In between 3e and 4e, my group took a DnD break. We tried all sorts of games, some mainstream, some hippy dippy pass the story stick stuff as well. And that really impacted how I approached 4e and DnD in general. Way back when, I used to play all sorts of different systems, but, in the 2e days, it was pretty much exclusively DnD and then into 3e, I stuck with DnD.
It amazes me how much of a rut I had gotten myself into. There are just so many really cool ideas out there that can improve gaming for me. And, I think, my Dming has improved. I run a better game now because I hopped around a bunch of different systems. Not only to see what DnD does wrong, but, also to see what DnD does right.
So, when we change over to 5e, which will be likely sometime around Christmas, or into the new year (our current 4e Dark Sun game still has a lot of legs and there's some other stuff to kick around), I'm sure that that same point of view will inform our 5e games.
I highly, highly recommend playing, or at least reading, other RPG's just to get a better perspective on gaming in general.
It amazes me how much of a rut I had gotten myself into. There are just so many really cool ideas out there that can improve gaming for me. And, I think, my Dming has improved. I run a better game now because I hopped around a bunch of different systems. Not only to see what DnD does wrong, but, also to see what DnD does right.
So, when we change over to 5e, which will be likely sometime around Christmas, or into the new year (our current 4e Dark Sun game still has a lot of legs and there's some other stuff to kick around), I'm sure that that same point of view will inform our 5e games.
I highly, highly recommend playing, or at least reading, other RPG's just to get a better perspective on gaming in general.