A New World of Kulan PbP Game! (Recruitment [Full])

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First Post
Short story is. I was brought up with parents that were merchants. I got into the spy game for the order of the lethal return. I was asked to infiltrate a upper class family. I friended the daughter of the noble and fell in love with her. After a few years of spying on the family. I was put in a position that I had to kill her or my family would be slaughtered. I could not bring myself to do it. The guild slaughtered my two younger siblings. And kidnapped my parents. They eventually killed the nobles daughter. My one true love. I escaped when they came for me. I've been on the run since. Bouncing from group to traveling group trying to fit in waiting for the day that I can strike a blow into the heart of the guild that murdered my family and one true love.

Ok so not so short but. That sums it up a little


First Post
I have a question for Knightfall. If I am using a mighty composite longbow (+2) ( my strength bonus is 2) to add the +2 to damage, and also have the Elven Archery Feat ( which allows me to use my Dex bonus to add to damage). Do these two bonus' stack or do I only get one of them?


World of Kulan DM
Short story is. I was brought up with parents that were merchants. I got into the spy game for the order of the lethal return. I was asked to infiltrate a upper class family. I friended the daughter of the noble and fell in love with her. After a few years of spying on the family. I was put in a position that I had to kill her or my family would be slaughtered. I could not bring myself to do it. The guild slaughtered my two younger siblings. And kidnapped my parents. They eventually killed the nobles daughter. My one true love. I escaped when they came for me. I've been on the run since. Bouncing from group to traveling group trying to fit in waiting for the day that I can strike a blow into the heart of the guild that murdered my family and one true love.

Ok so not so short but. That sums it up a little
I like it.

Do you plan on having your PC be a native to Bard's Gate or a newcomer to the city?

(Answered your next post's question in the Campaign Guide.)


First Post

How would you like us to post our characters on here? using notepad? Sorry, this is the first time I have used this thread playing.


World of Kulan DM

How would you like us to post our characters on here? using notepad? Sorry, this is the first time I have used this thread playing.
You can format it however you like, as long as its orderly. Each person seems to have their own style. You can write it up in notepad and post it or put it in a RTF file and attach it to a post. Finalized PCs should go in the Rogues Gallery thread, regardless.

If you have a first draft, you can post it here.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Yes, still interested in the kenku. I'm not sure of the backstory and how/why he came to Bard's Gate yet, but I'll figure something out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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