D&D (2024) Are You Happy with the Selection of Subclasses?

They have gone way too far down the symmetry hole with their subclass picks so we end up with niche picks like Clockwork Sorcerer there purely to balance out the Wild Mage, Clestial Warlock to balance out the Fiend, etc. If each class had 8 subclasses in the PHB perhaps this would work better, but with four I would rather all the selections be a bit more iconic.

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I'm having trouble with clerics. There should be a lot of domains to choose from, as there are a myriad of deities in most campaigns. Maybe WotC should have not used domains as archetypes? Maybe clerical domains should be more along the lines of scholar, missionary, etc. Too late now.

Yes, both Cleric and Wizard, (Domain/School) are really uninspiring to me. Both of those should be an additional step somewhere with the class, but Subclasses should be better defined imo.

Actually now that I think about it for a second, PF1 did this far better as those ARE distinct choices during creation of the character. 5e over simplification strikes again.


I'm having trouble with clerics. There should be a lot of domains to choose from, as there are a myriad of deities in most campaigns. Maybe WotC should have not used domains as archetypes? Maybe clerical domains should be more along the lines of scholar, missionary, etc. Too late now.
Well they have Divine order.

But overall, Clerics and Wizard in D&D lore have many different little subfoci.
I mean they could flipped Domains and Divine Order then have a Scholar subclass that gives prepared spells based on domain where as Protector give the mastery and profieciency.

This way you could have 4 subclasses and 12 domains.

Too late now.


Druid: Circle of Stars
Sorcerer: Clockwork Sorcery and Aberrant Sorcery
Ranger: Fey Wanderer
Monk: Warrior of Mercy

Those subs are going in pretty much verbatim from Tasha or Xanathar and weren't in the Playtest. We were told to use them as-is.
Thanks, I appreciate it.

I dunno why I overlooked those.


I have to agree with the folks commenting that the necromancer is missing.

Necromancers are a staple of fantasy fiction that are represented in mythology, and that appear across 1920s pulp, LotR, and recent fantasy. It's a pretty big archetype to leave out.


I have to agree with the folks commenting that the necromancer is missing.

Necromancers are a staple of fantasy fiction that are represented in mythology, and that appear across 1920s pulp, LotR, and recent fantasy. It's a pretty big archetype to leave out.
That's why I expect to see it in the DMG.

I put in my play test feedback that the Holy Orders would make better subclasses, and the domains would be better utilized as something akin to warlock invocations. Alas, that's probably too ambitious for something that is basically a clean up edition.

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