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A Night at the Four Seasons (DM: renau1g, Judge:Ozymandias79)


First Post
Papolstaanas continues to stare as the battle rages around him, then finally snaps out of it. How could he have done that all by himself? Are the spirits playing tricks on him?

Very deliberately, he moves further away from the wolves, focusing on them as he does so. In fact he focuses on them so intently that he stumbles on a tree root and almost falls over. Somewhat shaken, he tries to pull himself together and will the wind to rise again. Nothing happens. "Where are you?" Papolstaanas says aloud in frustration. But there is no response.

[sblock=actions]Note: Papolstaanas shifted to N7 last turn (although it doesn't make much difference)

Move: to L4. Athletics 1d20+7=8 is fail. LOL. Guess I'll move to M4.

Standard: Lodestone Lure, augmented by 2, on BW4. Vs Will: 1d20+8=9 1d8+5=10. Helloooo! Is this thing on???[/sblock]
[sblock=Papolstaanas]Papolstaanas Male Kobold Battlemind 3
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 11; Passive Insight: 11; Senses: Normal
AC:20, Fort:15, Reflex:16, Will:14
+2 defenses against traps
HP: 38/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left: 12/13
Action Points: 1
Concussive Spike
Conductive Defense
Lodestone Lure
Battlemind’s Demand

Psychokinetic Scimitar Ranged Basic Attack
Second Wind

Oaken Resilience
Aspect of Bitter Ice

Persistent Harrier (immediate reaction): The first time during an encounter that P. is hit or missed with an attack, he can melee attack the triggering enemy, even if it is out of melee range (+8 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage). He teleports to a square adjacent to the enemy if he hits.

Blurred Step (special free action 1/turn): If an adjacent enemy marked by P. shifts, P. can shift 1 square in response.

Mind Spike (immediate reaction): If an adjacent enemy marked by P. deals damage to an ally with an attack that doesn’t include P., that enemy takes force and psychic damage equal to the amount its attack dealt to the ally.

Melee basic attack: +6 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage.

Power Points: 2/4


Full sheet: Papolstaanas[/sblock]

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First Post
*Sputter, sputter, cough, cough.* ... *Blood sprays and splashes the ground all around him. Although Tarkus's words bolstered him for a moment in time, he could no longer hear his words. His hears ring horribly as he took blow after blow and kept falling upon his face. He lifted himself up and looked around.*

Damn. By what are these wolfs made of to strike so true. *He spits out more blood and staggers back to his feet. Raising his shield up to squat the wolfs away as well as give him some room to move in.*

*Taking in a long pull of his now nearly blood-soaked cigar. He calmed himself and looked out past this shield. Doing a quick calculation, he twirled his blade within his hand and struck out at each of the beast. Then let out a sign along with a large bellow of smoke from his cigar into the face of the large wolf nearby.* I'll make yee work for yee meal today lad.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Stand from Prone. (Again!)

Standard: Strength from Valor
-Target: Close Burst 1 (Big Wolf 4, Wolf 6, Wolf 5)
-Attack: +8 vs. Fort
-Damage: 1d8+5 damage
-Effect: Kauldron gains 5 temporary hit points for each target hit by the attack.

Minor: Divine Challenge
-Target: Big Wolf 4
-Effect: Target is subject to Kauldron's Divine Sanction until the end of his next turn.
-Divine Sanction: Creatures are Marked taking a -2 penalty to attack rolls if they target another character other then Kauldron. As well as take 10 RADIANT damage if they target another character other then Kauldron.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron] Goblin Tactics Trigger - Immediate Reaction to the First Enemy that misses Kauldron with a melee attack, shift 1 into a better flanking position for the strikers.

Kauldron- Male Goblin Paladin 4
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12

Normal - AC:23, Fort:18, Reflex:18, Will:17
Vs. Charm – AC:25, Fort:20, Reflex:20, Will:19
Vs. Fear – AC:25, Fort:20, Reflex:20, Will:19
Vs. Psychic - AC:25, Fort:20, Reflex:20, Will:19


HP:11/47, Temp HP:
Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11, Surges left:11/12

Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike
Goblin Tactics
Virtuous Strike

Action Point [ ]
Call to Challenge [X]
Channel Divinity [ ]
Javelin [ ] [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Strength from Valor [X]
Valorous Smite [X]

Lay on Hands [ ]
Majestic Halo [ ]
Symbol of Brawn [ ]
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First Post
Wait, why am I prone? I wasn't prone last turn... oh. Oops. Ok, insert "Tarkus raises himself to one knee," at the beginning of my last turn's action.

