nothing to see here! Back to work!"

HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)

3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots:
1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Per: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
DC: 13
Arcana: 4
Disguise :5
Minor Illusion;
Vicious Mockery
Perform: 5
Sl of Hnd: 5
Stealth: 5
Thief Tool:5
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,

Over the journey, Fern went among the people doing whatever he could to cure his boredom. Fortunately, his horse moved faster than the wagons and he was able to move up and down the wagon train with ease.

Sometimes he would just sit on his horse and play his tin whistle. He used to know many songs and using the hours to remember them passed the time well.

Other times he'd talk with two twin sisters, Lilly and Amber Voss, who were his age. He'd often see them running messages between the caravans. "Can I help? I can go super easily on my horse. His name is Horus." Maybe, if they were nice, they could play games like hide and seek or twenty questions in the evening.

At one point during the first day, he stopped to talk with Mardoc, "I'm glad I have Horus because, when we get attacked by Ash giants and gargoyles, he'll be really fast. I noticed that one of Mr. Colt's horses - see, he's the half-elf over there - one of his horses is a bit lame. You just can't tell because there's two horses on his wagon. But I think he won't be able to run away. Especially from gargoyles."



"What makes ye think we're going to be attacked by gargoyles, of all things?" Mardoc asked Fern, "Or ash giants? I do nae ken any ash giants. Are they in one o'yer wee books?"

When Fern pointed out the lame horse, Mardoc watched that wagon for awhile, to see if the lad was making it up, or if he had an eye for that sort of thing. He patted his pony, Missy, glad that she was young, hearty, and strong.

HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)

3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots:
1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Per: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
DC: 13
Arcana: 4
Disguise :5
Minor Illusion;
Vicious Mockery
Perform: 5
Sl of Hnd: 5
Stealth: 5
Thief Tool:5
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,

Fern frowned, figuring he'd done something wrong again.

"No, not from the books. Do you really want to know?

Voidrunner's Codex

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