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Adventure: Lord Byron's Lost Silver (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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Kane laughs as he pulls out a die from his pouch, the bugbear hurls the token at the skeleton and as it lands at the creature's feet, a burst of light emanates from the die. Suddenly, a spectral cask appears above the skeleton and it's movements become less coordinated and it sways, as if tipsy from too much ale.

The bugbear just smiles as he draws his axe. "Hurry Stinkbeard, there is lots of friends for Kane and youse to play with" he calls back.

Free: Drop axe
Minor: Draw Vagabond's Die
Move: Throw the die/activate it at Right Skeleton - Vagabond's Die (1d6=1) - Result is Drunkard's Mug - the target takes a -2 penalty to attacks TENT
Standard: Pick up axe.

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 7
Initiative: +10, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light
AC:22, Fort:21, Reflex:20, Will:16
HP:65/65, Bloodied:32, Surge Value:16, Surges left:8/11
Action Points: 0
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Furious Assault
Hunter's Quarry
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Whirling Step
Slash and Slash Again
Shrug it Off
Demoralize Foe

Swift Panther Rage
Rage of the Crimson Hurricane
Vanguard Weapon
Vagabond's Die
Raven Cloak +2

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: PC:Kane - L4W Wiki [/sblock]

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Hergunna narrows her eyes and studies the statue, considering her options.

[sblock=trap]I'm a little confused about the trap. I get that it triggers if you attack it. Does it also trigger if you move close to it without a stealth check, or was that just for the initial activation? Then does it fire every turn on its initiative? Also is it really close blast 5 or is it supposed to be close burst 5? To hit all of us on all sides like that it would seem to be close burst... which is pretty awful if so.

Trying to formulate a plan for dealing with it. I'd be happy to plink it with ranged attacks but if it's a burst, most of us are still within its area of effect. And pretty much won't be able to get out of danger for the most part especially if it's going to go off again now, and those dang skeletons have their push attack as well. Can the statue be moved with forced movement?

And it has Reflex 22??? (Equal to its AC???) :([/sblock]


[sblock=OOC] I will keep Wil's movement, I knew he would not be hidden from one of the skeletons, but since I was moving to avoid the statue with stealth anyway (See ryryguy's question) I figured I would keep using it. I agree with your line of sight and cover summary. Besides, I lose it on any of my triggers anyway.[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=John]I think that wall is of questionable cover, but there's nothing stopping you from moving there. I would say, if I can draw a line of any corner of a square the enemy occupies and it reaches the back right corner of F18 without going through that little piece of wall, then no cover bonus is afforded. Likewise with the stealth check. So, by that ruling, I would say you are hidden from the left-er bonecrusher, but not hidden from the right-er bonecrusher.

Feel free to prove me wrong, appeal to the judge, or retcon based on this information. [/sblock][sblock=Dims]No Problem[/sblock]

[sblock=Cover rules]P.280 of PHB

Determining Cover: To determine if a target has
cover, choose a corner of a square you occupy (or
a corner of your attack’s origin square) and trace
imaginary lines from that corner to every corner
of any one square the target occupies. If one or
two of those lines are blocked by an obstacle or an
enemy, the target has cover.
(A line isn’t blocked if it
runs along the edge of an obstacle’s or an enemy’s
square.) If three or four of those lines are blocked but
you have line of effect, the target has superior cover.

The wall ought to be good for at least cover (-2). Just about any obstacle is, really. I should know those rules; cover allows me to remain hidden! ;)
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First Post
I think this situation is a little different, because the obstacle in question is in the square he is occupying, and it's not the type of obstacle he can hide in.

So, here's my logic: in a normal scenario, say you are around a corner, you have 5 feet of room in your square to press up against the object. In this case, half of his square is occupied by the obstacle, so he's kind of forced to be in that lower right corner of the square. Since the righter bonecrusher (logically) has line of sight, I'd argue that the obstacle is not sufficient enough to give wil a place to hide, to apply his stealth roll. The skeleton would definitely see Wil run, and it seems illogical that when Wil ran into and stood next to that little wall, that the righter skeleton would not be able to still see him. (If you still disagree, you can always ask the judge).
[/sblock][sblock=Trap]Okay, I muffed that one. It is a blast and not a burst, which I would have used to target the the people clustered near the edge (Wil, Kruk, Kane). For Carolina's sake, I'm not going to retcon her attack, since it dealt no damage, and if I retcon it, two big skeletons start the round swinging at her. For Hergunna, She would be at Q18 before the trap attack. Since I screwed up, I'll let you decide if you want to start your turn at Q18 or U18.

