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[Adventrue] Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island


"Get to safety, lizard warrior!" Thorn growls as he tries to cover the retreat of the injured scout Messar.

Move Action: walk to D5.
Standard Action: use Covering Attack against Adult-2 (with his longspear's reach).
Free: Combat Challenge Adult-2
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[SBLOCK=OOC][MENTION=55230]DMDanW[/MENTION]: Can you tell me if Zharne killed Young 2, and if not, Gloom attack killed Young 2. The remaining action will depend on that answer. Thanks.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=Immediate Interrupt]Gellan uses Second Chance to force Young 4 to reroll its attack.


GM: As the Young Kruthiks claw comes slashing towards him Gellans inherent halfling luck kicks in as he slightly slips in the mud, causing the Kruthik to miss.

Zharne growls and transforms himself then moves to the side of the holy warrior and bites at his friends foe then he dodges closer to the cleric

[sblock=Action Details]

Minor Action:wildshape to beastform
Move Action:shift to K2
Standard Action: Darting bite on Y2 & Y3(hits reflex 22 for 12 damage(and heal 5) and ref 23 for 10 damage then he shifts to G1)


GM: Zhane darts towards Gloom biting at the two young Kruthik around him. His effort results in one of the beasts laying on the ground, its innards oozing out through the vicious gash caused by Zharne. Zharne then nimbly darts away to safety.

Martelai turns his attention on new threats. Quickly assessing the situation he moves away from the big bug and shoots another bolt toward already wounded yount, trying to free Gellan.

Standard: Eldritch blast vs Young 4 Ref; damage; curse (1d20+6=16, 1d10+5=13, 1d6=3) - if that drops it Young 1 and Adult 2 are cursed (rod of corruption) and martelai teleports 3 squares (blackleaf gloves)

- once I know how this goes, I'll add in move (because if I teleport I can use move to curse additional creature)

Move: todo
Minor: todo

[sblock=Martelai Stats]
CURSED: young 4
EFFECTS: shadow walk concealment, +2 all defenses

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
HP: 23/38 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

Level 1: Sacrifice to Caiphon
Level 2: Improved Fate of the Void

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance

Dilettante: Cutting Words
Ethereal Stride
Delban's Deadly Attention

Blackleaf Gloves Teleport

Decree of Khirad

Elixir of Will

GM: Martelai's bolt of arcane energy blasts open the young kruthiks carapace and splashes a mix of bodily fluids onto Gellan.

[sblock=DMDanW]I'd like to know what happens to Gellan (as a result of his racial power) before taking my turn. If he's still bloodied after it resolves, this will be my turn:

Minharath strides toward the center of the field, his hands pressed flat together before him. Chanting softly, his eyes flow with the color of soft firelight, a glow that quickly expands in all directions, then fades. The badly wounded feel their injuries fading with the light, taken away by magic.
[sblock=Actions]Move action: Walk to F5.
Standard Action: Healer's Mercy
Target: Each bloodied ally in burst.
Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+8 hit points. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.[/sblock]
If Gellan is not bloodied, then I don't want to waste Healer's Mercy just yet. Instead, my turn will look like this:

Minharath strides south, with a brief glance at Gellan. Seeing the Halfling is holding his own for the moment, he focuses on the enemy to the south. A rush of golden light expands in a circle about Minharath as he chants. As the light passes, the wounds of allies close, and enemies seem disoriented by the spell.
Minharath turns his gaze then to the wounded druid, and with a single word commands his wounds to fade.

[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Walk to H2.
Standard Action: Cast Beacon of Hope (Close Burst 3)
Target: Each enemy in burst.
Attack: +7 vs. Will Hit: The target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
Effect: You and all your allies in the burst regain 5 hit points, and your healing powers restore +5 hit points until the end of the encounter.
Minor Action: Cast Healing Word on Zharne Redcloud.
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 2d6+13 hit points (this includes the bonus from Beacon of Hope).[/sblock][/sblock]

GM: Minharath strides south, with a brief glance at Gellan. Seeing the Halfling is holding his own for the moment, he focuses on the enemy to the south. A rush of golden light expands in a circle about Minharath as he chants. As the light passes, the wounds of allies close, and enemies seem disoriented by the spell.
Minharath turns his gaze then to the wounded druid, and with a single word commands his wounds to fade.

Gloom tries to crush the wounded young Kruthik near him...

[SBLOCK=OOC]Standard: Holy Strike vs AC on Young 2 (1d20+9=17, 1d12+11=13)

I need to know if that kill the Young or not before stating what else Gloom do.

Edit: Or I need to know if Zharne have already kill it before Gloom attack Young 2.[/SBLOCK]

GM: Gloom prepares to attack the young kruthik in front of him but hesitates as Zharne darts away, one of the creatures vital internal organs in his mouth.

