Book-Friend, he/him
Yeah, as @UngeheuerLich says, the DMG has 5 full sample Advebtures and a campaign set-up based in the Free City of Greyhawk, including a gazateer for the Flannaes. Still, they haven't fully detailed that yet, so what that really looks like isn't yet clear. I think this year is intended as a bit of a soft launch as they finalize the modular core rulesbooks (aince we can use the PHB with Quests from the InfiniteStaircase and the older MM and DMG), with the new big Keep on the Borderlands Starter Set next year acting as the big entry point that will indicate the big core rules set.That's a good point. The 4e DMG remains one of my favorites for including a great sandbox setting and a complete adventure.
My dream scenario would be getting Hommlet and environs written up as a sample starting town, along with the moathouse as a sample starter dungeon.
Say, two short scenarios to go from level 1 to 3, then the moathouse and Lareth as the grand finale for 3rd level PCs.
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