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[Adventrue] Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island

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GM: Martelai - I assume you meant to target Young 3, since young 2 is dead. I made that assumption and applied damage accordingly.

Gellan - Young 4 is dead. Young 2 is dead. That leaves Young 1 in front of you alive (Bloodied), Adult 2 near you, and Adult 1 and Young 3 (Bloodied) over by Gloom. You are the only player left to go this turn.


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Gellan dodges low, striking out with a tan'gat and scoring a heavy blow on the legs of the kruthik in front of him.

[sblock=Actions]Standard:Attack Young 2 with Pressing Strike. Hits AC 21 for 13 damage. I need to know if that kills Young 2 before proceeding.[/sblock]


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Gellans tan'gat takes the front legs of the creature clean off, dropping it to the ground, vital fluids pumping forth from the freshly severed limbs.

GM: Gellan kills Young 1 - please continue.


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Gellan then makes a quick dash to the side of the larger menace, slashing at it with both weapons and sending it staggering towards Thorn.

[sblock=Actions, cont'd]Free action: Gellan uses Whirling Lunge to shift to D-8 and deal 3 damage to Adult 2.
Standard Action: Use an action point to attack Adult 2 with Pressing Strike. Hits AC 24 for 10 damage. Adult 1 is pushed to D-6.
Move: Shift to D-7.[/sblock]
[sblock="Mini stat"]Gellan Bonesaw - Level 2 Halfling Barbarian
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Initiative: +4 Senses: Normal
AC: 19, Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 19/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 9/9
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Pressing Strike, Whirling Rend
Second Chance, Whirling Lunge, Hunter's Quarry
Combat Sprint, Whirling Frenzy

Swift Panther Rage[/sblock]


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Gellan dispatches the remaing young beside him and whirls towards the closest adult. His blades bite in and push the creature back.

Messar takes a step back away from the melee. By the look on his face you can tell that the poison in his system is very painful.

- Gellan's second wind causes the attack to miss. He is now at 19 hit points. Attacks Young 2 with Pressing strike inflicting 13 damage and killing it. Whirling lung to D8, inflicting 3 damage to Adult 2. Action point for Pressing Strike, Inflicting 10 damage and pushing Adult 2 to D6. Shift to D7.

- Zharne kills Young 2 and shifts to G1

- Martelai kills Young 4 and teleports to G3. Curses Adult 1 and young 2. Uses Cursebite inflicting lots of damage and killing Young 3.

- Minharath casts beacon of hope Healing Gloom for 5 hit points & casts healing word on Zharne healing for 18 hit points.

- Gloom places call of challenge on Adult 1 and Young 3. Holy Strike on Young 3 inflicting 13 damage & shift to K4

- Thorn attack Adult 2 with covering attack.

- Messar takes 5 more damage from the poison flowing through his veins; Shifts to F4; Fails saving throw.

- Leonard stands and does nothing...

- Adult 1 attacks Gloom and Minharath with Toxic Spikes, 22 vs AC (Gloom) & 25 vs AC (Minharath). Hits both for 5 damage (due to weakness). Both are slowed and take ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends both). Burrows into the ground and disappears from sight.

- Adult 2; gnashing Horde Aura 1, Both Thorn and Gellan take 2 damage from ending their turn adjacent to it. Attacks Gellan with its claws; 16 vs AC - Miss.

Good Guys
Gellan – HP: 19/33; HS: 9/9; AP: 0 <= Used Hunters Quarry & Swift Panther Rage & Second Chance, Whirling Lunge

Gloom – HP: 20/39; HS: 11/11; AP 1 <= Used Blood Fury Longsword & Longtooth Shifting ; Slowed & ongoing 5 poison damage.

Martelai – HP: 23/38; HS: 9/9; AP 0 <= Has Concealment, used Delban's Deadly attention, Cursebite

Minharath – HP: 24/29; HS: 8/8; AP 1 <= Used Beacon of Hope ;
Slowed & ongoing 5 poison damage.

Thorn – HP: 30/35; HS: 10/11; AP 1 <= Used Covering Attack

Zharne – HP: 34/36; HS: 8/9; AP 1

Leonard - HP: 20/20; HS: 1/1

Messar - HP:10/20; <= Bloodied, ongoing 5 poison damage

Bad Guys
Young 1: Dead

Young 2: Dead

Young 3: Dead

Young 4: Dead

Adult 1: Hit Points -16, AC <24, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will <18 <= Weakened

Adult 2: Hit Points -42, AC <24, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will <18; <= Cursed by Martelai, Bloodied



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"Lauto doesn't want you yet, lizard!" shouts Gloom at teh lizardmen, who suddenly feels better. "Now, stay out of trouble."

Gloom move nearer from his allies and then wait to see the adult come back to attack him.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Minor: Divine Mettle: Save vs Poison for Vessar(1d20+2=12)

Move: Walk to J3

Standard: Ready attack against the next Adult who appear and is within charge range: Ardent Strike vs AC on Adult (1d20+9=21, 1d12+7=17) Add +1 to hit if Gloom need to charge.

End of turn: Save vs Poison for Gloom (1d20=16)[/SBLOCK]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Martelai is wrongly positioned, he teleported after the death of the young 4 to G3.

Also, both adults are cursed

Leonard moves forward (F2) and readies his dagger(s) to throw at the adult as soon as it appears. (Use encounter power if he has any ranged...I'll look up if I can find his powers...
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Does Thorn get a free basic melee attack when the adult-2 attacked Gellan (Thorn combat challenged Adult-2)?

WoW...something went CRAZY with the lag on the dice rolls (I must have clicked too fast?). 10 was the damage if 16 vs AC is a hit....yikes, I might have to go back to CoCo dice roller. Sorry.

Also, your post didn't mention Adult-2 burrowing, so where did he go on the map?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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