Wil Wheaton has made the official announcement! As we already know it's Green Ronin's Adventure Game Engine (AGE) which powers Dragon Age and the upcoming Fantasy AGE. The show is called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana, and starts on June 2nd 2015.

Wil Wheaton has made the official announcement! As we already know it's Green Ronin's Adventure Game Engine (AGE) which powers Dragon Age and the upcoming Fantasy AGE. The show is called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana, and starts on June 2nd 2015.

Interestingly, Wil mentions that he worked together with Green Ronin to develop the Fantasy AGE system.

The world is written by Wil and his son Ryan, and is inspired by the 1978 Heavy Metal movie (I haven't seen it, sadly) and the 1980 cartoon show Thundarr the Barbarian (which I have also sadly never seen). Goblins with laser rifles, that sort of thing.

Watch the video below. And see here for all our fun, exciting clue-gathering and speculation which led to us figuring out eveything but the name in advance!


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Possibly a Idiot.
Well , I was going to tease about the last article crashing, but that would be excessively mean now that everyone is nagging him about movies.:cool:

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
"The world is written by Wil and his son Ryan, and is inspired by the 1978 Heavy Metal movie (I haven't seen it, sadly)"


"and the 1980 cartoon show Thundarr the Barbarian (which I have also sadly never seen)."

And Epic Fail.

I expect better of you @Morrus. Do we need to start a kickstarter so [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] can watch these movies? Seriously...Live stream the movies and you can watch too (first pledge level), get the dvd and the livestream (next level), Tickets to the theater where the livestream will be airing and sit in the theater with @Morrus (popcorn add ons of course), etc. etc.

It's a good thing you have a lot of Geek-Cred, you can afford the severe loss you just took and still be considered Geek-Cool.

You know what makes it worse? I've never even heard of them!


First Post
You know what makes it worse? I've never even heard of them!

Just Stop. You are digging yourself deeper. Although in your defense, they are a bit of a US "cult-classic".

How many of us know of...well Wallace and Grommit is about all I can think of, but they aren't Geek-Cred cool, but you get the idea.


You know what makes it worse? I've never even heard of them!

We're here to help, Morrus. Back away from the ledge...we care...there's a better way forward...choose life...

I agree with some sort of intervention/Kickstarter/fundraiser. Seriously, Morrus is in deep trouble.

Thundarr, the whole series, is under $30 on Amazon, and the Blu-Ray of Heavy Metal is less than half that! I'm sure those strange British GP and coppers and such can be used to buy things from Amazon, right? Sure, definitely.

Morrus: BUY...NOW...and get yourself some Trooper beer while you're at it - I bet it'd go down well while listening to the soundtrack for HM.


Morrus, How have you not heard of Thundarr the Barbarian before now, Paizo namedropped it dozens of times when they were describing Iron Gods, pretty sure MCG namedropped it when describing Numenera too. Heavy Metal, I dunno man, it's only been a magazine for about as long as D&D has existed, usually shelved in stores right next to the genre fiction/media magazines too - and the movie, the movie was animated by Ralph Bakshi, who did the animated Hobbit and Wizards, how have you not heard of it?


Here's a Thundarr documentary. Trivia, btw, Jack Kirby was involved.

As a side note, I'm an American who is a Wallace and Grommit fan. I've also enjoyed Blake's 7. Everyone I know here is a Johnny C. Lately on Doctor Who. I enjoy NuWho, but Tom Baker is always my first.

That documentary makes Thundarr look pretty badass. Maybe even more than I remember it to be.

Morrus: how many episodes have you watched so far?

Von Ether

That documentary makes Thundarr look pretty badass. Maybe even more than I remember it to be.

Morrus: how many episodes have you watched so far?

Mmmm. It might be better is he just watches the documentary. It was a 70s kids show. You have to really get that the form of high art at that time slot for that era was Scooby Do.


Mmmm. It might be better is he just watches the documentary. It was a 70s kids show. You have to really get that the form of high art at that time slot for that era was Scooby Do.

1. The documentary is really good - I am pleasantly surprised.

2. And you've got to watch at least a few episodes in full.

3. Are you besmirching the reputation and quality of Scooby-Doo, sir?

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