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[Adventure]: The Bane of the Black Dragon (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)

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I love to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk! I can be a dead warlord if need be! Sharpe says happily, looking into the magical device.


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[sblock=DM notes Please Ignore]

The bard and wizard peer into the disc.

[sblock=Vermitrax and Sharpe]
As you peer into the disc, showly an image begins to form, that of a human dressed in robes, with his head down intensely reading a large tone.

What do you want! I don't like to be disturbed! This better be important or I'll kill you and ten others in your clan!

He then looks up. Hideous scars line his face vertically from his lower jaw up to the top of his forehad, some of the bleed as he speaks. His intelligent eyes are sunk deep within the sockets of his large head. He pays no heed to his wounds. Seeing the two of you for the first time, a wicked grin appears on his face before he speaks.

What have we here? Not waiting for answer he proceeds on...<you notice that he is not moving his lips as he talks. He's communicating to the two of you through his mind> I take it that you have slain my captain and that you <staring at Vermitrax> have knowledge of the arcane arts, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. Interesting...interesting indeed...This changes things.

He moves his gaze back and forth between the two of you produces another evil smile. Let me introduce myself. I am Vlastoes, a student of the arcane arts. No need to give me your names as I will learn them soon enough. Immediately the two of you feel the presence of Vlastoes's mind locked with yours. Your bodies become rigid and you cannot break away from the image of Vlastoes peering at you through the device. You try to speak but your cannot. As this is going on you notice blood seep through another one of the wounds on Vlastoes's face. Wizard! (referring to Vermitrex), you may have known how to activate the device, but you did not now its true power Heh heh heh. The three of us will now spare mentally. Through the power of this device, I will learn what I need to know from the both of you. Let us begin...With the words still echoing throughout your skulls, Vlastoes's metnal attack begins.


You are now under the influence of the commucation disc.
Your minds are now locked with Vlastoes. Only your will determines
whether you reveal no information, reveal some information, or gain
information from Vlastoes.

The rules:
The duration of the mind locking ability of the disc is 4 rounds
Roll 1d20+will bonus 4 times. I will provide Vlastoes's rolls as well
for each round. To save time, roll all four die rolls in one post.

[sblock Rules of Mental Sparing]

*If either of you roll a natural 19 or 20 you gain information from Vlastoes

*If both of your rolls are above Vlastoes's roll for that round, you block his mind probe, thus providing no information, and you gain information from him.

*If one of your rolls is lower than Vlastoes's roll for that round, he gains info from you.

*If both of your rolls is lower than Vlastoes's roll for that round, he gains info from both of you

Oh, one more thing. Vlastoes will never roll below a 10. If he does so, he gets a redo. :) The both of you, however, have to stick with what you got.

Good luck Vemitrex and Sharpe


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Waaait, before we start! Sharpe shouts, leaping behind the bed, silk bedsheet in hand.

Woooooo! I am the Ghost of Christmas Presents! moans the besheeted silk creature which rises up from behind the bed. I bring rectangular boxes in this festive season of merriment!

Prime! it says, "floating" over to the Warforged. I give to you "How to speak the language of binary moisture vaporators for dummies." it says, the spectral hand turning to its corporeal form and handing Prime a book.

Drew! it says, "floating" over to the Monk. I give to you a new set of scales. I see you are wearing them already! it says, pinching Drew.

Gallen! it says, "floating" over to the Shifter. I have bought for you a tract of forest in your name; here is all that is left of it, it says, handing the Druid a hunk of cooked venison and a log of wood.

Zharne! it says, "floating" over to the Barbarian. I give to you an official Barbarian loincloth, works in all weather and climates if your first name ends in an "an" and title ends in "ian". Child size of course, it says handing over a piece of tied sheet.

! it moans, "floating" over to the Vermitrax and somehow rattling chains. I give to you a lump of coal, it shall keep your bones warm at night, up to a dozen sets at once it says, handing a lump of coal to the "Wizard".

And to you Sharpe, the bestest one of them all, I give you a ghost costume which also serves as a blanket for the dragon. it says. In a flash the ghost vanishes and the bard takes its place.

Oh thank you Ghost of Christmas Presents! Sharpe says happily. I will keep the spirit of what you taught me all year round and always remember to tip the bard!

Dragon, look what the Ghost of Christmas Presents brought you! Sharpe says, running off, sheet in hand.

He returns several minutes later. Are we ready to contact that guy whatshisname and do the stuff?
OOC: Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone! :)



First Post
ooc: Tiny Tim appears out of nowhere an states "merry christmas to all...and to all a good night. Wait, was that in the same movie? He then vanishes without a sound.

Back to the adventure... :)

The bard and wizard peer into the disc.

