Advice on dealing with "chaotic" teammates.


Guest 6801328

So I'm in a weekly AL group running Curse of Strahd. Because it's one big campaign, and sort of non-linear, the tables are fixed each week.

There are a couple people in the rogue in particular...who keep getting us into arguments/fights with every NPC we meet. I'll avoid spoilers, but suffice to say we've left no bridge unburnt. The worst offender is not a kid (probably 30, 35-ish) but he plays D&D like I remember doing when I was 14. (I actually jumped tables after Death House in an attempt to avoid playing with him, but for some reason he showed up in my group 2 weeks later.)

It's really starting to suck the fun out of the campaign for me. I want to make allies, get information, interact with NPCs...he just wants to steal from them and then kill them. It's frustrating that my playstyle doesn't prevent him from doing his thing, but his style effectively prevents me from doing mine. The DM is doing a moderate job trying to dissuade him, but so far no luck.

Any suggestions?

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You might want to mention to your DM that the quality of your play experience is suffering, and see if she/he can do something more direct about it in-game from his/her end.

For your part, it might be that you need to jump tables once again, or even gracefully ask the other player directly and tactfully if he would be comfortable attempting a different approach to playing for a while.

The hardest part in all of this is being brave enough to directly address the situation, and give others the opportunity to do something about it.

There's nothing wrong with openly expressing your playing preferences--groups often do that together, so there's an effort to ensure everyone's on the same page. It's not impossible in Organized Play to do that--it just takes a bit of a concerted effort, a friendly atmosphere, and an optimistic tone. Sure, it might take a few moments, but in the end it's worth it for everyone, and incredibly informative to the DM. It would actually be doing him/her a favor to do so.

Casually bringing it out in the open can be a useful tool for your DM to use to address those situations without placing blame or calling anyone out. Sometimes the players in question don't even know they're stepping on other players' toes... Anyway, it's worked for me as a DM--especially when I know the adventures require more attentive listening to be effective. It gives me an opportunity to set a tone from the onset, and an excuse to insert things like, "Remember I mentioned this adventure was more roleplay heavy," or "Investigating can be useful in this one," at opportune times without having to put anyone on the spot and deflating the energy of the whole table.
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You may need to have a joint talk with the DM and the Event Organizer. If none of the DMs can get this player to follow the AL rules about not being disruptive, then the person in charge of them will need to deal with it. The last thing AL wants is to lose multiple people from their games just to keep one jerk happy.


Id switch tables. You said you had done it once before, Id do it again.

Although Im prone for ignoring a problem generally, or not dealing with them then trying to get them resolved.

I hate the style of play. I'm all for everyone getting to have their fun, save when it directly takes away from the fun of others.

Having already tried switching tables (which is what I have done in the past), I'm not sure it's worth doing so again. And if the DM is already trying to dissuade him, he's probably aware that the guy is a problem. Talking to the DM will reinforce that the player is causing a problem at the table and really needs to be dealt with.

Another tactic you could use is when the problem player, say, tries to backstab an NPC instead of allowing you to make them an ally, say something like “Can we get a group vote on whether to get information from him or to murder him and take his stuff?”


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Talk to your current DM, and talk to your former DM (the old table). Let the former DM know why you moved.

I'm curious if the Rogue is actively following you around or it is just happenstance that you wound up together again.

If the DM(s) cannot get him to get a handle on his play, then look for the organizer and give him a shot at it.
Maybe the room will have to be 'shuffled' so the hack-n-slash'ers are together and the role-play'ers are together?


Report him to the bur...burgor... the mayor dude, and have him arrested for murder.

Talk with the DM, explain the guy is being a tool, and try and work with him to resolve the situation. The DM *does* have the power and authority to resolve this, he just needs to feel he has the groups support.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Report him to the bur...burgor... the mayor dude
the burghermeister maybe?

For convenience, call him the Burghermeister Meisterburger?
(I don't remember the exact title, as provided in Stradh or in Ravenloft, but this - from one of the Santa Claus specials - is pretty close and easily recognized.)


Throwing in my vote for "talking with the player." Something like 98% of the problems I've had in twenty years of gaming have been solvable by simply talking. Sometimes the other party ain't want to listen, at which point you can say at least you tried - and sometimes they do, and before you know it your problems are a memory.

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