D&D 5E Are you coming back to D&D from another GAME SYSTEM? (theoretically?)


I haven't' played or run D&D since the early 80's. I will try it out since it looks fun.

Since I left D&D I played GURPS, Rolemaster, Amber Diceless, Fate, etc. More recently I play Fate, Dungeon World, PDQ, Mouse Guard, and Don't Rest Your Head. I hope to bring some of their concepts into 5th ed if I run it.

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Punk Rock Warlord
Great question, Jay.

I left the hobby in the late '80s, AD&D and James Bond RPG were my bread and butter. When I started playing again in 2008, it was Call of Cthulhu that brought me back. In 5e games I write/run, there will be a strong narrative, with textured characters, loads of investigatory and social interaction seasoned with combat here and there.

One of the reasons that I liked WFRP3 was that it felt like Call of Cthulhu in a grim world of perilous adventure.

Fiasco and Smallville will inform my party and character creation process. L5R will color my world more political and faction-based.

Hand of Evil

Left D&D for Pathfinder and while I have ordered the books, I don't see myself moving to 5E; it comes down to support. WotC has been re-vamping old material for every edition with less and less new or original stuff, Pathfinder puts out original support material and has the Adventure Paths.


I'm not sure if I'll play D&Dnext - after my 4e campaign finishes (around 6 months - 4 or so levels - left) then I am hoping to run Burning Wheel.

But if I do play D&Dnext I'll be coming from the aforementioned 4e - which some people at least regard as another game system!

I moved to 4e from being a long-time (19 years) Rolemaster GM, and what sold me on 4e was that it finally gave D&D the mechanics to deliver the sort of story elements and play experience I'd been wanting from D&D way back in the early-to-mid 1980s. I would want D&Dnext to be able to deliver in the same way if I was going to play it in a serious way.


With some of the junk I've seen from 5e recently I won't be returning to D&D. IMO, it's just like 4e with lipstick

You took the time to sign up to the forum, and by your ninth post, you are frothing with this much negativity? Whose sock puppet are you?


First Post
I did not have a look at the play test and only read some blog posts and threads about it, so that edition will be kind of a surprise to me. According the the Acquisitions Incorporated gameplay videos it seems to be the came I want to play.

I started with 3.0, switched to 3.5 and and left, because I did not want to play third edition any more. I wanted to play 4e, but people around here kind of hate it and prefer third edition. Now I play Pathfinder, since I sold my 3.5 books, Pathfinder books are available and there are people around here I might actually play with. It's third edition, but one has to make a compromise and I the end it is not the rules, that matter. You might say, that I want to come back to D&D, although it does not feel to me, that I ever left the system.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Left D&D for Pathfinder and while I have ordered the books, I don't see myself moving to 5E; it comes down to support. WotC has been re-vamping old material for every edition with less and less new or original stuff, Pathfinder puts out original support material and has the Adventure Paths.

LOL that has to be the oddest answer yet. The game has not even come out yet...though they do have four adventures out for it. They are putting it out with an AP by one of the Pathfinder support companies, and it looks like they will be putting out APs at a faster rate than Paizo does...

I did the Back to D&D thing when 3E came out. Right now I'm playing in 4E D&D campaign, playing in a 1E AD&D campaign, and running a GURPS Fantasy campaign.

Voidrunner's Codex

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