Henadic Theologian
To be sure, not saying the existing options should be deprecated or removed - they'll still be in Monsters of the Multiverse (which is supposed to still be compatible with the '24 revision), regardless.
Just saying that I'd like some options less blatantly tied to "angelic" heritage and more to other celestial lineages (archons, guardinals, Arborean eladrin, etc.) in the way that tieflings are getting with their Infernal/Chthonic/Abyssal choice, so I wouldn't be against them repurposing the Heavenly/Idyllic/Exalted celestial lineage options from the first draft of the ardling into new, additional options for the PHB aasimar.
So do you think Arborean Eladrin will still be the CG Paragons, given their Fey and Humaniod Elf versions, instead of replacing them with like Lillend or Asuras? Or a new Celestial CG race like Muses or Erotes or Oneiroi?