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Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


[sblock=ooc]Did you not have a large-sized token (or can you stretch one)? ...I have no idea what map software you're using. Actually, related question: what map software are you using? That thing seems awesome, especially for PbP.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]Tenchuu is using MapTool. You can find it at:

RPTools - Home

I highly recommend it. It's the best VTT software you can find, and above all, it's free! I'm using it in Land Ho as well.

Tenchuu: You can make the jelly a large creature by right clicking the token and pulling down to "size" the resulting menu allows you to select from among the standard 4e sizes and will automatically rescale your token.

BTW: The use of the word "occupied" implies that a character is in the square at the end of its turn. Otherwise the character simply "passes through" the square. Thus swarms can end their turn in another creature's square.[/sblock]
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[sblock=ooc]Yup. It's map tool. I'll done the resizing already for the next post. I agree, it's a wicked tool (thanks to HMG for giving me all the pointers when I started to DM). But, Maptool can be hard to learn. I would recommend this site for tutorials: RPTools Screencast Tutorials
Some of the steps in Maptool just aren't intuitive. But once you learn how to do it, it's easy. [/sblock][sblock=Post Forthcoming]Work has been insane, but I should have a post up shortly. Either this afternoon or tomorrow.[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]Not sure if I can get a post done today, but I am trying. In the meantime, see below, in case you disagree.[/sblock][sblock=Resolving Wil's action]
-A6 is not a legal move (wall blocks motion), so I have pushed 3 to C3. Also, E9 is not a valid slide for Stanng because D6 to E7 is a hard corner. I think the best you can do is move him to E6, which I have done. [/sblock]


First Post
Stanng moved up and challenged the Jelly, charging it just as Kane did, and with similar result. Thrusting his broadsword deep into the ooze, it began to discolor on the inside, becoming more cloudy. Almost along the line of the Stanng's cut, the large creature split into two smaller piles of ooze.

The original ooze shifted around behind Stanng, attacking the Paladin. But the slim harmlessly bounced off the shifter's armor.

The second slim moved around the back of Kane, and slammed hard against the barbarian, covering his arms with acidic slim.

The closer cavern choker crawled along the wall. It reached at Kane with its long arm, but missed. With a dull shimmer, its skin blending with the wall, making it harder to see.

The second choker moved up as well, this one moving closer to Stanng. It reaches out with it's long tentacle arm and wraps it around Stanng's throat, choking the shifter. The creature has a hold on Stanng, and doesn't let go.

The southern rats charged up to mervin and bit at the wizard's ankles. Several rats crawled up on to him, biting as they climbed.

The northern rats moved back toward the adventurers.

Move: E6 to E7 to E8 to E9 to E10
Minor: Divine Challenge Ooze
Standard: Charge Ooze
Attack: 1d20+7 = 20 Hit
Damage: 1d10+4=1d8 = 16

Ochre Jelly B14
Move: Shift 4 B14 to B13 to C12 to D12 to E12
Standard: Slam Stanng
Attack: 1d20+8=11 Miss

Ochre Jelly C15
Move: Shift 4 C15 to C14 to B13 to B12
Standard: Slam Kane
Attack: 1d20+8 = 28 Crit
Damage: 2D6+1 = 13 + 5 ongoing acid damage.

Choker C17
Move: C17 to C16 to C15 to B15
Standard: Tentacle Claw (reach 2) on Kane
Attack: 1D20+9 = 11 Miss
Minor: Chameleon Hide (Gains concealment)

Choker C19
Move: C19 to C18 to C17 to C16 to C15 to D15 to E15
Standard: Tentacle Claw (reach 2) on Stanng
Attack: 1D20+9=28 Hit
Damage: 1d8+3=5, grabbed by Choker.

Rats G5
Move: G5 to G6 to F6 to E6 to E7
Standard: Swarm of teeth on Mervin
Attack: 1d20+6=25
Damage: 1D6+3 = 7, plus 3 ongoing damage.

