D&D General Alternatives to spell slots and spell points


Elder Thing
Yeah. My proposed system gives you two spell casts before you make a check, and a way to recharge on a short rest. So I think it will be ok.

I didn't want the magicians spamming cantrips in my system - spells are meant to be pretty cool. The magicians have handguns if they run out of spells
I was going to say, a solution to too few spells at low levels is to make it so that spells aren't the ONLY thing a magician can do well. In DCC Wizards can use swords (after all, fantasy fiction is full of wizards with swords, and if your wizard has lower physical abilities and/or attack bonuses as per standard, there's little risk of significantly treading on a warrior's turf). Your handguns seem like they'll accomplish much the same thing.

I 100% feel you on not wanting spamming cantrips. I don't have a problem with at-will magic, but I feel it should be liked to stuff like lighting candles and making spooky noises. Handy, obviously the basic learned before mastering more powerful magic, but not something you'd use every turn over and over.

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For a 2 hour experience? I'd go with unlimited spellcasting options. Give them magic with limited use cases, but allow them to cast it an unlimited number of times. For example, giving them a knock spell they can cast an unlimited number of times isn't overpowered if there is only one lock.

The Talislanta setting was big about magic being risky. A D&D-esque adaptation would be:

You can only master a spell if you're high enough level, but if you find a spellbook you can always attempt to cast from it. Whenever you cast a spell, roll d20 and add your wizard level. The DC is 5 + twice the spell level.

If you succeed, the spell works. If you fail, the spell fails, and you take a -1 penalty to all further spellcasting checks today.

If you fail by 5 or more, the spell mishaps, and might target the wrong person, or just do backlash damage to you, or become some sort of free-willed elemental. And if you mishap on a spell that you haven't mastered, terrible things can happen.

For a 2 hour experience? I'd go with unlimited spellcasting options. Give them magic with limited use cases, but allow them to cast it an unlimited number of times. For example, giving them a knock spell they can cast an unlimited number of times isn't overpowered if there is only one lock.
Honestly, I sorta like this. Make it more like a superhero who has one or two powers, and the trick is them using those powers in clever ways.


I crit!
I dunno if this is useful but I always wanted to try it in an rpg. The Sorcery! Choose your own path books use a magic system where you the player have to memorize the spells.

The spells names are three letter codes and the book will ask you to pick ‘em out of a list.


I'm not casting any spells from a used book. What if it's full of exploding glyphs?
Go for the PDF or POD option then. :)

I had the spell book and two of the Sorcery adventure books as a kid and I think they are great. I particularly like that British dark weird fantasy art.

The system is basically using hit points as your mana and has some neat effects like throw down a goblin tooth and one health to get a goblin warrior to fight for you or a giant tooth and a couple health to get an unstoppable giant to do so. Also an enchant your sword spell for one combat that requires beeswax as a component.

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