A Tournament of Cosmic Propotions! (Immortal's Handbook Rules)


But squid do have eyes, so I thought it worth mentioning.

Do you just want a list of entrants, or a repost of stat blocks?

Things I noticed immediately: It doesn't seem very Ulitharid-like. Ulitharids are ECL 21, and it seems the breakdown only has them at 9. They have six tentacles and a -1 Size penalty to AC, which aren't the case with the posted example. You'll probably want to check the Ulitharid's stats to see if there are any more errors before adding more levels.

Just sent Kapi a message over facebook, considering having him redesign another aberation in Xor'Chylic's stead.

Oh, and to answer your question, if you want to compile them as stat-blocks that's fine but, I can always just dig through this thread to find where you posted them originally so it's not entirely necessary. Convenient, but not necessary.

Oh, and another note to add, I've finally decided exactly when and where this little ...HUGE tournament will be taking place. Click the link below for more info:


You bet I'm serious. DragonCon. You know? That little one in Atlanta? 2012 is the year of the Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac, and quite possibly the end of the world according to conspiracy theorists... so why in the Nine Hells not? I'll be there. Mark my words. Buugi....Belzamus... will you gentlemen be able to join me in person?

Edit - went ahead and added Gruumsh, changed him to a living construct. Thinking about re-working the rules for darksteel. Probably gonna simplify them a bit.


  • Zealous Nemesis.docx
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  • Gruumsh.docx
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First Post
Ya, I definitely can't make it to Dragoncon. I hope to make to Paizocon in I believe July, then in Sept I am hoping to go to the Grand Masquerade event in New Orleans for the World of Darkness games, and then in Oct there's New York Comic Con. If I fit any extra convention in there, it'll be Baltimore Comic Con.


First Post
I live in the UK. It's a bit far.

I'll get that list up this weekend. I need to fix Anaesthesia because she's got a feat which is now banned.

On Gruumsh: Ranger spells don't work how you think they work. Rangers prepare spells like a Cleric, and so must spend a minimum of 15 minutes preparing spells, which is probably useless in combat. He won't be able to take advantage of additional spell slots granted by temporary Wisdom increases. If he can spontaneously cast any spells, he might be able to cast those from his extra spell slots, but I'm not sure.

Where's he getting his Living Construct subtype from? Ersatz explicitly strips him of his Con score, and his ECL appears to be 238 just using his divine template and class levels alone.

His torch seems overpriced by a factor of 10 (market value of the morale bonus alone is 1.4 Ggp when he can only afford 141 Mgp). Morale bonuses are 2.5k times bonus squared, not 1k. The best he can afford is +75. While you could negotiate a reduction for having it only work against one opponent at a time, even a factor of two cost reduction (a generous compromise, given that this is a one-on-one tournament, so it's basically no weakness at all), this only brings him up to +106. As Belzamus said about his character, this wouldn't be too bad if he had some spare ECL to play with, but he's right up against the ECL limit.

Similarly, he's right up against the ECL limit from his class levels and divine template alone, but he's got two bonus cosmic abilities from his eyepatch, which should push him over.

The custom PrC looks okay, but Hatred Holocaust seems to let him summon anyone willing to fight to the death against his Nemesis, against any opponent, not just his Nemesis. Pick a Nemesis "Hypotheticor, the Man who Secured the Hatred of Great Wyrm Nexus Dragons across the Cosmos", and you see why this is exploitable. Or in general, there's probably a Time Lord ideologically opposed to whatever Nemesis you may have at the moment, what with there being an infinite number of Time Lords.

It seems that the Nemesis mechanic can be quite easily manipulated in this tournament. Pick your nemesis to be whoever you're fighting first, and when you defeat them (pretty much a given, due to the huge bonuses you get), switch it to whoever's likely to be the victor of the round determining your next opponent (which won't be hard to work out). You should probably restrict Nemesis choices so you can't just chain Nemeses forever.

EDIT: My submissions:
Anaesthesia Fistpunch-Fabuloso
Final Phoenix
Withdrawn: Neo Polymorpheus (There's no real replacement for Lord of Bone, since we've already got a Vampire or two, and a Death Knight)
Shoutan Nanami
The Grey Gloom
Holashner, the Hunger Below
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Erm... negative on that count; I'm not the traveling type. >_>

Bollocks! I don't believe you for a second. Put forth some effort man. Nothing worth doing is easy. If you really want to participate in this even you will at least make an attempt to attend this convention. I know you have school and all that, but dude, Frankly, I'm 25 thousand dollars in debt and currently unemployed. Get over it and grow a pair man, I'll be expecting you.

