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Airwalkrr's Shatterscape OOC (D&D 3.5)


The closest I can come to catography software is excel. It's easy to edit and adjust, but it looks. . . marginally better than something produced with paint. :)


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That's not half bad. If anything, it gives us something to work with until we can come up with something better. I like the way this is shaping up. How about a sister city?

[sblock=Dardessis]City of the Gladiators, the majestic burg of Dardessis stands as a testament to the thirst of sentient races for conflict and spectacle. Everything about Dardessis revolves around an annual competitive event known as the Great Challenge. To enter, teams of gladiators must first qualify by surviving a series of gauntlets and then battling a number of successively more powerful beasts before advancing to the final stage of the competition, known as the Tournament. During the Tournament, the best teams compete in brackets until the top two teams face each other in what is known as the Bloodfeast.

What is unique about the entire process is that none of the events are intended to be lethal (although occasional accidents do happen) until the final round, when anything is allowed. Up until the Bloodfeast, contestants are forced to use nonlethal blows, nonlethal weapons, or nonlethal spells, even when facing the monsters (so that the monsters may continue to fight in other events of course). The day before the Bloodfeast, the entire city celebrates the top two teams by throwing a massive feast in their honor. Every home and business declares their support for one team or another by flying their respective colors and the entire city is engulfed in a festival atmosphere. The day of the match is an incredible affair, with nearly the entire city watching, as scrying walls in various places throughout the city broadcast the event.

The winning team is granted the privilege of ruling the city for one year however they see fit, and any members of the team who died during the battle are raised or resurrected, free of charge (the losing team gains no such boon, though they may of course pay for such spells themselves). Though this method of government tends to lead itself to the occasional stiff swing in city policy, one positive effect is that few rulers are allowed to consolidate their rule to the point of dictatorship. In fact, most simply delegate the tasks of running the city to well-known administrators-for-hire and spend the rest of their time training to defend their title. The people of Dardessis have unwavering faith in their system of government, for they know that an unpopular ruler inspires far more talented gladiators to risk themselves in the Great Challenge than a popular one, thus ensuring unpopular rulers shall not rule long.

The current title-holders and rulers of the city are a team known as the Excoriators, led by the wizard, Alfanaster. It is unusual for teams featuring spellcasters (other than those who can cast healing spells) to make it so far in the Great Challenge, but Alfanaster's knack for beneficial transmutation spells has given his team an edge that has helped them preserve power three years running. It is even said that Alfanaster's potent magic allows him to spy on other teams and learn their strategy by taking the form of individual opponents while they are away from their teams and insinuating himself among them. Though these rumors unsettle a few people, there is nothing in the city's charter that prohibits such activity. It is unknown whether such tactics will catch on within the competition at large.[/sblock]


[sblock=Dardessis, History]In the golden age, before the Dreamer, Dardessis was a shining jewel on the Dyne. The Royal seat of the Kingdom, which stretched along the length of the river, into the north and the headwaters of the river; and far to the south, past Narovan, and into the frontier lands.

The city itself managed to pass through the dark times with remarkable ease, spared the worst of the nightmares, and protected by a strong army, and the power individuals that lived within its walls. The city turned itself inward and sheltered the storm, but the rest of the Kingdom fell into darkness, and the individual communties learned to make their own ways. The Kingdom was sundered, but Dardessis endured.

However, the Dreamer's dreams did change one thing forever for the city. In a single night, the King, and all his family were claimed from their beds. No bodies or blood was ever found, they were simply lost into the darkness. The next day, the nameless hero of the land found the Dreamer's lair and ended the world's universal nightmare.

In the aftermath and recovery, the Chancellor tried to maintain order as best he could. He organized the army to search the recovering land for any sign of their leige's fate. For a while, the search efforts kept the people united and focused, but eventually hope faded. The King was gone. The Chancellor was murdered one night, and a brief, bloody struggle ensued. The noble who emerged victorious named himself king, and began making the most of his rule. Rapacious and cruel, he cared little for power, and much for the pleasures that power could bring. He lived in luxury, and the city suffered his whims. But the people did nothing.

One bright summer morning, the people of Dardessis arose to find the body of their would-be king strung up in the marketplace. A single swordsman stood beneath the body. The speech he gave that day entered history, and became custom as it is repeated by each new ruler.

"By the right of challenge by arms, I claim this city as my own. My word shall be law. If any among you question my right, then return to this place in one year's time. You will find me prepared to face your challenge."

And thus the new ruler of Dardessis selected. He proved to care little about government, and left the decisions to wiser heads. And true to his word, he stood each year to face his challengers. He ruled the city for five years, before laying down his blade. Each new ruler after him followed the same pattern. Over years the contest evolved. Single combat became group contests. The tournament arose to cope with the sheer number of challengers that arose each year.

Each year, the tournament is called, and all those who wish to participate gather in the marketplace, and stand before a statue of the first gladiator-ruler.[/sblock]


It is not too late at all, arcanaman. I am going to keep this campaign in the development stage for a while--at least a couple more weeks--and see who sticks with it long enough to demonstrate who is really committed to the idea. So for right now, I am accepting all-comers. I have heard from about 6 or 7 people expressing interest in the project, but hafrogman, dystmesis, and Tarau are the only ones who have made meaningful contributions so far, and one of the criterion for being in the group will be making meaningful contributions.

