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Any interest in Gamma World?


First Post
Now, for your mutations:

Razor Sharp Leaves: This is essentially more spines. You can reroll or add 2d4 to your Spines score.

Oversize limbs: Either your "arms" or "legs" are 80% longer than normal; this you may choose. If your arms are longer, you gain reach. If your legs are longer, you move at human-speed.

I'll keep the extra spine damage and go for longer arms. Combined with the Con bonus, it all fits together pretty nicely to make him a nice, prickly wall. Much fun.

Poor Dual Brain: You have a second brain with an alternate personality. This second brain resents your first brain's control. In times of stress (like combat) it has a 5% chance of taking over for the next hour. The second brain holds one mental mutation. Note: You'll have to be comforatable playing a character with a split personality. If not, this will be rerolled.

I'm all for a split personalities; two characters for the price of one! ;) Now, would I play both personalities, or does the GM take over if the second one gains dominance? Also, does the second personality have its own set of mental stats? Mostly wondering since it occurs to me that a smarter second self would probably be quite put out if the slow-thinker managed to maintain control most of the time. ;) Of course, if they share a mental stat, it's also entirely possible that the second self just *thinks* it's smarter, which is its own kind of fun.

Sonar: You gain sonar ability out to 100 meters. Any round in which you are using sonar, you cannot speak.

Sonic Blast (13): You can project a sonic blast once every four rounds that does 3d6+1 damage that you manage to hit in a cone 10 meters long and 5 meters wide. You are immune to sonic blasts yourself.

Hmm. Sonic cactus. heh. Actually, since his spines are 'reinforced' as it were, maybe this is part of the same mutation: the spines are, oh, I don't know, more ... hmmm, silica-based (I only know fake science, so I'm pulling from thin air)? and he can set up vibrations through them / absorb sound through them. Heck, combined with the no talking and sonar-ing, maybe he doesn't have a mouth at all, but creates speach using his spines. Just fluff, of course. His crystalish spines wouldn't be anything more than an aesthetic thing.

(Yes, you got Sonar and Sonic Blast while Shayuri got Sound Imitation. That'll work really well together.)

Could be a good reason why they're together in the first place.

Note: You can choose either to be able to manipulate tools, talk, and smell and taste at the same time, or receive one more bonus physical mutation. I assume the talking and tool use is what you'll choose, but the choice remains.

Tools and talking sounds best to me. He (names, gotta think of names, for both identities...) seem to have a host of abilities that I think I can work conceptually together. With my luck, an extra one would just throw the whole thing outta whack.

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First Post
Hee...you know what would be cool for cactus von cactusalot...

The spines could be crystalline, and form a phased auditory array. He can control each spine's resonation to a fine degree, or let them vibrate in response to incoming soundwaves. Each one, in effect, acts like a tiny sonic transciever. When they all act in concert, they create effects as commonplace as vocalizations, or as extreme as that sonic blast...with the sonar ability coming in at a healthy 'medium' setting.

That also makes them unspeakably hard and sharp, hence the high damage.

Hee hee

It's really cool when disparate effects can have a cool global explanation.

InVino, I'll take the mutant. Probably not an Examiner though...I just don't see that as being this character's strength. I'll probably go Esper.

Ideas forming. Is it possible that this character is a member of a more or less stable "species" of mutant human? I have this mental image of a reclusive race of giants living in remote mountain valleys, hiding away from prying eyes. They herd mutated animals native to the region with sonic attacks, using them for food, clothing, tools and protection. They're low tech, but have a monastic mystic tradition due to their racial telepathy.

Sound doable? I don't see any real game effect...it's just to give a shape to the character's past, and thus the character's present.
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Physical Strength: 21
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 16
Mental Strength: 11
Intelligence: 13
Charisma: 10
Senses: 14

Height: 1.25 m (2 m long with tail)
Weight: 35 kg

Tail slap for 1d8 damage at -2 THAC
Bite for 2d6 damage
Natural AC 13 before modifiers
Base move 15 (15 bipedal)

Mutations: Heightened Physical Strength (2), Oversize Limbs (arms, +60%), Radiating Eyes (8) (intensity 5, +2 Health vs. Radiation), Skin Structure Change (glows), + 1 mental

Questions: The tail slap is a secondary attack? IOW, can he bite and tail slap in one round? You mentioned bumping bipedal movement to 15. Does this increase the other, presumably quadrepedal movement? Does he have two movement speeds/modes? Since the skin structure change doesn't produce enough light to see by, I presume the effect can be muted at least in part by clothing?

