[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Rises Again DM: Dimsdale.

"I will believe this when we see some proof, mage. As far as we know, we're in some other plane in some ancient ruins haunted by undead. I don't feel dead, un or otherwise."

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Proof?...Yes... I see that it is necessary to ease your confusion and suspicion. The ghost pauses How do you think you got here? Did you know your fellow adventures prior to the encounter of the undead? No. I for lack of a better word, resurrected you. Each of you, at one time in your short lifetime, made your way to Daunton when it was once a thriving city. What purpose your travels to the city was, I know not. All I know is that at one time you were there. If you weren't I would not have been able to summon you. And the only way I could have summoned you is if you were...died. You are all the current age you were when you perished.

Vlastoes floats three feet to the left of his position to get a little closer to the witch, then turns to face all three again. I'm sorry if this has come to a shock to you, but it is all for not.

Floating upward two feet and looking down at the three. As you can see...there is nothing left here (pointing his hand upward) but desolate ruins. How would like the opportunity to live once again in the city that was once a thriving city which attracted adventurers from a far. You can live again to follow whatever your hearts desire...and I can return there to do what I've wanted to do for two centuries...return to the location of my body where I can finally rest in peace.

Not waiting for a reply Vlastoes raises his voice someone excitedly. We can do this if you can go out and return to me specific items to which I can assemble into an artifact that can transfer us back. I know the location of each item, but lack a way to transport to the location of the items...until now.

The wizard turns now to the witch and points to her finger which now is equipped with a strange ring. You young one have an item that can get us what we need. The pieces are now all in place. Will you help me get the items I need. If so, I can tell you one other special piece of information about that ring that I know. What say you...

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Sora Daar looks at her ring. Then she looks up...then some more up...meeting Orsiks eyes and nodding slightly.

"Very well, Vlastoes. I don't necessary accept that we are dead, it still may be just summoning from beyond, variant of demon summons. But you didn't attack and I have no reason to suspect you beyond your nature. Know that if we find a way to get back and you return to your evil self, I'll do my best to return you to your grave. As things stand, I'm with you."


First Post
Well...then it is settled then. A warm smile appears. I am bound to this room. In order to release me from my restraints of this room I need you to find a item for me...actually two items, which when combined, create a staff. Though my research I've found the location of both pieces. The head piece of the staff is located somewhere with in the city Ramod. There is a Temple of Lauto there. Over the years I've dealt with members of that order, some in good faith...some in not so good. Once there, locate the temple archivist. His name is Brother Terrifat. Tell him my name and what I wish to do. I'm sure when you do he will want to help.

Young witch, take your ring now. let me touch it to activate its power. Once activated, you must go to a room located near here that contains an obelisk. Touch obelisk with the ring and it will teleport you near the city. Get the head piece and return to me.

He then moves towards the witch. Are you ready for me to power the ring?

"Stop!" silent goliath, somewhat of the archivist himself, notices a flaw in the plan
"How do we get back? Where will the gate deposit us? This will be a good test of your truthfulness too. If you send us to hell it would be clear indicator something is wrong" he ends up with slight smile.


First Post
Yes...these definitely be a concern if I were in you shoes. To come back you only need to use the ring. When your task is done you will only need to return to the location where the ring sent you, then the power of the ring will transport you back to here. As for where you'll be sent, I know not, only that it will be close to your destination.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Ah, well. We already decided you may be truthful." fey witch offers the hand with the ring to the undead wizard. Her guard comes huddling close in front of her while on her shoulder small dragon familiar hisses threateningly.


First Post
Very well young one. Vlastoes floats over closer to the witch and lays his hand over the hand which contains the ring. He mumbles a few words. In doing so, the witch feels a powerful surge of energy, not only flow into the ring, but throughout her body as well. hmmm...young lass. It appears there is more to this ring than I thought. Use it four your task young one. Vlastoes gives the witch a warm smile before turning to the rest of the group. It's is time now. There is a room not far from here where the initial teleportation must take place. Before I was transformed into the state that I am now I used to use it as my sole means to travel to far places throughout this world. However, in the state I am in now I am limited to how far I can travel beyond this room. The teleportation room is beyond that point. I will so you the way now.

[sblock=witch's eyes only]
As the ring activates your AC and reflexes have increased by +1

The ghost floats to a far corner of the room and waves his hand in a circle. A secret entrance appears beyond a book case which once stood in its way. There are steps leading down. Take these steps down until you enter a hallway. The hallway will move into an open area in which there are four exits. Take the south exit from this room. This path will eventually lead to to the room in which you are looking for. I must tell you. There are some...defenses...I have place along the way that I put in place to prevent any curious souls from discovering the teleportation room. It has been a long time since I've been there so I'm not sure anything of them are left. Go now and good luck.

GM: I am sorry for the delays with my posts. I think now I am good to go. Lots of encounters playned and ready. @Neurotic @MetaVoid @Neil1889 Role Call! Who is still here for the adventure.?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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