I love the history entry for Dardessis, hafrogman. I am enjoying this a lot. Please contribute more ideas, everyone.


Here's an idea for a character class. It is incomplete, but the general idea is there.

Edit: Class is finished.

[sblock=Bestial Champion]While the druids command the raw powers of nature and the rangers seem to bond with the land itself, the bestial champions form a link to all natural creatures. Though bestial champions may come from all walks of life, they are found most commonly among those raised in wild lands where the link between man and animal is more natural. They are renowned throughout the world for their skill in animal handling and taming, as well as their cunning at slaying more dangerous creatures.

Alignment: any
HD: d8

Skills: Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
4 + Int per level

BAB as fighter
Fort good
Ref good
Will poor

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons plus light and medium armor and shields (but not tower shields).

Animal Companion: as druid.

Wild Empathy: as druid.

Bestial Aspect 1/day (Ex): At 1st level a bestial champion may gain a +2 bonus to any physical ability score for a number of rounds equal to 3 + his Con modifier (minimum 1 round) as a swift action. If he improves his Constitution score, he uses his improved Con modifier to determine the duration. A bestial champion may use this ability one additional time per day per four levels (2/day at 5th, 3/day at 9th, 4/day at 13th, and 5/day at 17th). A bestial champion may not use this ability to improve more than one ability at once (but see secondary bestial aspect, below).

Bestial Charm (Sp): At 2nd level, a bestial champion can use charm animal 1/day as a spell-like ability. A bestial champion may speak with any animal he has charmed as if using speak with animals. A bestial champion can use this ability one additional time per day for every two levels.

Bestial Sway (Sp): At 3rd level, a bestial champion can use suggestion 1/day against any creature of the animal, magical beast, or vermin type. The creature need not be able to understand the bestial champion, and this can even affect creatures that are normally immune to suggestion. A bestial champion can use this ability one additional time per day per four levels (2/day at 7th, 3/day at 11th, 4/day at 15th, and 5/day at 19th).

Bestial Dominion (Sp): At 5th level, a bestial champion can use dominate animal 1/day as a spell-like ability. A bestial champion may use this ability one additional time per day per six levels (2/day at 11th and 3/day at 17th).

True Companion: At 6th level, a bestial champion gains the Leadership feat, but only for the purpose of acquiring a cohort of the animal, dragon, magical beast, and vermin type. In addition, he may only acquire followers of the animal, magical beast, or vermin type. If the bestial champion wishes, this creature replaces his animal companion and henceforth is always of the highest possible level or advancement.

Greater Bestial Aspect (Ex): At 8th level, a bestial champion's bestial aspect bonus improves to +4.

Summon Beasts (Sp): At 10th level, a bestial champion may use summon nature's ally V 1/day, but only to summon animals, magical beasts, or vermin.

Imbue With Bestial Aspect (Su): At 12th level, a bestial champion may use a standard action to grant one ally within 30 feet the benefit of his bestial aspect for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. This uses up one use of his bestial aspect for the day.

Summon Greater Beasts (Sp): At 14th level, a bestial champion may use summon nature's ally VII 1/day, but only to summon animals, magical beasts, or vermin.

Secondary Bestial Aspect (Ex): At 16th level, a bestial champion may use his bestial aspect to improve two physical ability scores, but only when he gains the benefit himself.

Call Bestial Followers (Su): At 18th level, a bestial champion may summon any of his followers (those gained through his True Companion ability) to his side instantly a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. He may summon a number of followers whose hit dice are equal to or less than his bestial champion level.

Perfect Bestial Aspect (Ex): At 20th level, a bestial champion gains a +6 to all three physical ability scores when using his bestial aspect and the duration is for twice his newly improved Con modifier.[/sblock]
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I've just made some adjustments to the bestial champion class. It should be basically complete now. If you haven't taken a look at it yet, do so now. I've got some ideas for a haunted barrow in the Moorlands as well. I might roll out a write-up for that later this week. Would you all be interested in moving into character creation? I'd still like for each of you to contribute write-ups from time to time, but perhaps creating characters might stimulate some ideas.


I could move onto character creation. I have other write-ups I could do as well, but I kind of feel like I'm monopolizing the world so far.

I've never lent my hand to class creation, but I think I'll give something a go.


Please do not spare us your input, hafrogman. As long as you don't make sweeping generalizations that would preclude others from making their own creative input, feel free to contribute as much as you like. For instance, you could develop a district of Narovan, a guild within Dardessis, a wayside inn on the highway, a geographical feature, or a type of creature easily without impinging upon anyone else's creative space. I will guide this project to be open to new ideas. If I note anything that resembles a guiding theme such as "all wizards in a 300 mile radius are persecuted openly," I would put this to discussion and require unanimous group agreement before including it as canon for our campaign. A small city with such a stipulation would be more negotiable and could fit easily into the landscape.

The dream theme for instance, is something we have been discussing. So far, we have only discussed adding a few dream-based elements to the campaign: the dream blade, dream wraith, and the historical Dreamer character. None of these elements really seem to hamper creative input so I am OK with them for now (and if you feel any of them do hamper you, please tell me how so we can discuss whether it is possible to accommodate you). I won't promise to be all things to all people, but I do think it should be possible to develop a world that everyone feels an attachment to.

Voidrunner's Codex

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