[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Rises Again DM: Dimsdale.

The Minotaur unslings his Execution Axe, but hooks it over his shoulder. "I am Labraundos of Joven and I'm not a spirit yet," says the Minotaur stepping forwards.

Ah...yes...welcome Labraundos the minotaur. It is good that one with strength and knowledge with an axe is one who answered my call. And who are the others?
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I am Sora Daar, the witch of Wrathwood. Why are you bound here instead of resting peacefully, wizard? Is this your dungeon?

My name is Orsik. the giant is terse and tense. He looks around more then at the ghostly wizard. He had similar adventure before and is not happy.

The ghostly figure gives a warm smile and the speaks. Thank you for coming. You're ability to take care of my foolish apprentice who was given the task to bring you to me after the summoning unharmed was a test of your ability to fight. Your ability to...disarm the trap and make it to my...home shows me that you have the ability to problem solve. Yes...I think you are quite capable to help me. He pauses, then speaks again. You see...I've brought you back to life hoping that you could help me...die.

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"So, do you think my Execution Axe can help? Just lay your neck and head exposed off the edge of a rock or sturdy table and we can try it out," say Labraundos, "Or is it more complicated than that? Also, what is this about us being not alive?"

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Vlastoes shakes his as if to say no to the question presented by the paladin. I'm afraid your axe will not do the deed paladin. As for you not being alive I will explain that as well. Before you came down here I am sure that you noticed that the area you confronted the undead creatures was the ruins of city that was one a thriving port city centuries ago called Daunton. it was there that I was brought back to...life...through a ritual that had gone wrong. The ghostly figures ponders for a moment then continues...

Let me explain a bit further. Prior to myself dying the first time I was once a very powerful wizard. My heart was cold and I cared not for others. I used people and magic to gain even more power and my thirst for it was unquenchable. It eventually led to my downfall as I try to cast a spell that I was not powerful enough attempt. I was killed instantly and my soul was taken from me by a demon of which I care not talk of any further other than that I believed he harness my powers and used my skeletal remains to do his bidding. I was a slave so to speak.

All changed however when someone discovered my soul stone, and while trying to bring me back to life, for what ghastly purpose I have no idea, this ritual was interrupted by a party of adventures who killed the cleric who was trying resurrect me. Upon his death part of my soul became united or bonded with the soul of the one who played the cleric. As a result, I became a ghost of what was once myself, however, not one with the lust for power...but one who...wanted to help others...
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Vlastoes shakes his as if to say no to the question presented by the paladin. I'm afraid your axe will not do the deed paladin. As for you not being alive I will explain that as well. Before you came down here I am sure that you noticed that the area you confronted the undead creatures was the ruins of city that was one a thriving port city centuries ago called Daunton. it was there that I was brought back to...life...through a ritual that had gone wrong. The ghostly figures ponders for a moment then continues...

Let me explain a bit further. Prior to myself dying the first time I was once a very powerful wizard. My heart was cold and I cared not for others. I used people and magic to gain even more power and my thirst for it was unquenchable. It eventually led to my downfall as I try to cast a spell that I was not powerful enough attempt. I was killed instantly and my soul was taken from me by a demon of which I care not talk of any further other than that I believed he harness my powers and used my skeletal remains to do his bidding. I was a slave so to speak.

All changed however when cleric with foul intent discovered my soul stone, and while trying to bring me back to life, for what ghastly purpose I have no idea, this ritual was interrupted by a party of adventures who killed the cleric who was trying resurrect me. Upon his death part of my soul became united or bonded with the soul of the one who played the cleric. The abrupt ending of the ritual before it was complete had its side effects, the main effect of which is this...my spirit became visible in the form what was once myself, however, not one with the lust for power...but one who...wanted to help others...just like the heart and soul of the adventurer who killed the cleric...

The wizard stops for a moment to let the adventurers ponder his tale
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This enlightenment is all very well, ancient one. But you're still undead abomination. How do we know this is not just some fancy story you thought up to get us to help you regain your former...well...existence." asks the witch eyeing the ghost suspiciously.
"Not to mention you think you got us from the dead...true, I remember being more powerful, but I'm out of Wrathwood and in the middle of some cursed ruins so it may account for that...and my guard is still with me."

"Centuries?" says Labraundos.

"That means those pirates that I was hunting may have got away with their crimes, damn their souls to the Shadows."

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