Tarkus heaves himself to his feet as the wolves crowding around him are cut down. "Good! Well done!" he roars. "We'll beat them yet!"

Then suddenly Kauldron is on the ground again, a wolf standing over him. Tarkus's face distorts in fury and he thrusts his scales of justice towards it as if lashing out. "AWAY FROM HIM, BEAST! BY THE POWER OF THE GODDESS IN ME - HE LIVES, YOU DIE!" Silver fire erupts from the holy symbol, from Kauldron's armor, and from Tarkus's burning gaze. Kauldron's wounds knit together again as the cleansing fire washes over him. The wolf shakes its head, snapping at the fire that washes around it, and although the silver flames do not burn, it whines piteously and tosses its head in a pained spasm.

Then the silver fire rebounds on Tarkus and engulfs him in a roaring pillar, doubling in intensity. He sinks to his knees and screams as the fire washes around his head. Suddenly it is gone and he staggers, sobbing in pain, "Why, Juna, why? Why do you curse me so? I sought to defend a comrade! Is that not good?"

Move: Stand
Minor: Healing Word on Kauldron, healing 20 hp (healing surge + 9) and giving him a +2 power bonus to all defenses against the next attack made against him before the end of my next turn Healing Word on Kauldron (1d6+4=9)
Standard: Gaze of Defiance at BW4, hitting for 13 psychic damage, and my allies gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against it until the end of my next turn (+3 if it attacks me). Gaze of Defiance on BW4 (1d20+6=16, 1d8+5=13)

Since I just damaged a bloodied enemy, this triggers my Pacifist Healer and I am stunned for one turn.

[sblock=L4W Tarkus the Crusader]
Init: +0 Speed: 5 Perception:15 Insight: 20
AC: 18 Fort: 14 Ref: 13 Will: 18
HP: 27/31 Surges: 9/9 Surge Value: 7 AP: 1
Str:13 Con:14 Dex:8 Int:13 Wis:18 Cha:14

Gaze of Defiance
Astral Seal
Sacred Flame
Second Wind
Exacting Utterance
Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Healing Word
Healing Word
Font of Tears
Angelic Witnesses
Rune of Mending
Symbol of Resilience
Hero's Chainmail

As the wolves close on Kauldron, Cyr channels the power of the Sky Lord, marking the wolf for further punishment.

"Sky Lord, lend us your power to blast these beasts appart!"

Cyr strides toward the wolves harrying Kauldron, strange, since he's not holding his staff as a weapon. He remains apart, just positioning himself between the threat and the villager. He calls down burst of divine lightining exposing himself to the closest wolf. After the blast clears, two wolves lay charred on the ground.

Move: N7
Standard: Vanguards Lightning vs Ref(BW 4; w6); lightning damage (1d20+8=18, 1d20+8=18, 1d6+6=12)

Immediate Interrupt: Use Miraculous Fortune on any attack from now on[/sblock]
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First Post
Damen continues to put out the pain to the wolves, dropping another large wolf.

Kaeysari manages to draw the attention of one of the wolves.

Papolstaanas stumbles over a tree root, the alcohol clearly still affecting him.

Kauldron drops one of the wolves and continues to harry the large wolf.

Tarkus heals the goblin but feels Juna's rebuke for his attack on the injured foe

Cyr's lightning drops another wolf...just the pack leader left.

Phoenix unleashes a pair of flaming missiles that drop the remaining wolf. A calm fills the air.

[sblock=Phoenix Actions]
Arc Lightning - 1d20+10=25, 1d20+10=22, 1d6+11=16 kills both

[MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION] - I hope you don't mind this, but I had some time this morning and there was only the two enemies remaining. If this had missed they were running anyways so I didn't see any reason to hold up.