As for the trap trigger: The trap activates and rolls initiative when any enemy enters a square within 5 squares of it, or when a character makes a failed Thievery check or attacks it. At this point, unless you are hidden behind cover, and you are within 5 squares, you are visible. Think of it like a sleeping guard. Once someone makes too much noise, it opens it's eyes, and everyone visible is busted, whether they were previously tip-toeing or not.

The trap is a L6, so the high defensive values offset the relatively low hit points. One good hit could drop it.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Trap]Ok, that all makes sense... so attacking now won't trigger an extra attack. I'm still not sure whether forced movement will work on it - if so that would be better since I could potentially pull it out of range of the people pinned on the cliff edge. Even if so my chance to hit is low against that Ref, so I'll start with Thorn Spray to hopefully lower its defenses for next round.

Oh and the complaint about high Ref defense is mainly because it's a freaking statue. But apparently a statue with great reflexes. ;)[/sblock]

Hergunna makes up her mind and darts forward and to the left, gathers power and lets fly a storm of thorns from outstretched arms. Only the badly damaged skeleton is affected, however. She rolls her wrist and casts a thorn whip at it, but it shrugs off the projectile.

[sblock=Actions]Move: to O12
(Action Point) Standard: Thorn Spray origin N13. Thorn spray (action surge +3) vs BC(I14), BC(I17), Statue (1d20+9+3=23, 1d20+9+3=17, 1d20+9+3=13, 1d6+5=10) That stinks. Natural 1 vs the statue, natch. :( Well, 10 damage to western bonecrusher and -4 def, I will try to take him out.
Standard: Thorn whip vs BC(I14) (1d20+9=15, 1d8+5=9) Great, misses even with the lowered defense... wouldn't have finished it anyhow[/sblock]
[sblock=Hergunna stat block]Hergunna- Female Human Druid 6
Human Form
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC:20, Fort:18, Reflex:20, Will:21 -- Speed:7
HP:56/56, Bloodied:28, Surge Value:14 (16 in beast form), Surges left:9/9
Initiative +5
Action Points: 0, Daily Item Uses: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Thorn Whip, Call of the Beast, Chill Wind, Savage Rend, Wild Shape

Thorn Spray, Resist Energy, Predator's Flurry, Camouflage Cloak Hunter's Quarry

Summon Pack Wolf, Primal Spider

Surfsurge Shoes, Death Fang Totem, Enduring Beast Hide Armor, Bracers of Respite, Surfsurge Shoes


First Post
[sblock=delay]Sorry about the delay. Work has been killing me, and sadly I don't see an end anytime soon. Posting will probably slow down to 2x week.


First Post
[sblock=Ryry]I would rule that you cannot slide the statue.
Fox's Cunning can trigger, but because of your position and threatening reach, the enemy attack still hits. So, if you would like to use this one, go ahead.

Chord of Dissonance also can trigger, for either you or Kruk. I'll let you decide how to use it.

"I SAID BEGONE!" The demon statue boomed again, focusing on the two melee warriors. Kruk was ready this time, and the dwarf stood his ground, but Kane was caught off guard and tumbled to the edge.

[sblock=Kane Trap/Cliff Rules]
You get a chance to save vs falling.
If you passing the saving throw, you are prone where you are.
If you fail, you move one square to the right, and you are hanging on to the cliff by the edge. You will need to use a move action to pull yourself back up (Athletics DC 10). This will put you back on land, but still prone. You'd need a second move action to stand.

Another adjacent character can use their move or standard action to pull you up, making you prone on solid land.

"Ahhhrrggg! Away with" "Intruders!" the twin skeletons said. The damaged Skeleton moved toward Hergunna. It swung with the heavy club, but the druid sidestepped at the last minute.

The other Skeleton turned it's attention to Wil. Closing in, it swung hard with it's club, slamming Wil into the wall.

A smaller, skulking skeleton lurked out from the gates. Turning it's gaze Caroline, it sent a mental bolt which froze the rogue in place.

Two demon worshiping humans followed. The first came through the gate, and attacked Kruk mentally, sending waves of pain through the dwarf. The second ascended the gate wall. It tried to assail Kane, already dangerously close to falling down into the chasm, but the barbarian resisted the mental dagger.