[sblock=Vermitrax and Sharpe]
As you peer into the disc, showly an image begins to form, that of a human dressed in robes, with his head down intensely reading a large tone.

What do you want! I don't like to be disturbed! This better be important or I'll kill you and ten others in your clan!

He then looks up. Hideous scars line his face vertically from his lower jaw up to the top of his forehad, some of the bleed as he speaks. His intelligent eyes are sunk deep within the sockets of his large head. He pays no heed to his wounds. Seeing the two of you for the first time, a wicked grin appears on his face before he speaks.

What have we here? Not waiting for answer he proceeds on...<you notice that he is not moving his lips as he talks. He's communicating to the two of you through his mind> I take it that you have slain my captain and that you <staring at Vermitrax> have knowledge of the arcane arts, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. Interesting...interesting indeed...This changes things.

He moves his gaze back and forth between the two of you produces another evil smile. Let me introduce myself. I am Vlastoes, a student of the arcane arts. No need to give me your names as I will learn them soon enough. Immediately the two of you feel the presence of Vlastoes's mind locked with yours. Your bodies become rigid and you cannot break away from the image of Vlastoes peering at you through the device. You try to speak but your cannot. As this is going on you notice blood seep through another one of the wounds on Vlastoes's face. Wizard! (referring to Vermitrex), you may have known how to activate the device, but you did not now its true power Heh heh heh. The three of us will now spare mentally. Through the power of this device, I will learn what I need to know from the both of you. Let us begin...With the words still echoing throughout your skulls, Vlastoes's metnal attack begins.

The mental sparing begins...

Shape and Vermitrax, you are now under the influence of the commucation disc.
Your minds are now locked with Vlastoes. Only your mental toughness (will) will determines
whether you give no information, reveal information, or gain
information from Vlastoes.

[sblock=The rules]
The duration of the mind locking ability of the disc is 4 rounds
Roll 1d20+will bonus 4 times. I will provide Vlastoes's rolls as well
for each round. To save time, roll all four die rolls in one post.

*If either of you roll a natural 19 or 20 you gain information from Vlastoes

*If both of your rolls are above Vlastoes's roll for that round, you block his mind probe, thus providing no information, and you gain information from him.

*If one of your rolls is lower than Vlastoes's roll for that round, he gains info from you.

*If both of your rolls is lower than Vlastoes's roll for that round, he gains info from both of you

Oh, one more thing. Vlastoes will never roll below a 10. If he does so, he gets a redo. :) The both of you, however, have to stick with what you got.

Good luck Vemitrex and Sharpe
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First Post
Vlastoes enters the dark and disturbing mind of Sharpe. The surrounding terrain is abstract, filled with melting clocks, strange screaming beings, stairs that lead to themselves, women who look old or young depending on how you look at them and other optical oddities. And lots of Sharpes and Dragons.

They start to gather around Vlastoes, ninja Sharpes, vampire Sharpes, Sharpes wearing sweatshirts with strange symbols on them, Sharpes with masks, werewolf Sharpes, steampunk Sharpes and lots of different dragons.

I am me. they says in unison.

That is illogical, there can only be one of me. says the Sharpe with the blue sweatshirt and yack-hair eyebrows.

I art thou and thou art I, says one of the Sharpes wearing a mask.

FUS RO DAH shouts one of the dragons.

I am the only one, the rest are my evil twins, says the Sharpe with a goatee.

Listen mate, why don't we all agree that we are the real ones and have some rum, savvy? says a pirate Sharpe with dreadlocks.

STRUN BAH QO shouts a red dragon in agreement. The other Sharpes nods.

Welcome into the bard collective. You shall be assimilated! they say, starting to gather around Vlastoes.

The Sharpe with a mind-flayer face and wings attempts to latch onto Vlastoes's head with his face tentacles.

Vlastoes sees another Sharpe in yellow wearing a Sharpe mask, it takes it off and shows Vlastoes's face underneath.

Another Sharpe, short with hairy feet and wearing many magic rings start to root through Vlastoes's pockets. What has he got in its pocketses precious? it mumbles.

Beam...us up...Sharpie... there is...no.. intelligent life on this...planet Says a Sharpe in a red sweatshirt smacking a symbol on his chest.

Maybe we should cut him open to see if he is one of us, what do you think bub? Says a short Sharpe with pointy hair and wearing a yellow and blue tights, claws pop out of his knuckles.

They all start to close in upon him. Pushing, prodding, taunting, seeing what he knows and if he is one of them...
(note I forgot that he was 18 will now, so I adjusted the rolls (that is +8 correct?)

Knack for success +4 1d20+12→ [6,11] = (18)
1d20+8→ [16,8] = (24)
1d20+8 → [4,8] = (12)
1d20+8 → [19,8] = (27)



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