A New World of Kulan PbP Game! (Recruitment [Full])


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Thanks. I don't see stats for kenkus as characters; do I stick to the MM3 and add the specifics of your entry?

And do they have a level adjustment?

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4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,6,4] = (16)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,3,3] = (12)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [3,3,1] = (7)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,4] = (15)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [5,5,4] = (14)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,4,3] = (13)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,5] = (16)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,4] = (15)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,4] = (15)

Might be a little high, but I'll take it. :)

as for kenku, here's what I've been able to find



There's also the writeup in pathfinder in ultimate races that should be easy to swap over. (edit: cripse, had no idea that kenku are not ogl in pathfinder...seems kind of wierd).
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First Post
Rough/final draft for Caldrin and his backstory.

Caldrin Auveraundlin (Faith Flyer Blood of the lovers kiss)
Gray elf |Male|123yrs old|5’8”|143lbs|Amber eyes| Silver hair
Rogue| level 7|CN|Spd 30 Initiative=5

D6|6+1+6+2+5+6+4+5+6|HP 41 BAB=+5 Grapple=+7 (first level+con+con for six levels+roll+roll+roll+roll+roll+roll) @Knightfall

AC-20=10+4+5+1 +4 Armor, +5 Dex, +1 Ring of Pro

Ability Total Modifier
STR 14 +2 (16 -2)=14 Roll - Race
DEX 20 +5 (16 +2 +2)=20 Roll + Race + Gloves of dex
CON 12 +1 (14 -2)=12 Roll –Race
INT 18 +4 (16 +2)=18 Roll + Race
WIS 11 0 (11)=11 Roll
CHA 14 +2 (13 +1)=14 Roll + Level Advancement

Fortitude 3= 2+1 Base + Con
Reflex 10= 5+5 Base + Relex
Will 2= 2+0 Base + Wis -2vs Fear (Craven Feat) +2vs Enchantment

ATTACKS |Attack Bonus| Dam | Crit
Rapier +2 | +12 | 1d6+4 +1d6 Flame |16-20 x2
Piercing Keen, Flaming (8320gp)

Comp. Longbow +1 | +11 +1w/in 30’ | 1d8+6 | x3
40 Arrows (2gp) (600gp bow)

Dagger | +7 \ 11 Thrown | 1d4+2 | 19-20 x2
x 10 (20gp)

Sneak Attack +1d6+7
Within 30 Feet with Ranged wpn

Skills Total=mod+rank Total skills-120 (8+int)*4+((8+int)*6)
Appraise 6=4+2
Balance 10=5+5
Bluff 12=2+10
Climb 4=2+2
Craft 4=4+0
Deci. Script 4=4+0
Diplomacy 12=2+10
Dis. Device 16=4+10+2
Disguise 2=2+0
Escape Art. 11=5+6
Forgery 4=4+0
Gath. Info 5=2+3
Hide 15=5+10
Intimidate 7=2+5
Jump 4=2+2
Knowledge 5=4+1 Nobility
Knowledge 5=4+1 Local
Knowledge 5=4+1 Class
Listen 5=0+3+2 +2 From Race
M. Silent 15=5+10
Open Lock 17=5+10+2 +2 From MW Thieves Tools
Perform 2=2+0
Search 9=4+3+2 +2 From Race
Sense Mot. 0=0+0
Sleight of H.15=5+10
Spot 2=0+0+2 +2 From Race
Tumble 15=5+10
Use Magical 7=2+5
Use Rope 6=5+1

Martial Wp longbow, Martial Wp Rapier, WPN finesse Rapier, Craven (champions of Ruin pg 17), Elven Archery (netbook of feats, its a fighter racial feat), Point Blank shot (bonus feat from GM)

Special Abilities
Low light Vision, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +4d6
Gear GP- $ 636

Mithral Chain Shirt (1100gp) +4AC
Ring of Protection +1 (2000gp)
Gloves of Dex +2 (4000gp)

Heward’s Handy Haversack (2000gp)
Rope, Silk (50ft) Grappling Hook Crowbar
Alchemist Fire x5 (100gp) 1d6 +1d6 next round unless Reflex (DC15)
Explorers outfit Noble outfit Travelers outfit

Chalk x 3 MW Thieves Tools
Caltrops x 3
Flint & Steel Whetstone

Heavy Horse (200gp)-Marlee
Riding Saddle (10gp) Saddle Bags (4gp) Barding, Chain (400gp) Bedroll

Story of Caldrin Auvreaundlin

Cal was born to Merchant parents who traveled from city to city selling their wares, along with his two younger sisters. Cal loved to sneak into gambling houses and watch as the strangers blew all of their moneys. He learned early on to catch the gamblers unawares and pick money from their pouches. He was able to build a little wealth doing this. He was caught one day and recruited into a guild for Thieves (after a swift beating). Cal spent many years practicing, learning from this guild the ways of the Bow and Rapier his favorite weapon.

After years of service Cal was asked to infiltrate a noble house and keep watch over the nobleman. This nobleman had a beautiful daughter who Cal fell in love with(unknown to the guild), her name was Marlee, they became great friends and lovers.
Five years after his watch began the guild “Order of the Lethal Return”, The guild needed the nobleman to help them. He refused to aid the guild as they were shady and wanted nothing to do with them. After many tries to persuade the nobleman, with no success, Cal was ordered to murder the daughter to persuade the nobleman to aid the guild. Cal was stuck; he could not and would not murder his beloved. He begged for another solution, to no avail. When he told them that he would not do this deed, the guild sent an assassin to murder Marlee. After her murder he went home only to find that his parents had been kidnapped and his two younger sisters had been murdered. Cal not knowing what else to do ran, swearing against this order of the lethal return.

