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Anarenn: Rise of the ancient blood


OOC: I think I understand now. So how large are the masters? Are they in fact tiny-sized like imps?

Having been spotted by the vile "master", the diminutive dragon quickly jerks its saurian head out of the door and bolts down the length of the hallway towards the tunnel through which it entered. Trying its best to remain stealthy and silent as it moves, the lithe wyrmling scrambles along the narrow tunnel up towards the trap door above.

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You quickly dart towards the trapdoor, followed by a malicious hiss behind you. Hastening, you scramble up and fly through the hole, and greeted by a bewildered grunt by the nearest karin kushol, flee through the tunnel. After a minute or so, you are fairly certain that you left any eventual pursuer behind.


Slowing to a stop and pausing in its flight from the vile master; the small black-scaled dragon snakes its saurian head around to listen for sounds of pursuit. Turning around, the wyrmling tentatively tastes the air with its forked tongue. Cautiously, the tiny reptile begins crawling back the way its come while endeavoring to remain out of sight. The dragon attempts to approach close enough to spy the Karin Kushol cavern to see how the local inhabitants respond to the discovery of an intruder in their territory.


First Post
You hear no signs of pursuit. Slowly, you head back to that central cave, and start spying. As expected, there is a huge commotion, but of a different kind: instead of explorer searching for you all over the cavern system, all of the Karin Kushols are arrayed in defensive position, as if expecting attack. You manage to hide in a nice position, but if someone of them comes nearby, he would probably spot you. Still, it is the only way to spy on them.


Seemingly safe for the time being, the curious wyrmling remains in its concealed position to watch what the Karin Kushol do next. From its position, the small reptile also keeps a watch over the passageway leading away to the grain silo in case the need to flee arises.

OOC: Now that the Kurin Kushol are all up, is it possible to tell how many of them there are?


First Post
There are three dozens of them, all warriors as long as you can see. They stand in defensive formation, exchanging words, or grunts...you can't really distinguish. After some minutes, some of them seem to grow weary, or nervous, of waiting, and first one of them, then most of them, start bickering about something. After another ten minutes of discussion, one of them raises the trapdoor and looks down nervously. He grunts something in loud voice, but no responce comes from below.

After at least twenty minutes, finally one of them heads down through the trapdoor. He comes up a minute after that, and explains to their comrades. They settle down, finally, and a hundred of heartbeats later one of the urgrins comes up, looking weary and weak. He growls agressively and menacingly at his troops, probably promising terrible retribution.

After the tirade, he goes down, and the karin kushols get working. Several of them go up in some other tunnel, probably leading directly to the upper levels. Another groups comes toward you tunnel, forcing you to abandon your position and flee before they spot you.

ooc: I am now at the airport, heading home. So there should be fewer interpputions these days. So, are you going to attack the tribe? :)


The diminutive dragon turns and scurries hurriedly away from the approaching group of karin kushol. Taking refuge in a narrow crevice some distance away, the wyrmling trusts to its small size and camouflaging ability to avoid detection. Waiting for the group to pass, the dragon cautiously snakes its tiny saurian head out of the crevice to peer through the darkness and taste the air with its tongue before emerging.

OOC: My dragon intends to try exploring the various tunnels of the cave complex; especially those that lead to the upper levels. It'll choose areas that appear deserted first, and spy on those that are occupied before skirting around them all while Hiding and Moving Silently. Sorry for not responding sooner; I fell ill with a fever this past weekend and felt no motivation to come online.


First Post
You explore cautiously the tunnels that you think may lead to the surface. You realize that the complex is less mazed as you go up, and in fact at least half a dozen of the tunnels turn into a dead end. Finally, the last of them leads you up, and breaks on a huge cavern occupied by five dozens of creatures that look like Misskri: the lesser cousins of the Karin Kushol. They seem to be alerted, so you deem wise to avoid getting too close. However, there is one narrow, seemingly constructed tunnel, and tightly guarded, leading up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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