For a mental mutation, I'm thinking something along the lines of a dimension door effect? Other than that, don't have a clue. And, although I'm tempted not to, I guess we'll go with full-blown reptilian humanoid. Unless, perhaps, there is some sort of alternate form mental mutation?

You can bite and tail slap in the same round. Your move is 15, in either quadruped or biped form, so no change. Note that your long arms give you reach with weapons, but not your bite/tail. You can mute the glowing skin with clothing or other cover. You don't have to take this, but I assume that the glow is a side effect of your radiating eyes.

There is no "change form" mental mutation, but there are two dimension door mutations. Displacement is defensive, automatically teleporting you when in lethal danger, like when you fall unconscious or some other bad situation. Teleportation is active, giving you the ability to voluntarily teleport once per four hours. You can teleport short distances (about 50m) within line of sight, or teleport up to 5 km to a familiar location. Which would you prefer?


Hee...you know what would be cool for cactus von cactusalot...

The spines could be crystalline, and form a phased auditory array. He can control each spine's resonation to a fine degree, or let them vibrate in response to incoming soundwaves. Each one, in effect, acts like a tiny sonic transciever. When they all act in concert, they create effects as commonplace as vocalizations, or as extreme as that sonic blast...with the sonar ability coming in at a healthy 'medium' setting.

That also makes them unspeakably hard and sharp, hence the high damage.

Hee hee

It's really cool when disparate effects can have a cool global explanation.

InVino, I'll take the mutant. Probably not an Examiner though...I just don't see that as being this character's strength. I'll probably go Esper.

Ideas forming. Is it possible that this character is a member of a more or less stable "species" of mutant human? I have this mental image of a reclusive race of giants living in remote mountain valleys, hiding away from prying eyes. They herd mutated animals native to the region with sonic attacks, using them for food, clothing, tools and protection. They're low tech, but have a monastic mystic tradition due to their racial telepathy.

Sound doable? I don't see any real game effect...it's just to give a shape to the character's past, and thus the character's present.

Absolutely doable, and it fits the campaign world well.

The party will start in the village of Hope, on the banks of the Mercy River. It is away from the coast, but still on the floor of the Walking Valley. The Mercy River winds all the way up into the Serravad mountains, and there are a lot of beautiful, rugged, hidden places up there. I like this idea; feel free to keep working on it.


I'll keep the extra spine damage and go for longer arms. Combined with the Con bonus, it all fits together pretty nicely to make him a nice, prickly wall. Much fun.

I'm all for a split personalities; two characters for the price of one! ;) Now, would I play both personalities, or does the GM take over if the second one gains dominance? Also, does the second personality have its own set of mental stats? Mostly wondering since it occurs to me that a smarter second self would probably be quite put out if the slow-thinker managed to maintain control most of the time. ;) Of course, if they share a mental stat, it's also entirely possible that the second self just *thinks* it's smarter, which is its own kind of fun.

Hmm. Sonic cactus. heh. Actually, since his spines are 'reinforced' as it were, maybe this is part of the same mutation: the spines are, oh, I don't know, more ... hmmm, silica-based (I only know fake science, so I'm pulling from thin air)? and he can set up vibrations through them / absorb sound through them. Heck, combined with the no talking and sonar-ing, maybe he doesn't have a mouth at all, but creates speach using his spines. Just fluff, of course. His crystalish spines wouldn't be anything more than an aesthetic thing.

Could be a good reason why they're together in the first place.

Tools and talking sounds best to me. He (names, gotta think of names, for both identities...) seem to have a host of abilities that I think I can work conceptually together. With my luck, an extra one would just throw the whole thing outta whack.



Your new Spines score is 22. A Spine attack does 1d6+5 damage, and wrestling you causes 2d6+5 damage. Nasty, sharp spines!