Other Rats
Move: to D6

Wil Rando: G10 33/33 HS 10/10 AP 1
Mervin: E8 16/23 HS 7/7 AP 1, ongoing 3 rat damage
Hergunna: I10 22/36 HS 9/9 AP 1
Kane: C13 22/41 HS 10/10 AP 1, ongoing 5 acid damage
Stanng: D13 26/31 HS 10/10 AP 1 Grabbed by E15

Rat Swarm: E7 20/36, Swarm Attack Aura 1, No OA TENT-Mervin
Rat Swarm: D6 17/36, Swarm Attack Aura 1, Bloodied
Ochre Jelly: E12 25/102 AP 1, Marked by Stanng
Ochre Jelly: B12 24/102 AP 1
Cavern Choker: B15 42/42, concealment
Cavern Choker: E15 42/42,

Rat Swarm - Medium natural beast (swarm) - Level 2 Skirmisher
Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
Swarm Attack aura 1; the rat swarm makes a basic attack as a free action against each enemy that begins its turn in the aura.
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 11
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 damage from close and area attacks
Speed 4, climb 2
Swarm of Teeth (standard, at-will)
+6 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage, and ongoing 3 damage (save ends).

Ochre Jelly - Large natural beast (ooze) - Level 3 Elite Brute
HP 102; Bloodied 51
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14
Immune gaze; Resist 5 acid
Saving Throws +2
Speed 4
Action Points 1
Slam (standard, at-will) Acid
+8 vs AC; 2d6+1 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Flowing Form (move; at-will)
The ochre jelly shifts 4 squares.
Split (immediate reaction, when first bloodied; encounter)
The ochre jelly splits into two, each with hit points equal to one-half its current hit points. Effects applied to the original ochre jelly do not apply to the second one. An ochre jelly can’t split if reduced to 0 hit points by the attack that bloodied it. Left alone, the two halves recombine into a single creature at the end of the encounter.

Cavern Choker - Small natural humanoid - Level 4 Lurker
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 17 (see also chameleon hide); Fortitude 15, Refl ex 15, Will 13
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
Tentacle Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +9 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape). A target trying to escape the grab takes a –4 penalty to the check.
Choke (standard; at-will)
Grabbed target only; +9 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 3 damage.
Body Shield (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a melee or a ranged attack against Reflex or AC; recharges when the choker makes a successful tentacle claw or choke attack) The cavern choker makes its grabbed victim the target instead. The choker cannot use this power to redirect attacks made by a creature it is currently grabbing.
Chameleon Hide (minor; at-will)
The cavern choker gains concealment until the start of its next turn. It can’t use this power while grabbing a creature or while grabbed.
[/sblock][sblock=Rats Aura]Don't forget, if you start your turn adjacent to the rats, they essentially gain an OA on you. So be sure to roll for strike/damage.[/sblock]
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"Ow, ow, ow! Oh! Yes - ha HA!" Mervin winces as the rats that have crawled up on him continue to bite, but manages to use his staff to knock away several others as they continue to swarm.

[sblock=ooc]Mervin takes ongoing rat damage 3 -> HP=13
Rats swarm aura misses (16 vs. 18 AC)[/sblock]
Mervin screams at the rats, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS! ...BWAH hahahaha! Just kidding - I heard some other wizard do that once and I had to try it. Seriously though rats, suck on this." With that, Mervin conjures a small sphere that looks like a ball containing swirling flames. He casually tosses it straight up in the air, and then as it falls he swings his staff to hit it down the hallway where it lands between the swarms of rats. As it touches the ground it explodes, releasing a concussive force that slams into the rats while also lighting the whole area on fire.

[sblock=ooc]Cast Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation on E6 (no OA)

OID vs. rats at E7 crits, 12 (max) + 5 (vulnerable) = 17 force damage, E7 rats are knocked prone (also bloodied)

OID vs. rats at D6 hits (17 vs. 14 Ref), 9 {original damage roll} + 5 (vulnerable) = 14 force damage, rats are knocked prone {no longer dead}

Rats at D6 and E7 will take 2 fire damage on the start of their turn; any enemy that enters that area will also take 2 damage

(I am about 95% sure the 2 fire damage doesn't trigger their vulnerability, but I'm happy to be wrong on that.)[/sblock]"Homerun!"[sblock=ooc]Couldn't resist :)[/sblock]
Mervin runs screaming out of the hallway, covered in rats. Stopping near Wil and Hergunna, they notice a large rat hanging off the end of Mervin's nose, its teeth dug in for dear life. "Don't worry! I *pant* totally *pant* have these guys. *pant* I think most of them *pant* are on fire now." As he says this, he reaches into his pack and withdraws a small vial.

