Unearthed Arcana An Unearthed Arcana I would like to see - mechanical fixes


Heh... I don't give a rat's ass WHAT doctorbadwolf does or says or involves at his table or any tables in general. He can make claims about "Strawman!" all he wants. It doesn't change the situation that if he and clearstream and all the rest want WotC to "correct" the flaws in the game that THEY see as being there... they're going to be waiting a long, long, long time. And they already know why, because WotC has been very clear about it from the beginning. And I have no problems whatsoever pointing this little fact out every time the ask is made.

Now maybe the ever-so-slight "bug fixing" they and others have seen in the whole "Beastmaster pets now Dodge if they aren't commanded" edit that was put in the latest errata makes them think "Ha ha! Flood gates are open! Now's the time to get them to edit the Sharpshooter feat!!!"... well, yeah, good luck with that too. If you keep asking about it and keep demanding it, eventually it might happen. Who knows! Mike has said a full edit to the rule book could eventually come about. Eventually. Then maybe even CapnZapp might finally see his "magic item price guide" show up in the game some time in the future that he thinks should have been there from the beginning.

But until then, I and the others will follow the same repetitive song and dance with the same repetitive call and response. Why? Because quite frankly its fun. :)

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Gentlemen. I have the perfect thing for this argument!

Night Of The Straw Men

It's a fine adventure. Recommended. Go check it out. I might even convert it to 5e some time. But dang, check out how much text is needed for the stats! It's only 7 pages long, but could have been 5 pages if they had cut some of the fat from those stats!

Scarecrow CR 3
HP 47 (5 HD)
DR 5/slashing or bludgeoning
Type Always N Medium construct
Init +5
Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot +4
Aura unsettling presence (60 ft., DC 12)
Languages understands creator’s orders; magic mouth
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural)
Immune cold, construct immunities, cannot be flanked
Saves Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d6+2 plus cowering touch)
Base Atk +3; Grp +5
Special Actions cowering gaze, cowering touch
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10
SQ camouflage, construct traits
Skills Listen +0, Search +4, Spot +4
Advancement 6–10 HD (Medium); 11–15 HD (Large)
All-Around Vision (Ex) A scarecrow’s rotating head gives it a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks, and it can’t be flanked.
Unsettling Presence (Su) A scarecrow can unsettle foes with its mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever it attacks. Creatures within a 60-foot radius with fewer HD than the scarecrow must succeed on a DC 12 Will saving throw or become shaken for 2d6 rounds. A creature that succeeds at this save remains immune to the scarecrow’s unsettling presence for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Cowering Gaze (Su) Once per round, as a standard action, a scarecrow can focus its gaze on one creature within 40 feet. Any intelligent humanoid that meets the scarecrow’s gaze must succeed on a DC 12 Will saving throw or cower for 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Cowering Touch (Su) If a scarecrow hits with a claw attack, the victim must succeed on a DC 12 Will saving throw or cower for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Camouflage (Ex) Since an animated scarecrow looks like an ordinary scarecrow when at rest, it takes a DC 20 Spot check to notice anything unusual before it attacks. Anyone with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (nature) can use one of those skills instead of Spot to notice the scarecrow.
Skills A scarecrow has a +4 racial bonus on Search and Spot checks.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Heh... I don't give a rat's ass WHAT doctorbadwolf does or says or involves at his table or any tables in general. He can make claims about "Strawman!" all he wants. It doesn't change the situation that if he and clearstream and all the rest want WotC to "correct" the flaws in the game that THEY see as being there... they're going to be waiting a long, long, long time. And they already know why, because WotC has been very clear about it from the beginning. And I have no problems whatsoever pointing this little fact out every time the ask is made.

Now maybe the ever-so-slight "bug fixing" they and others have seen in the whole "Beastmaster pets now Dodge if they aren't commanded" edit that was put in the latest errata makes them think "Ha ha! Flood gates are open! Now's the time to get them to edit the Sharpshooter feat!!!"... well, yeah, good luck with that too. If you keep asking about it and keep demanding it, eventually it might happen. Who knows! Mike has said a full edit to the rule book could eventually come about. Eventually. Then maybe even CapnZapp might finally see his "magic item price guide" show up in the game some time in the future that he thinks should have been there from the beginning.

But until then, I and the others will follow the same repetitive song and dance with the same repetitive call and response. Why? Because quite frankly its fun. :)

You still seem to think that anyone in this thread thinks 5e is a bad game, or that any of us are asking for a book of errata.

This is a thread about how some of us would enjoy a UA about optional rules that change or patch certain parts of the rules that many groups run into problems with, or simply would prefer for an implied assumption to be more like another edition in this one single facet of the game.

Nobody is sittin here upset that TWF requires a bonus action to work. The people who don't like that mechanic are just talking about how it would be cool if Mike Mearls explored his idea to make it part of the Attack Action instead, and do some playtesting and see if it screws with anything in an unexpected way, if it feels right, if it makes dual wielding on certain classes too good, etc, and then when he's got something he likes for his own 5e games, put it in a UA article.

Like, you seem to have a completely nonsensical view of what people want, and keep making up nonsense about people "demanding" things of the design team.

I mean, if you're having fun, good for you, but you're doing so by being dishonest about what other people are saying, which is pretty weird and rude.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Pfft! As if this is only gonna last one night.

You will either slay the staw men, or they will slay you! I don't think they will sit down for an argument clinic.



(He, Him)
You will either slay the staw men, or they will slay you! I don't think they will sit down for an argument clinic.
Some posters introduced strawmen and unwelcome digressions into this thread. Okay, that's simply part of what internet conversations are like. Could be down to misunderstandings, bees in bonnet, that sort of thing.
Yes, it accepts houserules. I imagine WOTC is paying close attention to the most common house rules.
But... why do you imagine that WotC are paying close attention to the most common house rules?


(He, Him)
I cut out the rest to save space, but I think that's a great idea. Now, to the question above. Are we going to come to a consensus about a given fix like GWM, or would we have like 5 different fixes for it in the document? If we are going with the former, I would recommend the following. A thread where the potential fixes are noted and discussed, followed by a thread where people vote on poll containing those fixes. 1 vote per person, and the top vote getting goes into the document. The lengthy explanations for each fix would be stated in the OP of that voting thread.

Good idea. Something like that could very well advance the conversation. I'll take a pause and then come back with a new thread for collating "proud nails", matched by one on reddit to cast a wider net. With then perhaps a survey for the community to rank them.

So it seems like there could be some sense of convergence around @TwoSix and @Sword of Spirit suggestions. I'd prefer WotC got onto it, but I can see that a community project could be pragmatic, and maybe influence what comes along down the line.

How might we create that cabal?
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Mod Squad
Staff member
But until then, I and the others will follow the same repetitive song and dance with the same repetitive call and response. Why? Because quite frankly its fun. :)

So... you publicly admit to posting for express purpose of generating an argument - basically trolling? You figure that's a good move?

You win an award.


Do I need to talk about showing respect to your fellow posters, possibly ejecting one or the other of you as an example, or are you capable of recognizing that the Moderator is now watching, and that you should behave in a non-trollish manner from this point forward?

Those are rhetorical questions, of course. Cool it, please and thank you.

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