[sblock=Wil, Caroline, Kane, Kruk]
You see, for just a moment, some furry thing go moving past, from the gate toward the south east cliff. Though, as you stare in that direction, you can see nothing; not even a set of floating eyeballs. It moved so fast, like a blur, you're not sure what it was.
[/sblock][sblock=Charina, Hergunna, Kruk, Kane]
You are -2 Wil Defenses.
[/sblock][sblock=Arcana DC 15 rolled]Some creature is causing the Will penalty.
[/sblock][sblock=Arcana DC 25 rolled]A Wendigo Manhunter is lurking around, unseen, causing the breakdown of your mental defenses.
Trap Attack
Standard: Blast 5 +10 vs Will
Attack Kane: 1d20+10=25 Hit
Attack Kruk: 1d20+10=15 Miss
Effect: Push Kane 4

Bonecrusher Skeleton: I14:J15
Move: to M12:N13
Standard: Crushing Blow vs Hergunna (AC)
Attack: 1d20+13=19 Miss
Damage: 2d10+5=0

Bonecrusher Skeleton: I17:J18
Move: to G18:H19
Standard: Crushing Blow vs Wil (AC)
Attack: 1d20+13=28 -2= 26 Hit
Damage: 2d10+5=24

Skelmur the Stalker
Move: to I16
Minor: Skelmur's Eyes vs Caroline (Will)
Attack: 1d20+12=29
Damage: 1d6+3=6 psychic damage
Effect: Caroline is immobilized TENT-Skelmur.

Demon King's Wand C15
Move: to G16
Standard: Mind Razor vs Kruk (Will)
Attack: 1d20+11=28
Damage: 2d8+4=16 psychic damage

Demon King's Wand 2
Move: to E20
Standard: Mind Razor vs Kane (Will)
Attack: 1d20+11=12
Damage: 2d8+4=0 psychic damage

Move: to I17
Move: to ???
Wil Rando: F18 36/50 HS 9/10 AP 1 MW 2/2, +1 AC/Ref-Shift-TENT,
Hergunna: O12 56/56 HS 9/9 AP 1, -2 will defense
Kane: K21? 65/65 THP 0/5 HS 8/11 AP 0, -2 will defense
Kruk: L21 51/67 THP 0/9 HS 11/12 AP 0, -2 will defense
Carolina: F14 43/49 HS 4/7 AP 0, immobilized TENT-Skelmur
Charina: R12 44/44 HS 7/7 AP 1, -2 will defense

Demon Face Statue: M16:N17 21/21
Bonecrusher Skeleton: M12:N13 11/80, Bloodied, -4 DEF TENT-Hergunna
Bonecrusher Skeleton: G18:H19 71/80,
Skelmur the Stalker: I16 99/99
Demon King's Wand: G16 52/52
Demon King's Wand: E20 52/52, +2 Cover from Gate Wall

[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Triggers]
Bonecrusher Skeleton
- Threatening Reach: OAs within 2 squares

Demon King's Wand:
- Trigger: first time it is bloodied
- Effect: turns invisible
Demon Face Statue
Statue Attack
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: +10 vs. Will
Hit: The statue pushes the target 4 squares. If the target ends this movement next to an ally of the demon face statue, that ally can make a melee basic attack against the target as an opportunity action.
Special: The trap treats all nondemons that are not part of the statue’s demon cult as enemies. It treats all members of the cult and their allies as its allies.
-Stealth DC 17: By making a Stealth check, a character can move within 5 squares of the statue without activating it or alerting the creature linked to it.
-Thievery DC 17: A character adjacent to the statue can make a Thievery check (as a standard action) to disable the trap until the start of the character’s next turn. Three successful Thievery checks destroy the trap.
-A character can attack the statue (AC 22, Reflex 22, Fortitude 21, 21 hit points). Doing so activates the trap (as above). Destroying the statue ends its threat.