[sblock=ooc]Mervin moves (no OA) to H11 -> E9, E10, F10, G10, H11
Minor: draw a stowed potion of healing from his pack[/sblock]
[sblock=end of turn]Mervin does not save against ongoing rat damage (4 vs. 10)

Rats at E7 no longer affected by Winged Horde[/sblock]

[sblock=Mervin ministats]Mervin Male Human Wizard 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 17, Senses: Normal
AC:18, Fort:12, Reflex:16, Will:14
HP:13/23, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:7/7
Action Points/Milestones: 1/0
Phantom Bolt
Winged Horde
(Wizard cantrips)

Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation
Staff of Defense

Flaming Sphere

Equipment of note:
- Potion of Healing: good for this adventure only

Important Stuff:
- When attacked with psychic power can make monster knowledge check as imm. reaction, 1/enc/type

- ongoing rat damage 3

Full sheet: Mervin[/sblock]
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[sblock=three questions]Hergunna mentioned lighting a sunrod - did she? I assumed she did and she's still holding it, albeit in wolf form somehow. Or maybe she dropped it over where she wild shaped? Anyway, as long as hers is out and somewhere in this room, that's all cool - but if my staff is the only light source in this room I'd redo my minor action and cast light on Kane.

Second question: normally when I hit multiple enemies in a blast I would roll damage once and make attack rolls for each enemy. However, I just rolled attack and damage both times for each attack because it's slightly faster (and I forgot). Is that cool? Or should I only roll the damage once? I'm happy either way.

Lastly: I am guessing the choker at E15 doesn't actually have concealment, right? It's written in the status block but not the mechanics block.[/sblock]
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Kane tries to ignore the burning acid, but despite his best efforts, the stinging pain continues to bother him. The bugbear takes a step closer to the creature that tried to grab him and then takes a moment to regain his strength.

*Immediate Reaction to taking ongoing damage - use Shrug it Off - save (1d20=6) failed to save.
**Start of turn take 5 dmg, now bloodied
Move: shift to D14
Standard: Second Wind (regain 10 hp, bonus to defenses noted in stat block)
End of turn save: save (1d20=19) no longer ongoing dmg

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 2
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Low-light
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:19, Will:15
HP:27/41, Bloodied:20, Surge Value:10, Surges left:9/10
Action Points: 1
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Predatory Eye
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Brutal Slam
Shrug it Off

Swift Panther Rage

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: L4W:pC:Kane (renau1g - ENWiki) [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Sunrod]Hergunna would have dropped it when she shifted to wolf form, so it's near the middle of the big room.

Will post a move later.[/sblock]


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[sblock=three answers]
1. Hergunna still has the sunrod. I'm not sure exactly what the rules say, since her personal items magically disappear and reappear via shifting, but for simplicity sake (and DM didn't think of it sake) the sunrod is still operating from Hergunna's space. However, Kane's sunrod is still by the Rats.
2. I believe the PHB says to roll multiple attacks and one damage, so do that. If it is simplier for you to roll damage twice, that's fine, but use the first damage roll for all targets. (Please retcon you post. D6 rats should be 9+5 damage)
3. Correct. No concealment. I've updated the post. Sorry about that.


First Post
[sblock=three answers]
1. Hergunna still has the sunrod. I'm not sure exactly what the rules say, since her personal items magically disappear and reappear via shifting, but for simplicity sake (and DM didn't think of it sake) the sunrod is still operating from Hergunna's space. However, Kane's sunrod is still by the Rats.
[sblock=ooc]Nope, Hergunna dropped the sunrod, unless she was somehow wearing it... from the Compendium:

Your equipment becomes part of your beast form, but you drop anything you are holding, except implements you can use. You continue to gain the benefits of the equipment you wear.

In fact I meant to mention this in my post, but forgot...

Voidrunner's Codex

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