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D&D 5E Adventures in Middle Earth: Over the Edge of the Wild (RP Thread)


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Ever the lady-hobbit, Poppy dropped a quick polite curtsy (she may be in the wild, but that was no excuse to forgo manners; mother would be proud) automatically reaching for skirts that were no longer there, having long ago swapped them for breeches upon discovering that they were oh so much easier to travel in. She was pleased to discover someone who knew of her kind and home, as most Big Folk were more likely to puzzle at her than not. Not completely unsurprising, given that most Hobbits were content to stay home with the familiar. She quickly took note of the dog and how it could easily be taller than her on a good day. "Greenmeadows. Poppy, that is. And I am. About a year now, I'd say, sirs...?" She let the question hang upon realizing she had no names to address them by.

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Having nodded politely in acknowledgement of Bromm's name-giving, Ceodric then addresses the hobbit, walking a step or two closer.

"The Dreamer, of Rhosgobel, at your service, Mistress Greenmeadows. And this" with a low flat whistle, causing the hound to pad to his side, "is Hilda. Hilda, say hello to the nice lady."

Hilda sits back on her haunches and raises her front right paw to Poppy, offering a 'handshake'.

Not wishing to speak for the others, he refrains from introducing them to the hobbit, reasoning that Halvar seems perfectly open and can do so himself; and as for the dwarf, well, perhaps he had got out of the wrong side of the mine-cart this morning, but then in Ceodric's limited experience of their kind he knew them to be a formal and somewhat gruff people. Not unlike the majority of Ceodric's own folk, on reflection.

He feels it would be a terrible misstep to speak for Bromm. So instead he watches with wry amusement at Poppy's reaction to the size of his hound, whilst at the same time, without being too showy about it, taking a drag on his pipe.


~ " And I am Halvar, Son of Halstein," the Lakeman introduced himself, " Ever the pleasure to meet you, Miss Greenmeadows!"

The Dwarf was quiet, and Halvar would engage him no more than he wished to be engaged. However, the appearance of the Halfling was certainly remarkable.

" I apologize to presume, but would you happen to be acquainted with a Mister Baggins?" he asked, shifting his own pack to better accommodate the bow and shield upon his back.

" He performed an extraordinary service to my people a short few years ago, something that none of Dale would ever forget," Halvar explained, taking a brief moment to look out over the ruins again. Shaking his head, he turned back towards Poppy.

" Are you perhaps here on his account to see King Bard as well? Any member of the small-folk would certainly be welcome within his Halls." ~
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Bromm remained silent and simply watched the lake and the ruins, idly whittling his piece of wood. He did not like partaking in useless banter but humans and hobbits seemed especially inclined to engage in such waste of time that the young dwarf could tune it out as simple background noise.


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The trek from the north had been treacherous to a degree, but nothing that truly caused him delay. Thorondir happened upon a group of travelers stood about the shore when he finally exited the accursed thicket he'd been wandering through. Two men, a Hobbit, and a Dwarf were gathered there, presumably waiting for the same ferry he'd intended to take to Dale. While he'd thought he'd be making that journey alone, clearly he was mistaken, though not unhappily so. He pulled down the cowl of his cloak, smiled, and spoke.

"Good morning fellows, my lady. You're here for the ferry, I presume?"

"Shoosh, Hilda"
Ceodric turns to face the newcomer.
"Well met! The Dreamer, of Rhosgobel", and he inclines his head. Looking up again: "Hilda you have heard from already."


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Some time passed. Our heroes made introductions to one another and some engaged in conversation to pass the time for a seemingly late ferry. But such delays were not unusual.

Just then, a young boy's voice rang out from down the bank, past a hill. "No! Please! Someone, help!"


~ The idle talk ceased without any warning from Halvar, who immediately took off running towards the sound of the voice. With practice, the bow was unslung from his shoulder, gripped tightly as he sprinted towards the call for aid. He knew there were still dangerous upon the lake, but the voice sounded like a child: What was a child doing out here alone? Or were they alone ..?

" Hold fast!" he cried, " Help is coming!" ~

Hilda, who had been enjoying various amounts of attention form the group assembled, sits bolt upright, ears high, at the sound.

"Go, girl", says Ceodric, seeing Halvar sprint off. Hilda tears off after the Lakeman, easily keeping up with him with her long stride.

Ceodric himself shoulders his pack and runs after. After all, if someone is hurt, he can help. And if it's a trap...well, Halvar may get hurt and he will need the aid of a healer.

Always running towards the fight yet not much of a fighter. How ironic, he thinks.

He sighs as he runs, ready with his staff just in case something leaps out at him from around a corner.


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Bromm jumps to his feet and grabs up his war mattock, the piece of wood that he was whittling on dropped to the group and forgotten already. Bromm's short legs are not ideal for sprinting but he prods forward as fast as he can. His eyes seeking the crier and the source of the crier's distress...

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