You get to roleplay both personalities. Your second brain's mutation is 1d100=26
Heightened Mental Attribute
Heightened Intelligence. It is smarter. Its intelligence is (8+6-0=14) 14.

Choose a class and we'll finish him (them?) up!


First Post
The spines could be crystalline, and form a phased auditory array. He can control each spine's resonation to a fine degree, or let them vibrate in response to incoming soundwaves. Each one, in effect, acts like a tiny sonic transciever. When they all act in concert, they create effects as commonplace as vocalizations, or as extreme as that sonic blast...with the sonar ability coming in at a healthy 'medium' setting.

That also makes them unspeakably hard and sharp, hence the high damage.

Hee hee

It's really cool when disparate effects can have a cool global explanation.

Exactly the sort of thing I was looking for! Thanks for making sense of my babbling.


Your new Spines score is 22. A Spine attack does 1d6+5 damage, and wrestling you causes 2d6+5 damage. Nasty, sharp spines!

You get to roleplay both personalities. Your second brain's mutation is 1d100=26
Heightened Mental Attribute
Heightened Intelligence. It is smarter. Its intelligence is (8+6-0=14) 14.

Choose a class and we'll finish him (them?) up!

Perfect! Okay, of the classes, he seems most like an Enforcer. He's not super strong, but his built-in attacks, plus reach and a good con should mean he makes a nice wall. Plant Shield instead of Meat Shield ;)

Did some googling on cacti for names, and I think I'll go with Indio for the dominant personality (easy-going brute / wall type) and Xanderi for the thinker stuck as the secondary (who would like to stop this wandering around finding trouble and just take root next to some lovely ruins with lots of ancient writing to sift through, thank you very much).

Hmm, you know, since Shayuri's character has telepathy, can the secondary personality communicate with her even when it's not in control? Just brainstorming. :)

I'm still fiddling with ideas for background.


Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Okay, what's our next step? Looking at his ability scores and mutations, I'm thinking Sleestak ought to be an Enforcer.
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Exactly the sort of thing I was looking for! Thanks for making sense of my babbling.

Perfect! Okay, of the classes, he seems most like an Enforcer. He's not super strong, but his built-in attacks, plus reach and a good con should mean he makes a nice wall. Plant Shield instead of Meat Shield ;)

Did some googling on cacti for names, and I think I'll go with Indio for the dominant personality (easy-going brute / wall type) and Xanderi for the thinker stuck as the secondary (who would like to stop this wandering around finding trouble and just take root next to some lovely ruins with lots of ancient writing to sift through, thank you very much).

Hmm, you know, since Shayuri's character has telepathy, can the secondary personality communicate with her even when it's not in control? Just brainstorming. :)

I'm still fiddling with ideas for background.


Yes, Shayuri's character will be able to contact Xanderi separate from Indio.


Since there is a "deamand" for playing mutated animals I'l go with mutated human, saves me form having to decide what animal to play;).

Also I have the 2004 version of Gamma World, the one based on D20 modren, will this be of any help?

Okay, Lukeworm, here's the Altered Human:

4d6.takeHighest(3)=16, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=13, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=9, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=10, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=9, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=8

Physical Strength: 16
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 9
Mental Strength: 10
Intelligence: 9
Charisma: 8


Senses: 7


4 Physical Mutations, 1 Mental Mutation

1d100=94, 1d100=59, 1d100=6, 1d100=51, 1d100=98

Night Vision: Can see in low-light as well as daylight.

Body Control (15): Can heighten one physical attribute or one sense once per day for 7 rounds.

1d4=1, 1d2=1
Multiple Limbs: You have one additional arm. You can use an extra arm for activities, and get +2 Dexterity for actions in which all three arms are used.

Pick 1 more physical mutation.

98: Roll 2 mental mutations.
1d100=69, 1d100=83

Telekinesis (11): Can pick up and move items around with a Physical Strength of 11 at a distance of up to 25m away.

Teleport Object (9): Can teleport an object of up to 9kg anywhere within 50m.

So, pick a physical mutation, and you're good to go.

Voidrunner's Codex

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