[5e_One Shot] Baptism by Fire


Mardoc's red face matched his beard when Fern told Lorella his thought that she might be a smuggler. He was about to sputter an objection, but was cut off by their conversation. He sat relieved that she did not appear to be terribly insulted, and when he had a chance to speak, he said softly to her in his defence, "'Twas only an idle thought, nae an accusation. I'm nae judge an' the lad's a wee indiscrete."

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HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)

3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots:
1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Per: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
DC: 13
Arcana: 4
Disguise :5
Minor Illusion;
Vicious Mockery
Perform: 5
Sl of Hnd: 5
Stealth: 5
Thief Tool:5
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,


Fern was offended. He’d specifically asked if they should be discreet and was told they weren’t being secretive. Sure, he’d been blunt to the elf but that was to put her on the spot to gather information. It’s not like he announced it to the whole room.

It would be a difficult job proving he was useful. But seeming useless was probably his best asset. They’d figure that out eventually.

“I’m going to eat and get my room.”



"Sounds to be a good ideal." Scrinner says a hint of mirth in his face. "You lads have a few big days ahead of you and not the comfort of lounging in a boat."

OOC: If everyone is all set, I'll post up the next day. And maybe even reward some RP XP. Hmmm enough to lvl up? APRIL FOOLS. lol


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"So, we're going out tomorrow. With the lady showing us the way?" Amil checks once more before getting up "I will dislike tomorrow, horses are too unstable for reading. I'm going to bed."


Fire Trees

After a good night's rest, the group meets in the common room for breakfast. Ham, eggs, and hot bread warm their bellies and get them ready for the day ahead. Scrinner finishes very early and leaves to go back to the boat, muttering about making sure things get done correctly.

After breakfast Lorella leads the group to where the caravan is camped outside the town. In the daylight Fire Trees looks like it is recovering from a siege. Most of the buildings are just skeletal outlines with a group of men climbing over it hammering and sawing. The trees are unique each one covered in what looks like red moss. But for the most part the sounds and smells are that of any other town found throughout the realms. Dogs bark, children play, and the smell of cookfires fill the air.

Reaching the caravan park, it looks half empty as the carts are all along the river. The few people still there are packing tents and other camping supplies. While two men saddle horses along a hitch-line. It is to the horses that the wood elf lass leads the group. After a short word everyone is given a horse to familiar themselves with, and a draft horse for storing their extra supplies (which are oddly just books).

As Amil studies his horse dubiously, the two men from yesterday show up behind him, hats in hand. "Shaffa," one says with reverence almost a whisper. "Shaffa. Please help us." Amil turns to see a women eyes red from hours of crying holding a baby wrapping in a blanket. The babies breathing is a hoarse wheezing as it struggles to breath. "Please help my son."


Fort Wheelan

Aridrish enjoyed a feast at Commander Belroin's table. The night filled with toasts and honors but with little talk. In the morning he found the two leaders speaking together over mugs and joined them at the commanders invitation. "I was hoping last nights jovility didn't bring you low." the commander said in jest his smile as broad as ever. "I wanted to personally invite you on todays hunt."

"Belroin is after a pig that has eluded him for years,"
Captain Torngrim says eyeing his friend. "He thinks you might be the luck he needs to finally bring him down."

"Yes. Yes! A head for my wall and a roast to send off the supply run when they get here."
the man says rubbing his hands together in anticapation.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Fire Trees
As Amil studies his horse dubiously, the two men from yesterday show up behind him, hats in hand. "Shaffa," one says with reverence almost a whisper. "Shaffa. Please help us." Amil turns to see a women eyes red from hours of crying holding a baby wrapping in a blanket. The babies breathing is a hoarse wheezing as it struggles to breath. "Please help my son."

Amil looks at the little creature. His knowledge of human diseases is lacking. But he knows someone who might be a bit better at it. Still, minor healing is easy.

"Come here, let's have a look at him. I am not the best with insidious disease, but...Mardoc!" extending his arms toward the mother "May I? What's his name?" as he takes the baby and bows over it...him...the hand under the baby shines for moment and the baby grows stronger. But the sickness is still inside.

As Mardoc comes closer "Sa hwea, the son is sick. I cannot remove the affliction, only strengthen the child. Can you do something?"

While Mardoc takes a look at the child Amil is open to the parents.
"I am not yet powerful enough to just pull the sickness out of him. And we're going out. I'm gonna pray with and for the boy and beseech help. I need full name, date of birth or as close as you can tell. When did the problems start and how?"

HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)

3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots:
1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Per: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
DC: 13
Arcana: 4
Disguise :5
Minor Illusion;
Vicious Mockery
Perform: 5
Sl of Hnd: 5
Stealth: 5
Thief Tool:5
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,


That was the name of Fern’s new horse and, to Fern, he was majestic. Sure, he was smaller than the other horses - except, maybe, Mardoc’s short stocky horse, but Fern could tell Horus was of noble lineage. It was true that the name Horus was a very common name and, maybe, even a silly name for a horse but Fern was certain Horus's True Name was probably Fantastic and Noble. Fern wanted get Mardoc to ask Horus his True Name but the boy chose not to. Besides the fact that the dwarf would probably give him the True Name of the saddle ('Every object has a name!' boooring), Mardoc only seemed to get annoyed at Fern’s questions and, generally, only answered half of them anyways. Maybe the Emerald Enclave was a secretive organization and the dwarf didn’t appreciate Fern’s constant prying.

Fern had been keeping to himself all morning. Firstly, Fern seemed to end up in trouble when he asked too many questions(or followed Mardoc’s advice); secondly, Darrock had been giving him the cold shoulder since the incident on the boat, and; lastly Lorella's calm demeanor intimidated him.

Instead, he doted on his new horse and triple checked that he had everything he needed. He'd bought a tent and some warmer clothes and, once he was sure that everything was tied securely to his saddle-bags, the boy gingerly took Benny out of his pocket,

“Benny, Horus. Horus, Benny”

After their introduction Fern mounted his Mighty Steed. He sat for a moment watching Amil and Mardoc help the baby and, witnessing the attention they got, Fern sighed inwardly, again wondering why Delenir had chosen him to go on this quest. I don't know anything about babies.

Come on Horus, let’s go! I have a song for you. My grandma..or my dad - I don’t remember - used to sing it. It’s about a magical Carousel in the Fey Wild.

It was a silly, whimsical song and Fern sang it quietly to his horse(and Benny) while he watched all the interesting people in the caravan make their preparations.

Credit: Burl Ives
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Mardoc looked at the baby. Like Amil before him, he was not good with babies. His own were grown and he hadn't been around much when they were young (which was why their mother had barely spoke to Mardoc these many years). Human babies were even less familiar to him.

"I'm nae sure what can be doon," he said softly, "Does'ee take his food?"

OOC: Medicine? Untrained, mind: WIS Check: 1D20+3 = [13]+3 = 16

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