D&D 5E Are you RETURNING to D&D

Are you returning to D&D?

  • I never stopped!

    Votes: 93 32.1%
  • I'm back after playing other game(s)

    Votes: 114 39.3%
  • I'm back after a period of no gaming

    Votes: 51 17.6%
  • I'm not playing 5E and this thread is not for me

    Votes: 32 11.0%

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I am back after playing Pathfinder. During the initial days of 4E, we were doing Mutants and Masterminds for 18 months or so and thus when we came back to fantasy we picked up Pathfinder. None of the the groups I played with or talked with ended up going with 4E. We've played Pathfinder ever since then with our standard change-ups to other games. Now, I'm playing 5E and Pathfinder, and running both as well.


Yup, I am a returning D&D'er. Quit D&D due to group splitting up over 4E, some wanted to play others did'nt and I did not want to play 4E because it was not D&D. It was a totally new system that WoTC came out with to squish the Third party producers for 3.5. Well obviously that did not work since 4E tanked.Anyway glad to be back and 5E is turning out to be pretty good and it actually resembles D&D where as 4E did not.

This is a question specifically for those currently playing 5E. Not for those not playing 5E.

I was wondering how much of a return to D&D there was, either from other games or from a place of no RPG-ing at all, as opposed to continuous play through editions. I know a lot of people played 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, and now 5E, or jumped on along the way. Others jumped off along the way and may now be coming back.

So if you're RETURNING to D&D from another game or from no gaming at all, let us know! What were you doing before? What brought you back?

I'm back playing D&D. I've always played a few different systems, but after the release of 4e and playing it a few times I gave up on D&D. Mostly I'd been running Shadowrun, Rifts, and pathfinder as well as playing a friend's homebrew system. We toyed with starting back up a hybrid 1e/2e game like we used to play back in the day, but 5e has renewed our group's hope/faith in D&D products.

I left d&d in 2011 after giving 4e a good three years. Played some Pathfinder, but that was unsatisfying. Now I'm playing 5e and loving it, as well as other games.

I came back with 4th as did my whole group.

Morrus , I think you might need to complexificate this poll a bit -- if folks like drjones are voting, "I'm back," I'm not sure you're getting the data you are looking for.

For my part, the last D&D I enjoyed without reservations before D&D5 was D&D3. I suffered through D&D3.5 for the sake of my FLGS until D&D4 released, and ran D&D4 for six months before re-evaluating my commitment to the hobby and taking a year sabbatical from all tabletop roleplaying. Then I bought a house and started a regular club that plays a bunch of different games (including Pathfinder and AD&D2 but excluding D&D4).

I /do/ consider Pathfinder an edition of D&D, but for the purposes of your poll I think I am "back after playing other games."

I never stopped playing 4e, my bread and butter. There is nothing about 5th edition that interests me, whatsoever, as the developers have tried to turn back the clock and pretend my favorite game system never existed.

Both 13th Age and Dungeon World do what 5e is trying to do better, but I guess brand name sells more than actual validity of rules.

I never stopped playing 4e, my bread and butter. There is nothing about 5th edition that interests me, whatsoever, as the developers have tried to turn back the clock and pretend my favorite game system never existed.

Both 13th Age and Dungeon World do what 5e is trying to do better, but I guess brand name sells more than actual validity of rules.

So, option 4 then?

All these people jumping on the 5E bandwagon are going to be pretty disappointed when they find out the rules for their new favorite game system are invalid. /s

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