D&D General 6 Ability Scores but 4 Classic Classes?

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
well, I must apologize;
a Ruler is not a tactician;
a Tactician is more like a Thinker ( Int x Wis )
so, redoing the stuff :
Fighter ( Str x Dex )
Tactician ( Int x Wis )
third Class is Cha x Con ( usually nowadays the Cleric )



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I imagine a Str x Dex fighter build being a skirmisher. Perhaps a character that uses a bow until the enemy closes in and then goes to a blade. The combination gives them that versatility. Where as a Str x Int fighter might be one that uses great sword/axe in both a damage delivering and controlling the battlefield ways.
To me that’s the actual battlemaster: good with any weapon, having a variety of options for how to engage in combat, but without overt magic.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
To me that’s the actual battlemaster: good with any weapon, having a variety of options for how to engage in combat, but without overt magic.
Yeap, same concept only I wish you could build it via attributes and feats not just via a sub-class. Though, largely they accomplish the same thing.


Now that the thread is 2 pages. I will offer my picks

STRENGTH: The Fighter
WISDOM: The Priest
CHARISMA: The Chosen

The Fighter is straight forward. The Strong warrior. Heavy armor. Great Melee. Cant for thrown weapons far. Armor holds up ankiness allowing the fighter to double down of Strength or dip into other scores for bows, lore, toughness, etc

The Rogue is the sneak. Fast, stealthy, and agile. Uses lighter melee and ranged weapons and offsets their weapon's size with sneak attacks and ambushes. .

The Brute is the tank. Toughest and can go the distance. Can withstand self-destructive tactics like Rage or Battlvigor or survive magical maladies like Lycantropy and Corruption to use them against foes.

The Wizard is the smart magician. Know a ton of magic effects.

The Priest is the support. Act as a conduit for their god, gods, or godly entity to support themselves and those around them who pursue its plan.

The Chosen is the granted. Either by special bloodline, fated chance, or dark bargain, the chosen has access to magical spells and enhancement is power and frequency beyond what is expected.


A suffusion of yellow
Strength: Fighter
Intelligence: Sage, Magic-User
Wisdom: Cleric/Druid
Dexterity: Rogue or Archer
Constitution: Tank
Charisma: Bard/Merchant/Face

Jolly Ruby

Rolling with the OD&D idea of prime requisites and the four classes, I would keep Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Dexterity with the Fighter, the Magic-User, the Cleric and the Thief respectively, and create a new class for Charisma.

Since Charisma governs your ability to amass followers on OD&D, I would make this new class something like an Warlord or some kind of general.

And about Constitution, I don't know what I would do with it, but I like the idea of the Monk being the Constitution class


Strength: Warrior
Dexterity: Rogue
Constitution: Soldier
Intelligence: Mage
Wisdom: Priest
Charisma: Chosen

I like Minigiant's Chosen, so I will steal it.

I will split Fighter into Warrior and Soldier. Warrior is more of an individual fighter, one-on-one, wilder fighter. Barbarians would descend from this. Soldier is more of a team player, fights alongside other soldiers. Maybe more of a tank.

Also some combos:

Str/Dex = Ranger
Str/Con = Knight
Str/Int = Spellblade
Str/Wis = Shaman
Str/Chr = Barbarian/Totem Warrior
Dex/Con = Archer
Dex/Int = Trickster
Dex/Wis = Monk
Dex/Chr = Bard
Con/Chr = Paladin
Con/Int = Warlock
Con/Wis = Battle Cleric
Int/Wis = Witch
Int/Chr = Sorceror
Wis/Chr = Saint


STRENGTH: Battle mage, focused on Avatar style martial arts seated magic.
DEXTERITY: Rogue, one of the few core classes to deserve to exist.
CONSTITUTION: Brute Force Warrior. Combing Barbarian and fighter into something better.
WISDOM: Utility mage, focused on non-combat wizardy
CHARISMA: Bard, focused on illusion, enchantment, and shapechanging. The other core class that deserves to exist.


Follower of the Way
Strength: Paladin
Constitution: Barbarian (or Warrior, with Barbarian as a specific focus)
Dexterity: Prowler (absorbs Thief/Rogue, Avenger, and Ranger as various focuses)
Intelligence: Wizard
Wisdom: Priest (absorbs Cleric, Druid, Invoker, etc.)
Charisma: Sorcerer

Alternatively, reduce the number of stats to 4: Might (Str+Con), Dex, Wits (Int+"observation" side of Wis), and Presence (Cha + "mental fortitude" side of Wis.) Two forms of attack (weapon vs implement), three roles (Warrior, Trickster, Sage), four stats (Might, Dexterity, Wits, Presence), five proper sources (Martial, Divine, Primal, Arcane, Shadow.)

But my true preference isn't to reduce at all. I think being reductive is highly overrated in game design.


Str/Dex = Ranger
Str/Con = Knight
Str/Int = Spellblade
Str/Wis = Shaman
Str/Chr = Barbarian/Totem Warrior
Dex/Con = Archer
Dex/Int = Trickster
Dex/Wis = Monk
Dex/Chr = Bard
Con/Chr = Paladin
Con/Int = Warlock
Con/Wis = Battle Cleric
Int/Wis = Witch
Int/Chr = Sorceror
Wis/Chr = Saint

I played with the same combo's being other classes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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