Advice on dealing with "chaotic" teammates.

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huh. in my group the burgomaster was killed last session, after he confronted our group for liberating a couple potions of healing. The chaotic 12 year old dealt the killing blow, and most of the table was kind of dumbfounded. While I fully expect the Mists to revive the Burgomaster, I'm curious to see what revenge he exacts on us.
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huh. in my group the burgomaster was killed last session, after he confronted our group for liberating a couple potions of healing. The chaotic 12 year old dealt the killing blow, and most of the table was kind of dumbfounded. While I fully expect the Mists to revive the Burogomaster, I'm curious to see what revenge he exacts on us.

Murderhobo-ing at it's finest!

How dare he question our stealing of his stuff! DEATH! :p


We'd been specifically dealing non-lethal damage while defending ourselves. The 12 year old barbarian was specifically told not to kill him, so of course he did.

I can see the DM wanting to make this a teachable moment, I'm just not clear if there will be blowback for the whole party or just our chaotic party member. Could go either way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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