Bonecrusher Skeleton
Large shadow animate (undead)
Level 7 Soldier
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 22; Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 19
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8
Greatclub (standard, at-will) Weapon
Reach 2; +13 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage.
Crushing Blow (standard, recharge 6)
Reach 2; +13 vs AC; 2d10+5 and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.
Threatening Reach (!!!)
The bonecrusher skeleton can make opportunity attacks against all enemies within its reach (2 squares).
Equipment: greatclub

Skelmur the Stalker
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
HP 99; Bloodied 49
AC 22; Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 21
Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial
Saving Throws +2
Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing
Action Points 1
Spirit Touch (standard, at-will) Necrotic
+12 vs Reflex; 2d4+3 necrotic damage.
Skelmur's Eyes (minor 1/round, at-will) Fear, Gaze, Psychic
Ranged 5; +12 vs Will; 1d6+3 psychic damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of Skelmur's next turn. This attack doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
Drowning Hands (standard; requires combat advantage; sustain minor, recharges after skelmur uses dematerialize) Necrotic
+12 vs Fortitude; 2d10+5 damage, ongoing 5 damage (save ends), and the target is dazed until the end of Skelmur’s next turn. Sustain Minor: Skelmur can only sustain the effect on a target he hit with the above attack or following attack during his last turn. When he sustains the power, he repeats the attack on the target, dealing 5 damage (10 to an immobilized target).
Dematerialize (standard; at-will)
Skelmur reduces himself to a set of floating eyes, and he shifts 2 squares. He can make a Stealth check to hide if he has any sort of cover or concealment.

Demon King’s Wand
Medium natural humanoid
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 20, Will 19
Speed 5
Short Sword (standard, at-will) Weapon
+13 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage.
Mind Razor (standard, at-will) Implement, Psychic
Ranged 10; +11 vs Will; 2d8+4 psychic damage.
Bedeviling Bolts (standard, at-will) Illusion, Implement
Ranged 10; +11 vs Will; 1d10+5 damage, and the Wand slides the target 1 square.
Scintillating Pattern (standard, recharge 6)
Area burst 2 within 10; targets enemies; +9 vs Will; 3d8+4 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Fade Away (immediate reaction, when the king's wand takes damage; encounter) Illusion
The King’s Wand turns invisible until after it hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn.
Equipment: surcoat, short sword , wand implement .
[/sblock][sblock=Adventure Summary]
Kruk: Find his friend Greggor
Charina: Use the group to collect more bounties (ears)
Everyone Else: Locating the missing Silver shipment for Lord Byron

Summary of Events
1. Bested Pirates en route to Allaria. Traveled on the ship Wind's Will captained by Captain Levenbrech, and mated by Porse and Trig.
2. Arrived in the port, to find it besieged by Lizards from the unending mire. Defeated lizards and met/teamed up with Charina.
3. Journeyed to Geardagas and asked the locals for information with mixed results (link to the leads gathered).
4. Went to the temple of Netari, where the new priest, Father Niris, has been tending to the ill (apparently quite poorly). He led the players into the catacombs, where his zombie minions ambushed. The priest, over confident, rambled on about Hellview (background reference for players).
5. Dealing a mortal blow to the Priest, he says Master De Luccia (First time they have heard the name) cannot be stopped, and he stated that Greggor "will be... among the first... at Hellview." The priest laid dying on the floor with his fallen minions.
6. As they approach Hellview, they encounter the ghost of Sir Alistair Glasston, who begged them to enter the cave and retrieve his lost battleaxe.
7. They entered Hellview, and came across a portal, as well as some guards/workers. It seems they were using zombies to dig a new path near the portal...
8. They step through the portal into a bizarre world. A demon statue looms ahead, with a tall gate behind. The bodies of fallen adventurers, as well as a dead demon, lay about the floor. Wil Triggered the Demon statue trap, alerting the nearby demon's.
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After the gigantic skeleton pounds Wil into the wall, he bounces off and fires a quick arrow at the beast. The arrow strikes and out come swirling spirits to pin the creature to the ground.

[sblock=OOC]Immediate Reaction: Fox's Cunning on Bonecrusher Skeleton to shift 1 to G17 and make a RBA - Grappling Spirits on the skeleton 1d20+14=28 (vs AC) for 1d10+5=10 damage and it is slowed and can't shift until the end of its next turn.

If the wall isn't cover, is it a hard corner? If so I need to change the shift.

Can I used Moment of Escape to slide Kane up the wall and onto the platform?[/sblock]
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First Post
Let's go with:
1. Not a hard corner
2. Yes, You can use moment of escape, after he rolls his save vs falling. If he makes the save, just slide him, and he'll remain prone at the end of the move. If he fails the save, basically the same thing (he will still be prone at the end of the move) but his starting position would be 1 square to the right.

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