Yeah this is where you have to decide if you want crafting to serve some semblance of realism or work with the game.I did the math once, and figured out that if you got a week of downtime between every adventure, and used that entire week to craft, starting at level 1, you could probably end up making a suit of platemail... by level 7. By which point, most groups have already gotten at least one suit of platemail.
The simple truth is, the pace of leveling compared to time spent in a standard dnd game is just ludicrously fast, people gain speed, strength, and competency at a rate that is beyond normal human experience unless the dm very intentionally slows things down (such as months of downtime between adventurers, training requirements, etc etc).
If you want those kinds of players to actually craft things, crafting speed also has to be equally ludicrous. Like making a full set of plate armor in a day. Is that realistic for a single person? Absolutely not....but again if this is going to work in a game where I can be a farmer to start, and I'm hunting dragons for sport in like two months.... than you have to respect that time realism has gone completely out the window.