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Are you an NPC?


While I have had some adventurous moments in my life, mainly various things while living in Kiev for 2 years and a few others, at nigh-unto 32 I am hardly a heroic PC. No, I would deff. fall into the Expert Class, even if I do have a few Bard and Cleric (or perhaps Smart and Charismatic Hero for the d20 Modern enthusiast) qualities. And I am probablly the most adventurous member of my gaming group. (Although one couple does like to go look for old cemetaries they never go at night, so how advenurous is that?)
On the other hand, take someone like my father: decorated in Viet Nam and then came home to serve 30 years at the busiest Fire Station in the city.
He I would consider beign a PC and having adventures.

So what about you? Do you have adventures? Or you an NPC like me?

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That's Latin for "cool"

Spent some time as an entertainment reporter in DC, scouring the nightlife of the Capital City. That has to count for something. Anyway, now I'm a mild-mannered computer programmer with a wonderful family.

.... wait a minute ....

Oh wow! I just realized something! I'm not just an NPC! I'm the hero's motivation! Surely with my past and present, I easily qualify as the guy who discoveres something big, lets the hero know about it, and then am tragically killed in a cover-up that is made to look like an accident! Dude, this is so totally me!

Now I'm off to find something big that I can be killed for in a cover-up! Wish me luck!

Hand of Evil

Yes, yes I am.

I am the quick fix guy, if someone needs something fast and quick I can normal get it for them. Also seem to know a lot of information that just does not matter and know just enough to make me dangerous.

I think I figured out some guidelines for making myself and my friends into d20 Modern characters.

Everyone's at least first level. If you've had to go through military or police training, you gain a level. If you graduate high school, you get a level. And again if you graduate college, or get a masters degree, or doctorate. If you win in the Olympics, or the Super Bowl, or some other thing none of us would ever win at, you get a level.

When you turn 21, 30, 40, and 65, you gain a level.

If you could take a portion of your life and turn it into a summer blockbuster action film, you get a level from that 'adventure.' You do not get a level if the best you can come up with is a Ben Stiller romantic comedy. Gangs of New York counts, so if you've been in a gang for a while, go you!

So I'm 3rd level, as are most of my friends from home, though some of my older friends are 4th. The highest-level person I know is probably 10th level, a college professor who served in Vietnam.

I think I personally am a Smart 2/Charismatic 1. Mind you, that's simply the classes I take. It doesn't mean I have a high Intelligence or Charisma.

I'm a sage. All of you adventures come to me when you need to know what the heck is going on. :p

I came to this relaization when my wife looked at me and told me in all seriousness that "you are a font of useless knowledge" :confused: Proudest moment of my life. :D

Well, I'm a Ph.D student now, but between undergrad and grad school I worked a great variety of jobs and fields, so I'm sort of a jack-of-all-trades. I've also made a lifestyle out of bardic knowledge checks, and I have a few ranks in Perform(Oratory). So I have at least a level or two in bard, but I think I'm mainly an Expert at this point. Lots of Knowledge skills. I'm probably the scholar the PCs go to with an obscure map, who can translate it for them, and then gets all nostalgic about his adventuring days and offers to go with them to help them translate or identify anything else they find. If they let me go with them, I'm probably crippled or killed within a couple encounters. :( I'm just not an Indiana Jones style scholar anymore.

Voidrunner's Codex

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