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Anyone Up For Some FR Discussion?

Weeble said:
my problem with FR is that they use too many names or places modeled nearly the same as in our real world....

(bash away)

This wasn't really the topic of the discussion was it? Before we hijack the thread I'll just say that the FR names are generally easy to remember and often have a very cinematic feel. Cormyr, Sembia and Chondath are all good country names that stick to your mind. Waterdeep, Evermeet etc. are descriptive as well as being evocative. If I look around at the names of cities and places here in Denmark (Denmark itself means sth along the line of Field of the Danes) that have their roots in the middleages, I would come out with names like these:

Cloister of Loegum (Løgumkloster)
Smith's Town (Smedeby)
Merchantharbour (Copenhagen - København)

Etc. People often name locations after what function or characteristic they have. There's nothing weird about it - not in the real world and not in the FR. So let's drop it and return to the main discussion....


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First Post
Set and the Fangs of Set adventurers

The High Hands of Bane adventuring party, the ones that started the Risen Cult of Bane


The Twisted Rune leaders

Slarkrethal and the Kraken Society

Inferno and his NWO dragons

Anybody who can plunder the Raurin Desert and make it out alive!

Makes sense?

Yes, it doesn't make sense, but it seems that neither does the real world. USA has more enemies than a few, with different levels of hostility and power. Taleban, The Red Wiz.. err Communists of China, Gaddafi, Hussein... the list goes on yes, they make no sense.

If it flies in the real world, why not fantasy? Should all real world games be about Hussein? That'd be boring.

You're actually making my point. None of those groups (well, not all of them anyway!) are pure evil in big drippy letters and have mounted credible threats to take over the world. THAT's the difference between a world that makes sense and one that doesn't.

Joshua Dyal said:
You're actually making my point. None of those groups (well, not all of them anyway!) are pure evil in big drippy letters and have mounted credible threats to take over the world. THAT's the difference between a world that makes sense and one that doesn't.

The FR power groups don't exactly step on each others toes too much - you'll find plenty of descriptions on this in LoD. The Zhentarim, Iron Throne, Shadow Thieves and Nights Mask - for instance - only operate inside limited geographical areas. Most of them are not even in competition for the same areas.

Others have widely differing aims. The Cult of the Dragon has very, very few members and are not really visible or inferring with any of the other power groups very often. The same could be said for other organisations such as the Twisted Rune and Knights of the Shield.

The Red Wizard's have a country of their own to rule - from here they try to form enclaves in other places. There's nothing illogical in this - some places greet them welcome (through deals with other power groups) others don't. Sometimes enclaves can be set up in areas that belong to no particular power group. The Realms are HUGE after all.

Almost none of the evil organisations have the resources to take on an entire country at the moment (the exceptions probably being the Red Wizards and the Shades - and the relationship between these have been hinted at heavily in LoD).

There's nothing inherently illogical or ridiculous about the setup of the evil organisations of the Realms. When they do step on each other's toes, conflict is sure to arise - as it should be - as it is in the RW (never heard of Mob Wars? Biker Wars? Gang Wars?). Take a look at their demographics in LoD - it's not like the evil-doers are flooding the place.


Yeah, but I'm not changing my mind, because teh forgoten rlems suxxx!!!!111!!! :p

Actually, it sounds like they've taken some steps to alleviate a lot of the problems I used to have with the Realms. Bravo to them!

I'd still rather homebrew, though! :)


First Post
Joshua Dyal said:
You're actually making my point. None of those groups (well, not all of them anyway!) are pure evil in big drippy letters and have mounted credible threats to take over the world. THAT's the difference between a world that makes sense and one that doesn't.

Ok, then rewind back, oh what, fifty years? Germany really tried to take over the world. Russia (perhaps secretly) tried to take over the world. Japan tried to take over the world. Mussolini was to hitler what Saruman was to Sauron, I guess. And all of those countries were evil in D&D alignments.

Todays world is different. 'Take over the world' threats won't work. But they were pretty close just little over 50 years ago. (Ok, just close enough to be tried.)

World with multiple powerful threats is not unrealistic. It's all in the context. Today, perhaps, it doesn't make sense. In history it has. (I was wrong on the first example. Maybe in this too ;))


First Post
FR and Shadow in General

OK. Sorry. I was experiencing technical difficulties earlier. To the topic at hand.

FR and the Shades:

Well... Lots to say. Shadow is a big thing in FR. It started with some lame Harper books (IIRC), like Crypt of the Shadowking and Curse of the Shadowmage. This guy in the books (I forget his name. Something starting with a "C") has mastered some strange "Shadow Magic," which basically allows him to manipulate shadow in any way he choses, to basically create any outcome desired. Really bad books. Then, we have the Shadow Stone, which is even worse, and touches on the Plane of Shadow, which was a first (IIRC). Then we have the malaugrym, which have a history that is so contradictory I could puke. At first, by Greenwood's standards (standards I tend to hold true to, regardless of recently published material that claims that malaugrym are these wierd-looking spheres with three tentacles and a single eye) the malaugrym are formerly decended from a single human named Malaug who entered the Plane of Shadow and started a race (or something like that). Now, we're supposed to believe these brand-spankin' new rules that say the malaugrym are these alien creatures and whatnot. No need for the contradiction. THEN, we have the less recent FR material explaining that Shar RECENTLY created the shadow weave, and has hidden it from Mystra. NOW, we're supposed to accept the fact that there were shadow adepts way back during the times of Netheril, a fact which basically contradicts years of FR lore. I don't like the Shades. I don't like Denning's characters. Something as world-shattering as the Shades' return should have been handled by Greenwood. I mean, after the Avatar Trilogy and Beyond the High Road, do we have to sit through a book containing a group of adventurers consisting of a lame elf fighting for his "shadow self," a stone giant (or is he a fog giant? As if that would be better.) who can sculpt pretty (pretty USELESS!) statues, and a re-occuring gimp/chosen of Cyric with a name I can't even remember (Malik yn Nasser? Lame, lame name. And did Denning have to slip in his name in Death of the Dragon? Why must he tag his signature characters like that? Lame). The only decent moment in the existing Archwizards books was the time when Khelben blasted scores of beholders and bugbears with a chain lightning. By the way... Beholders and bugbears? What a rediculous paring of monsters!! And ONLY bugbears and beholders? What, are we supposed to believe that those are the only two monsters available near Evereska? Am I the only one who sees the idiocy of this? Let Denning write about ogres and Ruha and leave the meat of FR to the master. End of rant. I'm watching you, Denning. Try to do FR good in the future, please.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Personally Mike, I rather have you, Monte Cook and/or SKR doing the writing parts, or someone other than Denning. He's never been my favorite FR author.

Voidrunner's Codex

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