D&D General A possible reason why in A Earlier Thread The Earl didn't know that the women that the women that wanted to marry his son was A Future Queen?

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So The Future Queen lied to The Earl?
She didn't lie or at least not intentionally he asked is she nobility?, she said no because even though she's technically both royalty and nobility the royalty part far exceeds the nobility part but she ruined it by being dumb enough to take a pause for dramatic effect that lasted 1 minute

She didn't lie or at least not intentionally he asked is she nobility?, she said no because even though she's technically both royalty and nobility the royalty part far exceeds the nobility part but she ruined it by being dumb enough to take a pause for dramatic effect that lasted 1 minute
It doesn’t work. The Earl would have already figured out that she was a Future Queen due to her travelling to a distant land with 316 bodyguards including a polymorphed copper dragon.

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