I live in the UK. It's a bit far.

I'll get that list up this weekend. I need to fix Anaesthesia because she's got a feat which is now banned.

On Gruumsh: Ranger spells don't work how you think they work. Rangers prepare spells like a Cleric, and so must spend a minimum of 15 minutes preparing spells, which is probably useless in combat. He won't be able to take advantage of additional spell slots granted by temporary Wisdom increases. If he can spontaneously cast any spells, he might be able to cast those from his extra spell slots, but I'm not sure.

Where's he getting his Living Construct subtype from? Ersatz explicitly strips him of his Con score, and his ECL appears to be 238 just using his divine template and class levels alone.

His torch seems overpriced by a factor of 10 (market value of the morale bonus alone is 1.4 Ggp when he can only afford 141 Mgp). Morale bonuses are 2.5k times bonus squared, not 1k. The best he can afford is +75. While you could negotiate a reduction for having it only work against one opponent at a time, even a factor of two cost reduction (a generous compromise, given that this is a one-on-one tournament, so it's basically no weakness at all), this only brings him up to +106. As Belzamus said about his character, this wouldn't be too bad if he had some spare ECL to play with, but he's right up against the ECL limit.

Similarly, he's right up against the ECL limit from his class levels and divine template alone, but he's got two bonus cosmic abilities from his eyepatch, which should push him over.

The custom PrC looks okay, but Hatred Holocaust seems to let him summon anyone willing to fight to the death against his Nemesis, against any opponent, not just his Nemesis. Pick a Nemesis "Hypotheticor, the Man who Secured the Hatred of Great Wyrm Nexus Dragons across the Cosmos", and you see why this is exploitable. Or in general, there's probably a Time Lord ideologically opposed to whatever Nemesis you may have at the moment, what with there being an infinite number of Time Lords.

It seems that the Nemesis mechanic can be quite easily manipulated in this tournament. Pick your nemesis to be whoever you're fighting first, and when you defeat them (pretty much a given, due to the huge bonuses you get), switch it to whoever's likely to be the victor of the round determining your next opponent (which won't be hard to work out). You should probably restrict Nemesis choices so you can't just chain Nemeses forever.

EDIT: My submissions:
Anaesthesia Fistpunch-Fabuloso
Final Phoenix
Withdrawn: Neo Polymorpheus (There's no real replacement for Lord of Bone, since we've already got a Vampire or two, and a Death Knight)
Shoutan Nanami
The Grey Gloom
Holashner, the Hunger Below

That's all good and fine.... what about DragonCon? You gonna be there or what man? If you're not gonna attend don't bother submitting any more combatants because if you're not gonna show you won't be able to play. Sorry man.


First Post
That's all good and fine.... what about DragonCon? You gonna be there or what man? If you're not gonna attend don't bother submitting any more combatants because if you're not gonna show you won't be able to play. Sorry man.

I expect you'll be playing on your own then. I don't think an eight thousand mile round trip for a game of Dungeons and Dragons (especially a one shot tournament) is a good effort:reward ratio. If you were expecting people to physically be present, you probably should have mentioned that earlier. The default for these things is play-by-post.


I expect you'll be playing on your own then. I don't think an eight thousand mile round trip for a game of Dungeons and Dragons (especially a one shot tournament) is a good effort:reward ratio. If you were expecting people to physically be present, you probably should have mentioned that earlier. The default for these things is play-by-post.

Don't worry, I plan to post up all the results of everything that happens at DragonCon on the PBP here at Enworld. You will still get to see all of the action in your mind's eye, if not in person.

With your permission, I may still end up using some of the contenders you have posted. What say you?



Entertaining expectations in conflict with reality is certainly your right...

I really won't be joining you, though.



First Post
As an aside, Neo, I'm dubious as to how well this will be able to play out in a live game. I know for my part, I'd want to consider my characters' actions very carefully, given the huge plethora of abilities all the entrants have. I can't imagine that sort of playstyle will lend itself very well to a live game, though.


First Post
This thread started on Nov 22 and you wait *two* months practically to spring on us that this is going to be played as an in person game at Dragoncon?? And then on top of that, when your three main players and posters aside from yourself tell you we can't make it, you remain adamant on the subject. What is that all about??

Not only is such a crazy, high level game a seriously bad idea to run in person with people you don't really know, but if Buug, Bel and I don't make it, which sounds very likely, I highly doubt you'll find many people who A) Know D&D at this high of a level, 2) have heard about IH, Three) know the system as well as we all do and D) would know the combantants we've created well enough to want to play em.

Bottomline as Buug said above, this sounds increasing like you be playing with yourself.
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