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Angel - episode 100 - 2/4/04 [SPOILERS]


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Favorite Lines:

"Who's Colin Farrel?"

"You honestly think that you have control over my comings and goings, sweety? Well, maybe not my goings - but my comings...p"
"So you two are groin buddies?"

"Get out of that chair, and I'll feed (some sort of shoe) to you - which are absoluting stunning btw."

The whole Harmony bit...

"Why don't they need any unclean urine. I've got plenty of that. Oh - and I think I just made some.
That ending were horrible. Cordy had that catch in her voice - very impressive acting. I don't like it, but they did it well.


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John Crichton

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Really good stuff.

I knew it was coming right before it happened but I have to say that I must have had a really, really sad look on my face watching the end. Cordy was always one of my favorite characters in the Buffy-verse and she will be sorely missed. Wow, what a wonderful and bittersweet ep...

Hand of Evil

It had its points BUT I found it a little weak. Here they have been building up 'Doyle' and what happens, he gets sucked into a black hole, sure, he can still be in the picture but...

Cordy is back and hanging out like Janet Jackson (nothing wrong with that) it was nice, closed things, and set Angel on an even keel. A brief fight with Spike and the old Angel is back.

Harm is my Vampire Barbie. :) The really should have let her kill Eve.

Maybe it was the pace and the point of the show to fix issues and start wrapping things up, I just thought it did not have punch for a show that brought back and then killed off a major character, finished off a foe, turned corners in the show.



What I can say is, if that's the last appearance of Cordelia Chase, I'm satisfied. Very well written, even for what is essentially a "ghost" story.

It took me back all the way to season One, and gave me a feeling from the show I haven't had in a long time. The lines were there, the characterization was there, and it left a very strong closure on the rather lame storyline that was the result of real-life concerns.

I loved all the lines everyone mentioned, and really don't have much to say except:

-I'm looking forward to next week's "German U-boat" episode. :)


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"Well, I am evil, so I'm willing to torture her for the team."

I really cracked up during that line. Seriously, I've heard people say that during my D&D games.

I thought the preview for the next episode was a spoof at first. Looks like good cheesy fun. Mmmm . . . cheese . . .


First Post
I liked it. I agree that the Doyle thing came to a boil way too fast. But I was very happy that they had the phone call at the end. The trite, cliched lines she was throwing out to explain why she couldn't stay were just making me wince, and then...redemption.

The loss of Cordy is all the worse because it was clear from the moment she appeared that she is what the show has been missing. That little bit of vinegar that makes the dressing. That tart, driving little presence that was the heart of the show. Angel is the soul, Wes is the brain and Cordy was the heart. The chemistry suddenly worked again. And now it's gone.


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Hand of Evil said:
Maybe it was the pace and the point of the show to fix issues and start wrapping things up, I just thought it did not have punch for a show that brought back and then killed off a major character, finished off a foe, turned corners in the show.

Lindsey isn't finished off by a long shot. In an interview on a local radio station yesterday morning, David Boreanaz said that Lindsey would be gone for a couple of episodes, but he would be back.

Vocenoctum said:
I would like to know why Lyndsey had such a hate on for Angel, and why the SP were after him. Neither seemed the case when he took his leave.

Angel and Lindsey have never liked each other, though they had seemed to reach a "you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you" kind of understanding when Lindsey left the first time. There are any number of reasons he could have reconsidered (his hand, Darla, Angel running W&H). My money is on the last one, and the opportunity to screw over both Angel and the Senior Partners was probably just too good to pass up. As for why the SP would be after Lindsey? Well, he did just spend considerable time and effort screwing with whatever they have planned for Angel & Co., not to mention he "corrupted" thier operative on the inside...


Iron Fist of Pelor
KidCthulhu's got it. After about twenty seconds of Cordelia screen-presence, my wife and I said in unison, "I missed Cordelia!"

It was an apt farewell for the character, but at the same time it makes me fear that I just watched the last good episode of Angel. CC is a great actress, with talents that I hadn't realized I missed (and by talents I do mean talents -- this ain't Freudspeak).

Next week's previews look like exactly the kind of episode I hate: Charmed with stakes. HOpefully I'll be wrong; otherwise, I may end up pretending that the show ended on last night's terrific episode.



First Post
I agree with just about everyone, Cordelia was/is the missing piece. I got home early from school last night as I was actually able to watch this one in HD and man I miss that. I really miss Cordelia in HD. Wow!

I really hope that Joss finds some way to fill the gap that she left in the show. Like most people I couldn't figure out what the gap was until last night.

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