Wil Wheaton has made the official announcement! As we already know it's Green Ronin's Adventure Game Engine (AGE) which powers Dragon Age and the upcoming Fantasy AGE. The show is called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana, and starts on June 2nd 2015.

Wil Wheaton has made the official announcement! As we already know it's Green Ronin's Adventure Game Engine (AGE) which powers Dragon Age and the upcoming Fantasy AGE. The show is called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana, and starts on June 2nd 2015.

Interestingly, Wil mentions that he worked together with Green Ronin to develop the Fantasy AGE system.

The world is written by Wil and his son Ryan, and is inspired by the 1978 Heavy Metal movie (I haven't seen it, sadly) and the 1980 cartoon show Thundarr the Barbarian (which I have also sadly never seen). Goblins with laser rifles, that sort of thing.

Watch the video below. And see here for all our fun, exciting clue-gathering and speculation which led to us figuring out eveything but the name in advance!


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Anthony Terry

First Post
Not that I think Wheaton & co are doing anything other than just making a show they think will be cool and which they can make part of their living doing, even if it were marketing, what on earth is wrong with marketing? If companies didn't tell you about their wares, you wouldn't know about them. As long as you're not being spammed or cold-called or anything, marketing is perfectly fine and dandy.

Without further annoying you but marketing a rule set thats chosen due to your personal links and its links to the video gaming market is tottally fine, a great idea even but of course people get anoyed when hes not getting credit for marketing well, he getting credit for attempts at bridging gaps between role-players and new players, i do not see where this video achieves that at all.

I still stand by it was a very good way of introducing a new player to the game system their using and not allot else. I learnt more about the setting and got more exited from the artwork than the first 2 episodes? And beyond poorly and loosely explaining the rules behind the actions the characters were making in the context of his chosen rule set, what were people taught about RPG's?

The guy also has no :):):):)ing long term reputation in the Role Playing Game Industry, he plays card games for christ sake and has clearly developed an interest in Sci-FI and in recent years Role-playing games due to self promotion of his upcoming setting.

The only reason the thing receives anything but glowing reviews is the actors he used and the fact it was billed as a pathway to RPG's for begginers, its not its a pathway to cannon lore of titansgrave, a preview of the first module path their release and marketing of a spefic rule set.

Nothing corrupt about not being a charity and marketing for personal gain until you portray it as something else in full knowledge it will get more people to watch your marketing for personal game, and it wont be people looking to join an RPG. In Weatons defence the few companies / people out there better equipped than him self to do it clearly don't think its worth while or they'd of done it by now and i do think its a great way of promoting / settings and rpgs in general, i just feel his attempt so far makes some glaringly obvious mistakes and wont have the big players in the market all rushing to this for their upcoming product lines.

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e rules behind the actions the characters were making in the context of his chosen rule set, what were people taught about RPG's?

The guy also has no :):):):)ing long term reputation in the Role Playing Game Industry, he plays card games for christ sake and has clearly developed an interest in Sci-FI and in recent years Role-playing games due to self promotion of his upcoming setting.

d wont have the big players in the market all rushing to this for their upcoming product lines.

Wheaton has been associated with RPGs for a while (he used to write a monthly column I think Dragon or possibly Dungeon). My feeling is folks should give the guy a break. To me he is clearly a gamer. I don't know how often he games in regular life but his game night schedule isn't really sonething I am going to spend time worrying about. I am also not going to worry about whether he plays RPGs the way I do or if he uses the same words I do to talk about RPGs. The format seems interesting and pretty well produced (particularly for a web series on table top faking). Looking at their initial video, the backstory for the campaign seems cool and he appears enthusiastic. Hopefully that will translate into more folks taking an interest in the hobby.


Yeah, Wheaton has been playing D&D for about as long as I have (early 80s). He was one of the first celebrities I ever saw mention it in an interview in the '90s. Though he seems to like all types of games (a trait I don't share), he has expressed considerable knowledge of Savage Worlds and other traditional RPGs prior to getting involved with Dragon AGE. He's an entertainer by trade, but I think his geek cred is legitimate.

Von Ether

Without further annoying you but marketing a rule set thats chosen due to your personal links and its links to the video gaming market is tottally fine, a great idea even but of course people get anoyed when hes not getting credit for marketing well, he getting credit for attempts at bridging gaps between role-players and new players, i do not see where this video achieves that at all.

I still stand by it was a very good way of introducing a new player to the game system their using and not allot else. I learnt more about the setting and got more exited from the artwork than the first 2 episodes? And beyond poorly and loosely explaining the rules behind the actions the characters were making in the context of his chosen rule set, what were people taught about RPG's?

The guy also has no :):):):)ing long term reputation in the Role Playing Game Industry, he plays card games for christ sake and has clearly developed an interest in Sci-FI and in recent years Role-playing games due to self promotion of his upcoming setting.

The only reason the thing receives anything but glowing reviews is the actors he used and the fact it was billed as a pathway to RPG's for begginers, its not its a pathway to cannon lore of titansgrave, a preview of the first module path their release and marketing of a spefic rule set.

Nothing corrupt about not being a charity and marketing for personal gain until you portray it as something else in full knowledge it will get more people to watch your marketing for personal game, and it wont be people looking to join an RPG. In Weatons defence the few companies / people out there better equipped than him self to do it clearly don't think its worth while or they'd of done it by now and i do think its a great way of promoting / settings and rpgs in general, i just feel his attempt so far makes some glaringly obvious mistakes and wont have the big players in the market all rushing to this for their upcoming product lines.

Not only as previous mentioned that he's probably been RPGing for around 15 years now, but Day originally approached him to do Tabletop as a RPG show, which he loved the idea of. Ask some of the guys running GAMA/Origins, they'll tell you that he's happy to RPG and has done it for years as part of charity events.

As I heard it, he suggested they do board games first, since the right ones would be much more photogenic, and then build an audience for an RPG episode. I'm only guessing, but I bet he was as thrilled as much as anyone that the kickstarter stretch goal for this series.


First Post
Has anyone started their own adventure in Valkana yet as i'm waiting for a break in my D&D adventures before I can begin my own. Any advice for someone starting a homebrew in Valkana?


Guide of Modos
I'm waiting to see if season 2 is any good before I buy. (Cough PRESSURE cough HURRY!)

PS WW doesn't need cred at this point. Valkana 1 was great.

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