Get off my lawn!
I'd go the more generic route:I'll do you even better and cut it down to three:
Magic User
Everything else is a subclass of one (or more) of these.
But, yeah, subclasses abound.

I'd go the more generic route:I'll do you even better and cut it down to three:
Magic User
Everything else is a subclass of one (or more) of these.
I'd go like this:4 classes:
HD: d12
martial weapons
starting armor light+medium, option for heavy(or extra skills)
extra attack every 4 levels(4,8,12,16,20)
Gish/half caster
HD: d10
martial weapons
starting armor light+medium, option for heavy(or extra skills or extra cantrips)
extra attack every 5 levels(5,10,15,20)
half caster, 1-5 spell levels, new spell levels at class level 1,5,9,13,17
HD: d8
simple weapons, option for martial(or extra skills or extra cantrips)
starting armor light, option for medium(or extra skills or extra cantrips)
extra attack every 6 levels(6,12,18)
2/3rd caster, 1-7 spell levels, new spell levels at class level 1,4,7,10,13,16,19
HD: d6
simple weapons
starting armor none, option for light(or extra skills or extra cantrips)
extra attack every 8 levels(8,16)
full spellcasting, 1-10 spell levels(yes, add 10th spell level), new spell level at class level 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19.
Sign me up for this world, please. Every so often I think about doing the Forgotten Realms or something as an all-psi setting.Strength: Psychic Warrior
Dexterity: Lurk
Constitution: Psiknife
Intelligence: Psion
Wisdom: Adamant
Charisma: Wilder
I got this close to running a psionics only setting in 3.5. game fell apart for other reasons, but I had a really cool pseudo -sci fi setting using only martial and psionic classes and psionic races plus human.Sign me up for this world, please. Every so often I think about doing the Forgotten Realms or something as an all-psi setting.