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
W's: 16 AC; 14/16/?? F/R/W
BW: 19 AC; 18/17/16 F/R/W

W's: 1/1 hp
BW1: -35/67 hp, bloodied, target ends it's next turn adjacent to an ally it takes 5 radiant damage
BW4: -51/67 hp, bloodied, +1 power bonus to attack rolls against it until the end of my next turn
BW5: -13hp, dead

End of Combat stats:
Damen Bane: 49/49 hp, 7/7 surges, used 1 AP
Kaeysari: 24/46 hp, 10/10 surges,
Kauldron: 31/47 hp+10thp, 10/12 surges,
Cyr Iannes: 34/34 hp, 7/7 surges
Phoenix: 31/36 hp, 7/8 surges, +2 defenses TSNT, used 2nd wind
Papolstaanas: 38/45 hp, 12/13 surges,
Tarkus the Crusader: 27/31 hp, 9/9 surges

Init: Everyone but Tarkus...
kaul; kaey; tarkus; phoen; papo; cyr; damen; wolves (1d20+4=17, 1d20+4=24, 1d20=1, 1d20+3=17, 1d20+5=25, 1d20+9=13, 1d20+12=29, 1d20+7=12)

[sblock=Features of Area]
Undergrowth: Thick stands of creepers, vines, and saplings are difficult terrain.

Trees: Close-growing conifers rise along both sides of the road. They grant total concealment. It takes a DC 10 Athletics check to enter the trees, and
they are difficult terrain.

OOC: I will go out on a limb and say last minion won't last 'till next round.

As the combat ended, Cyr moved a little bit aside.

"While you rest, I'll pray for a bit, I have an idea I'd like to check."

"High Lord, in your knowledge as the god of magic, grant your humble servant an insight into the questions troubling him." the rest of the chant is incomprehensible.

Few minutes later a ghostly hand appears in front of him.
[sblock=Hand of Fate]
"1. Is this attack connected to happenings in Huntingdonshire?" "Yes" he offers his left hand. "No." He offers his right
"2. Are werewolves,..." he offers a tuft of fur "druids, " he offers a twig "or some third party..." he offers a small rock "...leaders or important part of the group attacking Huntingdonshire?"
"3. Would tracking the culprits be more productive long-term then confronting them?" Cyr again raises his left for first response and right hand for second one.

He then comes back to the group.
"I have a theory to propose. I'm assuming wolves don't go attacking big group of people without them being enticed or very hungry. So there must be something behind this, especially since Shamur passed without being molested first time."

OOC: Will wait for ren's input on this, roll as nneded Arcana +11; Nature +7
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First Post
Do you have a way to cast the ritual without componemts? If not I don't see any on your sheet.... [/sblock]


First Post
*Kauldron groans slightly.*

Ruined a perfectly good cigar yee did.

*Removing the cigar from his mouth and stepping upon it as it hit the dirt pathway. He squatted down and picked up the remains and tossed it into a pocket of his backpack. Reaching into a box that was latched to his leg, he pulled out away and snapped his fingers igniting them. Lighting his cigar he took another long puff.*

Ahh that's much better.

*Grinning to himself under his masked helm. He turned and looked back at all the others.*

Yee lads and lasses alright? No one badly injured I hope.

*Turning to Tarkus, he tapped the side of his armor in a friendly mannerism.*

Even though yee follow another god, yee words rang true to me. Thank yee for yee aid, Sir Tarkus.


First Post
As he recovers from the backlash, Tarkus sinks to his knees and clasps his hands. "Forgive me, mighty Juna," he prays. "Forgive me my sins. Forgive me my anger. Forgive me my zeal. I sought only to end a threat. I did not mean... I forgot. I forgot your command, and I disobeyed your will. Forgive me."

His prayer trails off, and he rocks back and forth, fingering his holy symbol, until he is roused by Kauldron's hand on his shoulder. He smiled wanly and accepts a hand back to his feet.

I have ritual components I can lend Cyr if needed.


First Post
Kaeysari cleans her blade carefully and moves to replace the cover, but stops and asks Shamus "Does this sort of thing happen around here a lot?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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