Wil Wheaton has made the official announcement! As we already know it's Green Ronin's Adventure Game Engine (AGE) which powers Dragon Age and the upcoming Fantasy AGE. The show is called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana, and starts on June 2nd 2015.

Wil Wheaton has made the official announcement! As we already know it's Green Ronin's Adventure Game Engine (AGE) which powers Dragon Age and the upcoming Fantasy AGE. The show is called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana, and starts on June 2nd 2015.

Interestingly, Wil mentions that he worked together with Green Ronin to develop the Fantasy AGE system.

The world is written by Wil and his son Ryan, and is inspired by the 1978 Heavy Metal movie (I haven't seen it, sadly) and the 1980 cartoon show Thundarr the Barbarian (which I have also sadly never seen). Goblins with laser rifles, that sort of thing.

Watch the video below. And see here for all our fun, exciting clue-gathering and speculation which led to us figuring out eveything but the name in advance!


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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
This is good news. The Heavy Metal movie and Thundarr cartoon are interesting combinations of science fantasy and over-the-top action.

Also, Wil's beard is getting longer. Is he growing it out to impersonate Ed Greenwood?

Hand of Evil

Could be talking "Wizards" but that was 1977 - "On a post-apocalyptic Earth, a wizard and his faire folk comrades fight an evil wizard who's using technology in his bid for conquest."


Could be talking "Wizards" but that was 1977 - "On a post-apocalyptic Earth, a wizard and his faire folk comrades fight an evil wizard who's using technology in his bid for conquest."

That's a good point. I've known a lot of people who get the two confused, actually.
Mostly though I think I was just being pedantic. And I groove on that kind of setting the most so ..... he's got my attention.


The way he pronounces "Ronin" bothers me. Looking around online he might be right but it is not how I have heard it or said it my entire life up until now.


First Post
"The world is written by Wil and his son Ryan, and is inspired by the 1978 Heavy Metal movie (I haven't seen it, sadly)"


"and the 1980 cartoon show Thundarr the Barbarian (which I have also sadly never seen)."

And Epic Fail.

I expect better of you @Morrus. Do we need to start a kickstarter so [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] can watch these movies? Seriously...Live stream the movies and you can watch too (first pledge level), get the dvd and the livestream (next level), Tickets to the theater where the livestream will be airing and sit in the theater with @Morrus (popcorn add ons of course), etc. etc.

It's a good thing you have a lot of Geek-Cred, you can afford the severe loss you just took and still be considered Geek-Cool.

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