Adventure: Poisoned to the Core DM: FourMonos Judge: KarinsDad

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OOC: After 1 Suge spent by River and Pok.

[MENTION=36973]stonegod[/MENTION]: You sure you will spend an HS, Tondrek have only 3 damages after River and Pok have spent an HS. He will rpobably only 1 damage after Muzdum and Rumbum have spent their HS (assuming they choose to do so). Look at the stats update block below.

[sblock=Stats Update]
River (F-11): 75/75 +3 THP; HS 9/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Rumbum: (H-8): 35/82; HS 12/14; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: bloodied.

Tondrek: (L-11): 79/82 +3 THP HS 11/12; AP 0; Second Wind; Status:
Doggie: (L-10): 12/15 AC 24 F 22 R 19 W 21; Status:

Pok d'Sivis: (I-4): 52/52; HS 6/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Amarande Vigoth: (K-10): 88/90; HS 11/12; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:
Ulvellyn: (I-10) 24/45 AC: 26, Fort: 22, Reflex: 26, Will: 26; Status:

Muzdum Firebelly: (L-8): 51/71; HS 10/11 AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

OOC: After 1 Surge spent by River, Pok, Muxdum and Rumbum (I would assume [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION] would do so)
[MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION] tells he hasn't send any surge yet, but @FouMonos last stat block show he has spent 1... assuming VodaVosa was right, here the stats updated after healing.

"Ok, someone want our dying man to die... we have the claw... did we needed somethings else?" asks River, his memory have been clouded by such a long combat. "And I can guess they won't stop here to prevent us to save the man."

[sblock=Stats Update]
River (F-11): 75/75 ; HS 9/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Rumbum: (H-8): 82/82; HS 11/14; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: bloodied.

Tondrek: (L-11): 81/82; HS 11/12; AP 0; Second Wind; Status:
Doggie: (L-10): 14/15; AC 24 F 22 R 19 W 21; Status:

Pok d'Sivis: (I-4): 52/52; HS 5/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Amarande Vigoth: (K-10): 90/90; HS 11/12; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:
Ulvellyn: (I-10) 26/45; AC: 26, Fort: 22, Reflex: 26, Will: 26; Status:

Muzdum Firebelly: (L-8): 71/71; HS 10/11 AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

[sblock=Stats Update]
River (F-11): 75/75 ; HS 9/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Rumbum: (H-8): 82/82; HS 11/14; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: bloodied.

Tondrek: (L-11): 81/82; HS 11/12; AP 0; Second Wind; Status:
Doggie: (L-10): 14/15; AC 24 F 22 R 19 W 21; Status:

Pok d'Sivis: (I-4): 52/52; HS 5/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Amarande Vigoth: (K-10): 90/90; HS 11/12; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:
Ulvellyn: (I-10) 26/45; AC: 26, Fort: 22, Reflex: 26, Will: 26; Status:

Muzdum Firebelly: (L-8): 71/71; HS 10/11 AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

GM: I looked back through the posts and I don't see that Muzdum spent any surges. Not sure where that came from, so with the one surge spent, Velmont's update is correct. Also, Rumbum only had to spend one surge. Thanks!

At the urging of the animal trainer, and Amarande's obvious expertise in displacer beasts, Amarande agrees to stay back for a bit to treat the unconscious displacer beast's wounds and burns. A quick search of the bugbear's corpses reveal no significant items. They had a few gold pieces, which the party is free to pocket. Each of them has a stone plate with three round circles removed in a linear pattern. These items don't seem familiar to anyone or apparently have a purpose.

The ogre clearly left in a hurry. His hurried exit left several door frames shattered and the gates to the Battle Pit knocked down.

The group, still concerned with the poisoned guard's health at the forefront of their mind, urge Amarande to catch up, but hurry back out of the gladiator stadium.

Accustomed now to expecting things to be as difficult as possible, the group is not surprised to see a group of men leaning against the Professor's sky skiff when they leave the building. The men were apparently waiting for the adventurers, stand up and several approach the group.

"Well, well, well. Just like Rickshaw said. What took you blokes so long to come out of there?"

"We had some animals to take care of." replies River. "We are in some hurry, and we have wasted too much time, maybe you would be gentle enough to let us pass and take back the sky skiff."

[SBLOCK=Immediate Actions]
During the monster turn, River might use one of these interrupt. If more than one trigger is valid at the same time, use the first in list. Please note I might change the Triggering conditions.

Reversal of Fortunes (Immediate Interrupt * Ranged 5)
Target: The triggering enemy in range
1) An enemy within 5 squares of you hits an ally adjacent to him.
2) The ally is bloodied
3) The enemy is not bloodied
4) River won't get an AoO, or only one from a minion.
Attack: +13 vs. Fort
Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage. The ally hit by the triggering enemy’s attack can spend a healing surge and regain 2d10 + 3d6 + 14 additional hit points and can make a saving throw.

Shield of Devotion (Immediate Reaction * Close Burst 5)
Target: The triggering ally
1) An ally within 5 squares of you takes damage from an enemy attack.
2) The ally has lost at least 11 damages, including this attack.
Effect: The target regains 11 hit points. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to your next attack roll against the enemy that damaged the target.

Whispers from Beyond (Immediate Interrupt * Melee 1)
Target: The triggering enemy
1) An enemy enters a square adjacent to you.
2) River is bloodied
3) The creature can daze, stun or deal as much damage as his current hp (assuming River is aware of those fact)
Attack: +11 vs. Will
Effect: The target grants combat advantage and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls that include you as a target until the end of your next turn.

[SBLOCK=River's Stats]River
Initiative +5
Passive Insight 25 Passive Perception 21
HP 75/75; 0 THP; Bloodied 37; Surge Value 18; Surges Per-Day 9/10
AC 25 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 23
Speed 6
Action Point: 1

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack: Medic Dagger +10 vs AC 1d4+2

Skills: Athletics +7, Diplomacy +14, Endurance +7, Heal +19, Insight +15, Intimidate +14, Religion +13
Languages Common, Elven


[ ]Astral Seal
[ ]Sacred Flames

[ ]Longtooth Shifting
[ ]Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune, Healer's Mercy)
[2]Healing's Word
[2]Shield of Devotion
[ ]Prophetic Guidance
[ ]Hymn of Resurgence
[ ]Denunciation
[ ]Reversal of Fortune
[ ]Word of Vigor

[ ]Virtue's Touch
[X]Moment of Glory
[ ]Return from Death's Door
[ ]Iron to Glass
[ ]Stream of Life
[ ]Dismissal

[ ]Battle Standard of Healing [E]
[ ]Medic Dagger [D]
[ ]Symbol of Perseverance [D]
[ ]Glove of the Healer [D]
[ ]Battleforged Light Shield [D]
[ ]Whisper's from Beyond [D]

GM: [MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION] The yellow is now hard to read, any chance you can change colors?

Anyone else have something to add to the conversation?

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