D&D (2024) Aasimar, Crafting Rules, and more in Gameinformer Magazine feature

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The issue wasn't with their heads. It was that their feet were too small. But yes, in this case, the wild magic sorceress halfling appears to have proportionately appropriate-sized feet.


The first instinct is Wild Magic Sorcerer, but look at her mechanical hand, screams Clockwork Sorcerer, could this just be thr straight up Sorcerer class art?

The first instinct is Wild Magic Sorcerer, but look at her mechanical hand, screams Clockwork Sorcerer, could this just be thr straight up Sorcerer class art?

I think the presence of the prosthetic hand is more of a representation issue and is more likely to end up on a character class/subclass where its presence isn't directly related to the theme of the class/subclass.
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So far what appears to be in the new PHB for characters.

Aasimar ? (Celestial Planetouched)
Dragonborn *Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, Copper, Red, Blue, Green, Black, White *(Dragon Touched)
Dwarf (Tolkien Touched)
Elf High, Wild, Drow (Tolkien Touched)
Goliath *Hill, Stone, Frost, Fire, Cloud, Storm) (Giant Touched)
Halfling (Tolkien Touched)
Human (Prometheus Touched)
Gnome Rock, Forest (Garden Touched)
Orc (Untouched)
Tieflings Infernal, Chthonic, Abyssal (Fiendish Planetouched)
Hybrids? (Everyone Touched, Half Aasimar/Half Tiefling or Half Goliath/Half Gnome could be funny)

Barbarian: Berzeker, World Tree, Wild Heart, Zealot
Bard: Dance, Glamour, Valor, Lore
Cleric: Life, Light, War, Trickery
Druid: Land, Sea, Stars, Moon
Fighter: Psy Warrior, Eldritch Knight, Battlemaster, Champion (would love it if they dumped Champion for say Arcane Archer or Rune Knight)
Monk: Shadows, Elements, Open Fist, Mercy
Paladin: Devotion, Ancients, Vengence, Glory
Ranger: Beast, Hunter, Gloomstalker, Feytouched
Rogue: Soulblade, Arcane Trickster, Thief, Assassin or Swashbuckler
Sorcerer: Dragon, Aberrant Mind, Wild, Clockwork

I think presence of the prosthetic hand is more of a representation issue and is more likely to end up a character class/subclass where its presence isn't directly related to the theme of the class/subclass.
Somewhere they said that common magic items from Tasha's Cauldron and Xanathar's Guide were going to end up in the core books. Prosthetic Limbs are a common magic item in Tasha's.

I hope fallen aasimar stays available. It's the edgy players favorite!
To be sure, not saying the existing options should be deprecated or removed - they'll still be in Monsters of the Multiverse (which is supposed to be compatible with the '24 revision), regardless.

Just saying that I'd like some options less blatantly tied to "angelic" heritage and more to other celestial lineages (archons, guardinals, Arborean eladrin, etc.) in the way that tieflings are getting with their Infernal/Chthonic/Abyssal choice, so I wouldn't be against them repurposing the Heavenly/Idyllic/Exalted celestial lineage options from the first draft of the ardling into new, additional options for the PHB aasimar.
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