Now traveling from town to town, joining groups just to get by hoping one day to find what happened to his parents and maybe one day gaining the skills to finally strike down the “Order of the Lethal Return.”

Today after a long ride he has come to the city of bards, maybe here someone can write his stroy, hoping here to find peace of heart and revenge for his one true love…

[MENTION=2012]Knightfall[/MENTION] what I changed is marked in red. Also please let me know if the Elven archer feat from Netbooks of Feats book, is ok to use.
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World of Kulan DM
Thanks. I don't see stats for kenkus as characters; do I stick to the MM3 and add the specifics of your entry?

And do they have a level adjustment?
Well, look at that... there aren't any either. Why did I not notice that? :p

Off the top of my head...

• Dexterity +2 for all kenku. Eagle-, hawk-, and raven-headed kenku all have +2 to Wisdom. Owl-headed kenku have +4 to Wisdom. (Eagle- and hawk-headed kenku have the option to select a +2 to Strength instead of the standard bonus to Dexterity.)
• Base Speed 20 ft., Fly 50 ft. (average)
• Darkvision 60 feet. No low-light vision
• 2 levels of monstrous humanoid (2d8 HD, BAB +2, Save bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3); skill points > 5 x (2 + Int modifier), class skills > Disguise, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, and Spot. All Fallenlanden kenku have a +2 racial bonus to Disguise and Sense Motive checks.
• 2 claws (1d4 damage each) and bite (1d6 damage)
• Automatically proficient with their natural weapons, as well as with both scimitars and shortbows.
No Great Ally ability. • No Mimicry ability.
• Raven-headed kenku have SR equal to 10 + character levels
• Bonus feat: Choose either Multiattack or Weapon Finesse.
• Languages: Kenku, Ignan (common language of the Fallenlands), and Kenku sign language. Bonus Languages: Auran, Bakemono (similar to Goblin), Draconic, Jinn, Mongrelfolk, Nagw (language of the nagpas), Sahne (a halfling language).
• Favored Class: Raven-headed > Rogue, Owl-headed > Ranger, Eagle- and Hawk-headed > Fighter.
• Level Adjustment +1 for hawk- and eagle-headed kenku. LA +2 for owl-headed kenku and LA +3 for raven-headed kenku. (I would say pick either hawk-or eagle-headed.)

Fallenlanden kenku, unlike their kin elsewhere in the world, can still fly. They also don't have the special abilities of other kenku. Fallenlanded kenku can have different types of head: eagle, hawl, owl, and raven. Raven-headed kenku don't trust magic and have some resistance to it. Owl-head kenku are know for being wise while eagle- and hawk-headed often choose to be warriors.

(I might have to tweak the Owl-headed's level adjustement, so i suggest you pick one of the other three.)

Edit: If you want, you can play a standard kenku, as per MM3. Standard kenku are from the Eastern Lands of Kanpur, so they have an oriental background in the world
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World of Kulan DM

4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,6,4] = (16)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,3,3] = (12)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [3,3,1] = (7)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,4] = (15)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [5,5,4] = (14)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,4,3] = (13)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,5] = (16)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,4] = (15)
4d6.takeHighest(3) → [6,5,4] = (15)

Might be a little high, but I'll take it. :)
Trust me. You'll need good scores. Since there are now seven players (maybe eight), I'm going to pick a higher-than-normal adventure for the game. Somewhere around 8th- to 10th-level for it.

as for kenku, here's what I've been able to find



There's also the writeup in pathfinder in ultimate races that should be easy to swap over. (edit: cripse, had no idea that kenku are not ogl in pathfinder...seems kind of wierd).
There are standard kenku on the world that use the racial traits from MM3. Fallenlanden kenku are not the same.


World of Kulan DM
[MENTION=6801163]Chuckfar[/MENTION], please explain all the numbers for your hit points. (I'm assuming the +6 at the end is from Con.)

Also, where's the Craven feat from?

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
ARRRRrrr Mateies! today is bein' talk like a pirate day, so I bein pleased to be annoy ye all! YARRRRR!!!

ye have been given th warnin shot!!!


  • pirate 001.png
    pirate 001.png
    2.4 KB · Views: 181
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=so as not to be too annoyin'! yarr]
I bein thinkin on this in the king's English fer a background:
-----, is a mage with fighter skills, born into a society of adventuring elves tasked with the retrieval of Elvin artifacts in the lands to prevent them from getting in the hands of the power hungry peoples of the land. Some supposition is that there might be some within the Raven's loft kingdom, Dragon mountain or Bard's gate. These elves are anointed in a knighthood called the "Order of the Mystic Rose",. These knights travel through the lands as armored mages, allying themselves with whomever they can trust to achieve their various goals.

Our intrepid adventurer hales from the chapter in Ustanl where there is a Elvin consulate. within this consulate are to be found his parents, and the local chief officer for this branch. The Ambassador knows of this presence and is believed to fully support their activities. He has been on several forays with his parents and has for the last year been on a quest for the _____ as his solo proving test. He hopes to bring honor to his family in this action!

What bein ye thinkin, Capt'n Knightfall?


World of Kulan DM
What bein ye thinkin, Capt'n Knightfall?
There are elves in Yhimir but not gray elves. Regardless, I like your background. The elvish consulate at the castle would likely be for Saivias since that is the closest place with a large population of gray elves. Note that there is a, yet unnamed, town near the castle, as well. It will be depicted on the new campaign map I'm working on. (If you want to name the town, go ahead. Just remember to mirror the names of the rest of Yhimir.)

Also, while Ustanl is part of Yhimir, it also stands apart from the land as well. It is many miles from the capital city and its town is very... provincial. The wilds of Orochen Forest greatly influence its people. This would likely be why the elvish consulate is there and not in the city of Yhimir.

Voidrunner's Codex

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