"Get to safety, lizard warrior!" Thorn growls as he tries to cover the retreat of the injured scout Messar.

Move Action: walk to D5.
Standard Action: use Covering Attack against Adult-2 (with his longspear's reach).
Free: Combat Challenge Adult-2

GM: Thorn rushes forward and drives his spear into the Kruthik in front of him. The fierce attack gives Messar a chance to back away from the front lines

[sblock=Mid round Status Update]
- Gellan's second wind causes the attack to miss. He is now at 19 hit points.

- Zharne kills Young 2 and shifts to G1

- Martelai kills Young 4 and teleports to ??? and has a move and minor action left

- Minharath casts beacon of hope Healing Gloom for 5 hit points & casts healing word on Zharne healing for 18 hit points.

- Gloom prepares to attack but notices that Young 2 is dead. You can use the attack and roll for either Young 3 or Adult 1 if you'd like.

- Thorn attack Adult 2 with covering attack. Messar can shift 2 squares - where do you want him to go?

[sblock=Updated Status]
Good Guys
Gellan – HP: 19/33; HS: 9/9; AP: 1 <= Used Hunters Quarry & Swift Panther Rage & Second Chance

Gloom – HP: 25/39; HS: 11/11; AP 1 <= Used Blood Fury Longsword & Longtooth Shifting

Martelai – HP: 23/38; HS: 9/9; AP 1 <= Has Concealment, used Delban's Deadly attention

Minharath – HP: 29/29; HS: 8/8; AP 1 <= Used Beacon of Hope

Thorn – HP: 30/35; HS: 10/11; AP 1 <= Used Covering Attack

Zharne – HP: 34/36; HS: 8/9; AP 1

Leonard - HP: 20/20; HS: 1/1

Messar - HP:10/20; <= Bloodied

Bad Guys
Young 1: Hit Points -24, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, Gellans Quarry till end of turn. Cursed By Martelai.

Young 2: Dead.

Young 3: Hit Points -8, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ?

Young 4: Hit Points -35, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, cursed by Martelai

Adult 1: Hit Points -0, AC <24, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will <18 <= Weakened

Adult 2: Hit Points -13, AC <24, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will <18; <= Cursed by Martelai





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First Post
[sblock=DMDanW]Does Beacon of Hope not heal Messar?[/sblock]

GM: Ah yes, I missed that - a burst 3 sure does cover a lot of ground on the diagonal..... Messar should now be at 15 hit points, not 10, although he is still suffering from ongoing poison damage and is weakened as he has not saved against any of that yet.


First Post
Gloom is about to finish one of the young around him when Zharne kill it. "You two are next!" calls the shifter before he sidestep while he swing his sword at the Young next to him.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Minor: Call of Challenge (Adult 1 and Young 3 under Gloom's Divine Sanction)
Move: Shift to K4
Standard: Holy Strike vs AC on Young 3 (1d20+9=17, 1d12+11=13) (I kept the same roll)[/SBLOCK]


[sblock=DM Dan]
- Thorn attack Adult 2 with covering attack. Messar can shift 2 squares - where do you want him to go?

Nope, Messar doesn't get the free move. He needed to be adjacent to my target to get the free 2 square shift. :.-(
But Thorn has combat challenged Adult 2, so he'd get a free attack if the bug tried to shift or attack Messar...


First Post
GM: OK so we are waiting for Martelai to complete his actions as well as actions from Gellan. Just giving a little nudge......nudge , nudge......


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Sorry, missed mid-round update!?

Fading energies of young insectoid power the magic of warlocks gloves and rod. As shadows settle over two closest beasts Martelai dissapears in the cloud of black leaves appearing few yards further away.

He then curses both closes enemies and prepares to unleash his most powerful curse calling upon ever hungry Haddar to devour his enemies. He calls to heavens and the area hundred feet around him darkens to deep night black and almost immediately dissipates. It does however linger on those he had cursed before leeching away their life energies.

Immediate Reaction: Blackleaf gloves teleport to G3
Minor: curse Adult 1
Move: curse Young 2

AP: Cursebite vs Fort (Adult 2, Young 1, Adult 1, Young 2) (1d20+6=19, 1d20+6=11, 1d20+6=20, 1d20+6=18)
Damage; Curse on Young 2 or 1 (2d8+1=16, 1d6=2) - curse damage to young 2 (miss I assume) so young 1.

[sblock=Martelai Stats]
CURSED: young 4, Young 1 & 2, Adult 1 & 2
EFFECTS: shadow walk concealment

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
HP: 23/38 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

Level 1: Sacrifice to Caiphon
Level 2: Improved Fate of the Void

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance

Dilettante: Cutting Words
Ethereal Stride
Delban's Deadly Attention

Blackleaf Gloves Teleport

Decree of Khirad

Elixir of Will
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