Michael Long
First Post
I returned to D&D, but returned to it by starting D&D 4th edition.
This is a question specifically for those currently playing 5E. Not for those not playing 5E.
I was wondering how much of a return to D&D there was, either from other games or from a place of no RPG-ing at all, as opposed to continuous play through editions. I know a lot of people played 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, and now 5E, or jumped on along the way. Others jumped off along the way and may now be coming back.
So if you're RETURNING to D&D from another game or from no gaming at all, let us know! What were you doing before? What brought you back?
Nope. Just answering the man's question. Didn't realize I had to check with you before posting. I'll do so in the future.
I came back with 4th as did my whole group.
I never stopped playing 4e, my bread and butter. There is nothing about 5th edition that interests me, whatsoever, as the developers have tried to turn back the clock and pretend my favorite game system never existed.
Both 13th Age and Dungeon World do what 5e is trying to do better, but I guess brand name sells more than actual validity of rules.