D&D General Are You Ready For A "New" D&D?

Are You Ready For A "New" D&D

  • No, I am Happy With The Choices I Have

    Votes: 71 55.0%
  • Yes, I Want a Truly "New" Version of D&D

    Votes: 26 20.2%
  • It's Complicated...

    Votes: 32 24.8%

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
My preference for a 50th anniversary edition would have been a tidied up AD&D.
Fingers crossed they monetize by giving us deluxe reprints of each edition's corebooks, as we got some years back (but better -- ribbon bookmarks, for starters).

Depending on the treatment, they could definitely re-sell me 1E and 3E books again, assuming they were deluxe enough.

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Ein Jäger aus Kurpfalz
My preference for a 50th anniversary edition would have been a tidied up AD&D.
To me that describes Adventures Dark and Deep.

"Well, that's because Adventures Dark & Deep isn't quite a retro-clone. Almost, but not quite. Adventures Dark & Deep (abbreviated ADD) bills itself as being "based on Gary Gygax's plans for expanding the game." So it's claims to be a clone of neither 1st or 2nd edition AD&D. Instead it is a spiritual successor to AD&D 1st edition, with a distinctly Gygaxian design. Constructed by Joseph Bloch from notes, articles and blog posts by Gary Gygax it claims to be written as what the author believes AD&D 2nd edition might have been if the game's original creator had not parted ways with TSR some time before the release of second edition."

"The book works under the premise of what would 2nd Edition have looked like if Gary Gygax had stayed at TSR. Joe has taken articles, interviews and discussions and something like an anthropologist pieced it all together to get something new and yet familiar. Unlike the previous book, the Player Manual makes no assumptions that you have AD&D1 or OSRIC. There are some obvious roots in those games, but this is now it's own thing."

"The book does capture the feel of old D&D with some interesting twists. None that would trip you up, but still enough to make you go "huh, that is kind of neat"."

"ADD is, if nothing else, a clone of AD&D 1e with lots of new options and classes. It reads much like 1e to me just more user friendly, which is a compliment. ADD cleans up much of what was broken in Unearthed Arcana (sometimes known as AD&D 1.5) and fixes it.

Much of the draw of Adventures Dark and Deep are the new character classes, which can be easily dropped into any AD&D 1e / OSRIC campaign with little effort. I’ve always felt an affinity to Bards, and Joseph Bloch has an excellent version included. The Jester subclass reminds me of the old NPC class from Dragon Magazine - I remember my sister playing one."

"So: what to say about ADD? Imagine you had collected for an OSR game a rule-set of AD&D that included everything Gary Gygax ever wrote about the game, all the crazy stuff he put in Unearthed Arcana, stuff he put in Dragon, stuff he shared in private thoughts, stuff elaborated from vague ideas about how to remake the AD&D game, just packing as much stuff as Gary Gygax possibly could. Now imagine its not Gary Gygax at all, and just some guy named Joseph Bloch."

"What we get from ADD is a VERY complete Old-school RPG; I'd dare to say that it is truly more complete a game than AD&D 1e itself. Out of all the various old-school editions, it is most similar to AD&D 1e, since it uses it as its starting point; I'd go as far as to say that more specifically, you'd particularly like this game if you're a big fan of playing AD&D with Unearthed Arcana and with all kinds of weird ideas culled from old Dragon magazines. What you get in it, in fact, is a very odd variant of 1e with some unusual modifications, enough that it would certainly feel like quite a different game (while still being very recognizably old-school)."
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the Jester

I don't care about a "new" version of D&D. If the version I'm using had giant glaring flaws, I might. I want my D&D to constantly progress and get better, and a "new" version might better the game, but it's certainly not guaranteed.


And -- yes-- I am well aware that there are hundreds of examples of other fantasy RPGs out there. None of those are a new D&D.
I am happy with what I have, but this last sentence rings true to me as well. I would want a new D&D, not some other RPG. Can't tell you why - it is just what I would want.
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Yes, and no. Obviously, I went with, “It’s complicated…”

My first official D&D game was right after 2nd Edition came out. 2E was kind of my junior high and high school sweetheart, in some respects. We grew apart in college, and I moved on to more gothic types, but she always had a special place in my heart.

However, 2nd edition AD&D isn’t really where my heart lies. I wasn’t allowed to watch the D&D cartoon, or hang out with the older kids when they played, but what got my heart racing were the archetypes in basic D&D. I didn’t know that there was a difference at the time, but the idea that all fantasy (at the time I just thought it was swords and sorcery) heroes could be distilled down into 3-4 basic character types, structured around how they solved problems and interacted with strange worlds, was revolutionary for me.

Some time in the early 90s, while riding back from a Centrifuge trip, a slightly older teen did a complete ToM adventure using what I know now to be be BECMI D&D. It was kind-blowing for me. There were neat locations, peoples, puzzles, mysteries, and the occasional fight. I was in love.

Then, in 1999, I played a little CRPG called Planescape: Torment. At first I had dismissed it, as there were only four classes. Yet, I broke down, bought it, and fell in love. There may have only been four classes, but each of the fighter and multi class fighters had different strengths and played and were written differently. There was more variety there than I’ve seen in practice with any number of kits, PrCs, paragon paths, or subclasses. It rekindled that childhood wonder for basic archetypes, and demonstrated to me that they are flexible by themselves.

So, what does this have to do with the topic? I would love a new D&D that used B/X and BECMI as its bones rather than AD&D. Use the AD&D settings, but let me start as basic fighter or basic thief, and let me grow into something as I level. Gate options at higher levels. Give me something to strive for. Keep it at the core 4, but as we play and reach milestones, give us more options. Don’t present me with a glut of choices as I am making a character. Instead, let me play the character, learn who it is, and then grow into the world’s foremost illusion master or a trick shot with a quiver of unending arrows, or anything else like that. Start me basic, then let me grow like I have in real life.

That’s my complicated answer.


I wouldn't say I'm "ready" in the context of being sick of 5e / d20 RPGs, but I would be open to trying out a brand new version of D&D that isn't just an iteration of what's come before. After what happened with 4e, though, I don't expect WotC to try it again any time soon. Perhaps if the D&D brand ever gets sold to / bought by another company we'll get something brand new.

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